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Year 5 - N° 210 - May 22,  2011

Paraná (Brasil)

Leonardo Azzalin


What comes from the lack of common sense?

Again discussing the preposterous idea that the disembodied doctor Carlos Chagas was the author of the popular series "Nosso Lar
(The Star City)" 

There are certain issues that, truth be told, can only waste our time and contribute to nothing. One of them is this controversy about André Luiz's real identity.  Friends of Chico Xavier,
such as Hércio Arantes, claim that the medium had identified Carlos Chagas in the person of Andre. Not satisfied with the use of a pseudonym, anecdotes and facts about his life and his family have also been modified. 

According to what he reported in the book "The Astral City", Andre Luiz had daughters and a son and died relatively young, as their descendants were still in their early teens. Carlos Chagas had two sons, both already graduated by the time of his death.   

Andre regretted having supported his father in a decision which led a person to poverty. Chagas lost his father at age 4.   

And so - whether one accepts Hércio Arantes's information - several episodes mentioned as having actually happened to André Luiz would not be true, as always thought, especially two of them, the most exciting of his work, which was his visit to his wife, married again, and when he met his grandfather, a greedy fellow who confused dust with powdered gold. 

If we adopt Erastus's criterion towards this supposed revelation, well-known by the Spiritists ("It is better to reject ten truths than to accept a single falsity, one single wrong theory”), it is evident that, lacking so much common-sense, it would not pass any scrutiny of reason and die at the very source that discovered it. (Read about this subject in the article by Jáder Sampson published in issue 12 of this magazine by following this link - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/12/especial.html .)  

Since 1941, Chico Xavier saw André Luiz, future author of The Star City, alongside Emmanuel   

It is, however, advisable not to waste time with these kinds of things because there are other points - at least four of them - that are proving us to be temerarious to admit without further consideration that disembodied Carlos Chagas was the author of the series "The Star City."

Here they are:

1.   No one has ever seen anywhere a statement made by Chico Xavier on the subject. There are reports that attribute to him such a statement. What Chico Xavier wrote is what Suely Caldas Schubert inserted in her book titled Testimonies of Chico Xavier at page 96 et seq. In a letter dated 12/10/1946, Chico wrote to Wantuil de Freitas that, since the end of 1941, Emmanuel had been dedicating to Andre Luiz’s works. Since then, he had always seen that spiritual gentleman alongside Emmanuel and thus almost two years had gone by.  

2. The book The Star City was completed before the 3rd of October of 1943, when Emmanuel signed the preface to the work, therefore confirming the information posted in a letter by the medium, which said almost two years was the time that elapsed between his first contact with André (late 1941) and the completion of the first book (October 1943).

3.   Carlos Justiniano Ribeiro Chagas, who died in Rio de Janeiro on the 8th of November of 1934 , was born on the 9th of July of 1879. He was, therefore, ten years old when the Republic was proclaimed in Brazil and, thus, the end of the imperial period. However, the book Testimonies of Chico Xavier at page98, Chico Xavier informed he had quickly become acquainted with Andre Luiz, who participated in his prayers and spent time talking to him. The medium says: "He told me interesting stories and often reported memories of the Second Empire, which makes me believe it was him, Andre Luiz, also a personality of the referred period of time."  One wonders how someone as a child of only ten years of age could be a personality of a period that ended in November 1889.

4.  André Luiz had been informed by Lisias that he had spent more than eight years in the lower zones. This piece of information, like all others, could have also been false. Maybe he may not even have passed through the lower zones; this is what surely everyone thinks, especially when one knows Carlos Chagas's biography. After all, if his story was amended why would that piece of information be true? It happens that this information was confirmed by the Spirit Carlos Chagas himself, as noted in the book   In the Next Dimension, by the Spirit Ignacio Ferreira, through the mediumship of Carlos A. Baccelli, 1st edition, in which we read in chapter 35 page221:

"(...) For a long time, I also found everything very different here; even the lower zones, where I spent about eight years, seemed more humane ...Gradually, however, I got used to it and now when I go to Earth, I confess, to me, our incarnate brothers still live in a primitive way (...)". (Emphasis added.)  

André Luiz depicts in his work detailed information about the 2nd World War  

Against this background, assuming the data as true, the Spirit of Carlos Chagas would have left the lower zones in the last months of 1942, which does not match with what Chico Xavier said in a letter to Wantuil de Freitas. Let us not forget that Chico said that Andre was seen alongside Emmanuel since late 1941.

Moreover, one can find in his work detailed information on the outbreak of World War 2 started in 1939; reports that would have been mere fantasy of someone who, being at the same time in the lower zones without contacting anyone, could not have followed the aforementioned events.

By leaving the lower zones in late 1942, he would not have been possible for him to have written the first three books attributed to André Luiz. As Chico Xavier reported in a letter, it took him nearly two years to get ready, besides the time needed to compile the works. (On this topic, please read the article written by Pedro Bezerra Neto, published in the issue 138 of this magazine which the reader can read by following this link - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/138/especial . html.)

For those who insist on defending and disseminating such ideas, we leave here a reminder.

Imagine what would happen if someone linked to Carlos Chagas's family announced publicly that the film "Our Home: The Star City" is based on a farce; that the great doctor had no daughters; that left no orphaned children; that his wife did not marry a second time and, finally, that he died in 1934 and having spent eight years in the lower zones (as he himself said in the published works by Carlos A. Baccelli), could not have seen and followed the first moments of the 2nd World War started, as everyone knows, in 1939.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism