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Year 4 - N° 200 – March 13, 2011

São Paulo, SP (Brasil)

Leonardo Azzalin –leonardoazzalin@btinternet.com


Literary Critique

Reincarnation in the Spiritual World   

Title of the book: Reincarnation in the Spiritual World   
Author: Inacio Ferreira 
Medium: Carlos A. Baccelli 
Publisher: LEEPP 

At the request of some friends we have set ourselves the task of analyzing the book "Reincarnation in the Spiritual World" written by the Spirit Dr Inacio Ferreira through the psychography medium Carlos A. Baccelli.

The title of the book at first causes some awkwardness, because reincarnation is to return to a body of flesh. Is there a carnal body in the spiritual world?

We look for some way, before reading the book, of taking the title as a metaphor, perhaps because in the course of the narratives our friend Inacio Ferreira would explain how the process of being reborn in the spiritual world happens. We supposed that he would explain this rebirth in a logical and rational way, but this did not happen because, when you read the whole book with great care and attention, we notice that Dr. Inacio Ferreira made only four quotations about reincarnation in the spiritual world and one about the pregnancy, but only citations, he did not explain it or give details of how the reincarnation and pregnancy actually takes place in the spirit realm.

Dr Inacio Ferreira presents in his book some words by Chico Xavier (Spirit) when they were visiting on Christmas Eve some unfortunate entities, distributing food and Vovo Pedro (Granpa Peter) ointment to these entities; we believe that he had the intention of presenting an alibi to the theory of reincarnation in the spiritual world.

On this visit, they arrived at the home of a dwarf named Sinfronio and were received by this spirit who got suspicious. Chico introduced himself calming him down and asking him to call his wife Lucélia, also a dwarf, and to bring the baby, because they would be receiving assistance from them. After the necessary assistance, Chico explains to Dr. Inacio Ferreira that Sinfronio had met his partner in the spiritual world and then they had had Fininho, which is the name they had given to their one year old son.

Let's see what Chico says to Dr. Inacio:

"The three spirits are closely linked, Doctor... Fininho must have come to help - remarked Chico. A child is always a blessing, right? - he said that staring me in the eye, so as to hold back my curiosity" (Chapter 28, page 284).

Geneticists have not yet succeeded in cloning  
a human being

But yet so far nothing has been explained, for everything was on account of the assumption, because let's face it: these spirits are unfortunate entities who had no access to the knowledge of genetics so they would not be able to apply the assisted reproduction technique - pregnancy past menopause, in vitro fertilization, in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, foetal gene therapy, baby's birth from a mother dead for over a year, sex selection by parents for future children, human cloning. But even if they had access to it, except the cloning, all other reproduction techniques require male and female genital organs for the formation of the embryo that will then become the baby. And geneticists have not yet achieved success in the cloning of human beings!

Jerry Hall and Robert Stillman, professors at George Washington University in the United States, announced an experiment carried out successfully in Biology where, for the first time in history, human hands produced a perfect copy (clone) of a human embryo, but had to discontinue this experience on the sixth day, destroying the two embryos, because they had used abnormal cells incapable of developing into a baby. We do not believe, therefore, that those entities have mastered the cloning technique, so we just have to accept reproduction in the spiritual world by means of copulation.

Sexual intercourse of conjugation of bodies, as we do it while incarnated, are performed by unfortunate disembodied entities. In the dark zones there are real orgies, performed by them, and the Spirit Andre Luiz reports them to us in several of his works. But he explains this issue better in his book "No Mundo Maior (In the Greater World)." In that book, André Luiz tells us that he had to stay longer in the lower zones for not being yet prepared to appreciate the painful framework in which those spirits lingered, while his mentor, the Spirit Calderaro, along with his support team, was bound for the dark zones to visit the sexually perverted entities. What we can deduce is that if rebirth in the spirit realm were to happen through intercourse, I wonder how many rebirths would happen because of many of those entities who engage in those orgies.

We do not find any logic in reincarnation and pregnancy in the spiritual realm

We also know that all the discoveries that happen on Earth are preceded in the spiritual plane. But a discovery, an invention has a logical reason and leads to the evolution of mankind. Therefore it is justified. How can one justify the reincarnation of the spirit in the spiritual world? Would we have learned about sexual intercourse while in the spirit realm before performing it in the material life? We do not believe so, for sex is present as a reproductive means in all the elements of nature.

Quoting Emmanuel: Sex is life and harmony throughout the universe, i.e., sex is not learning, it is a natural law, a propulsive element of evolution. The conjugation of bodies generates other bodies, but the conjugation of spirits does not generate other spirits.

It behooves, therefore, Dr. Inacio to explain to us this need, because unfortunately we do not see it. In Spiritism we are not forbidden to make revelations, for Andre Luiz,through the hands of our unforgettable Chico Xavier, introduced several revelations, beginning with the book "Nosso Lar" when he speaks of the existence of that colony and many others which serve in the rescue of unfortunate spirits who linger wandering on Earth or in the lower zones. But the Spirit Andre Luiz, explaining how the colony was formed, tells us that there are hospitals, the source of water, the music field; he does not make an unsustainable revelation, since all revelation not explained, even if detailed, is devoid of logic and reason and should not be accepted. (1)

Because we know Dr. Inacio Ferreira as much as Baccelli, and we know they are reputable and responsible, we believe that they will be explaining in detail what Dr. Inacio meant by reincarnation and pregnancy in the spiritual plane, in which we particularly do not find any logic although we do not believe that our friends are acting irresponsibly towards Spiritism.

Inacio Ferreira is worried about the potential criticism that  his work would receive

Some spiritists who are fond of the medium Baccelli may be upset with us thinking we are being disrespectful toward the Spirit of our dear friend Dr. Inacio Ferreira, and that we are putting the mediumship of our dear Baccelli in doubt, which it is not true. We are only trying to meet Kardec's requirements when he asks us to apply the scrutiny of logic, reason and common sense on to all that we hear of men or spirit, as in this same work, on several occasions, Dr. Inacio tells us of the importance of this precept, as in the following excerpt: "Here's the problem, my dear, the serious problem of the religions in general: they do not explain what they preach, they do not research, they do not investigate ... "(Chapter 17 pg. 118.)

In this chapter (chapter 17), he aptly apologises for presenting in an unfortunate way a veiled reproach to the ideological patrol of the Spiritist Doctrine, as in the following passage: "Is it my fault? On the other hand, I couldn't be bothered by the way the ideological patrol of the Doctrine may judge me. I have learned from our mentors that, in Spiritism those who work have no time for scathing criticism " (Cap ITLE p. 7. 74).

At this point Dr. Inacio Ferreira is concerned about the possible criticism he could get for his work; a concern that should not exist, for when we write a text or a book, we usually try to bring on consistent and accurate information that meets the logic and reason, and it behooves the opponents to oppose that logic with another more accurate one. If they succeed to do it, then we have to surrender by accepting it for the interest of the Doctrine must be above anything; if they do not, they will only be blabbering and one should pay no attention to it.

The Spirit Andre Luiz, through the psychography mediumship of Chico Xavier, used to bring the pieces of information duly explained and was not concerned about any criticism, because there are always those who do not explain anything; they do not respond to questions submitted to them and are left with the disorderly rimes, without explaining the questions they were presented and talking about everything except what really matters to clarify the issue.

To discuss issues regarding the spiritist teachings is to seek the truth

The conclusion reached regarding the information presented by the Spirit Dr. Inacio Ferreira is that he has just launched the idea and probably will try to clarify it by writing another book, explaining it, because unfortunately he has not convinced us.

This is our opinion regarding this matter. If a friend has seen some logic and reason that we have not, feel at ease, for we are open minded to any kind of assessment. However, present answers that elucidate and explain the topic. It will not suffice to say things like "I am a friend of Baccelli's," "I have known him for a long time," I know he is a responsible and reliable person ", nor "I am an enemy of Baccelli's","I do not consider him a responsible person."

We are here merely disagreeing with a work prepared by their hands, and it is because we are friends of Baccelli and Dr Inacio Ferreira's, brothers in the Spiritist ideal, that we took the liberty of questioning them.

The information presented by the spirit Dr. Inacio Ferreira should be cleared up in details, because it changes the entire structure of the spiritist Doctrine in regard to the Basic Works, as well as what many remarkable figures of the spiritist literature as Léon Denis, Gabriel Delanne, Emmanuel, André Luiz and others.

We must remember that the Basic Works are supported by so great and unshakable logic and reason, insofar as not to assimilate revelations that do not fit in the construction of this monumental building. The Basic Works are the foundation, the structure of the Doctrine, and its complement must adjust to this magnificent structure; otherwise we would be destroying and not adding up.

We have to understand, lastly, that to discuss issues regarding the Spiritist Doctrine is not to discuss a personal point of view; it is to seek the truth, although relative, because the whole truth belongs to God.

We have responsibilities towards Spiritism and the consciousness that the doctrinal clarity should be above all; if we do not act that way, within a few years we will make a dogmatic doctrine out of Spiritism, in complete disagreement with Kardec's thought who proposed the rational faith and said that the only unwavering faith is the one which can meet reason face to face, in all times of mankind.


José Sola is a writer and contributor to the magazine Espiritismo & Ciência (Science & Spiritism).  

 The essential character of all revelation must be truth. To reveal a secret is to make known a fact; if the thing is false, it is not a fact and consequently not revelation.(The Genesis. Ch. I item 3). 


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