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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 199 – March 6, 2011
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Interview: Alan Krambeck

A look into Spiritist Philosophy

According to the well-known author and professor, Spiritist Philosophy is the only way to turn our beliefs into a true conviction

Alan Krambeck (photo) has been a Spiritist since 1990. He works at the Francisco de Assis Spiritist Group in the city of São José dos Campos, in the state of São Paulo, where he lives. Alan Krambeck is a professor of Philosophy (and also has a degree in Engineering), author of four books. In this interview, he talks about the importance of Spiritist Philosophy.

How did you become so interested in the study of Spiritist Philosophy? 

I first became interested in studying the Doctrine in the year 2000. I read

extensively and later attended several courses and seminars on Spiritism. In 2002, the Spiritist Federation of the State of São Paulo began its course on Spiritist Philosophy. I enrolled and became more and more interested, to the point of doing a bachelor’s degree and a post-graduation degree on the Philosphy.  

How many books have you published? 

Four books on Spiritist Philosophy, published in 2008 and 2009. 

Were you influenced by the work of the French Spiritist author, Léon Denis?  

Yes. Léon Denis always impressed me for his clarity, his capacity as an educator and, at the same time, for the depth of his analysis on a number of subjects. 

The books you published were prepared to be used in study groups or were they the result of what you taught and learned in those groups? 

The books were written in order to be used at the Course of Spiritist Philosophy in São José dos Campos. They were prepared as textbooks for the course. 

Can you tell us a bit more about the Course of Spiritist Philosophy?

It is a two-year course, with weekly two-hour classes. In total, the course consists of 96 classes. It was created in 2004 in São José dos Campos, based on a similar course set up by the Spiritist Federation of São Paulo. We had a pilot class, which was followed by other groups, due to the positive response we received in São José dos Campos and surrounding towns. For more information, go to the site www.filosofiaespirita.net.br.  

Has traditional Philosophy been influenced in any way by Spiritist Philosophy? 

Philosophy was born in Ancient Greece. It had its heyday before the Christian era. It went through a period of obscurity in the first 15 centuries since the birth of Christ, but went through a revival in the Modern Age. Spiritist Philosophy would begin as a subject in the XIX Century. However, similarly to Spiritist Science, it always met with academia’s scepticism, or even prejudice. Today, we dare to say that the roots of Spiritist Philosophy are in traditional Philosophy. More than that, I would say that many academic philosophers were, albeit unconsciously, the precursors of Spiritist Philosophy. Among those, I could mention: Pythagoras, Parmenides, Socrates, Plato, Plotyn, Giordano Bruno, Descartes, Leibniz, Bergson and many more. And, to answer to your question, no, Spiritist Philosophy has not influenced academic Philosophy, but it was always in its core, as traditional Philosophy has always been about looking for a better understanding of the Being, of Essence. In our days, we see academic Philosophy flowing into Spiritist Philosophy. 

Don’t you think the Spiritist Movement is overlooking the philosophical teachings of Spiritism? 

I don’t think so. What happens is that modern life offer other distractions. On the contrary, the Spiritist Doctrine offers great encouragement to reading and reflecting. Those who join the Doctrine develop the healthy habit of reading and considering all aspects of their lives.

What books would you like to recommend on the philosophical aspect of Spiritism? 

1-                O PROBLEMA DO SER, DO DESTINO E DA DOR – Léon Denis

2-                INTRODUÇÃO À FILOSOFIA ESPÍRITA – J. Herculano Pires

3-                NOÇÕES DE HISTÓRIA DA FILOSOFIA – Manoel P. São Marcos

4-                SER PARA CONHECER, CONHECER PARA SER – Astrid Sayegh e

5-                DEUS, ESPÍRITO E MATÉRIA – Manuel Portásio Jr. 

Which one of your four books would you recommend for those who want a more in depth approach? 

“Filosofia Espírita”, the third volume of the four books I published. The first two provides the initiation into Philosophy, the base. And the last volume is a comparative study of Spiritism and other religions. It is also important to say that all religions would benefit from the study of Metaphysics and Philosophical Anthropology, two sub areas of Philosophy.  

What would you like to add? 

I would like to invite all Spiritists to pay more attention to Spiritist Philosophy, as it is the only way to turn our beliefs into a true conviction. More than that, Spiritist Philosophy will prove how Allan Kardec was fortunate in his concept of “reasoned faith”.



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