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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 4 - N° 190 - January 2, 2011 

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


God's Ways


Albert could not wait to go on holiday.

He had been approved at school and was now in second grade. He felt like a man!

With the end of lessons, there came the parties, gifts, candy and trips. But what Albert really wanted was to go to the beach with his parents and two younger siblings.

So when the day dawned, and they hit the road, Albert could not believe it. He looked out the window of the car that ran fast, admiring the landscapes, animals, rivers.

After the car ride, the arrival to the coastline and the smell of the sea, which Albert breathed with enthusiasm.

They settled in the house and Albert went to the beach. He could not waste any time. He wanted to play.

Laura, his mother, prepared a snack and they set off to the beach.

Albert played a lot in the water and sand. When they returned to their parasol, a surprise: the snacks were gone.

They looked all around, but saw no one. Who would have stolen their snacks?

That beach was far away from the crowds and practically deserted. The curious thing is that in the bag there was money, a camera, a watch and other valuable things. Nothing else was missing, only the snacks!

They were all hungry. The solution was to return home and prepare another meal.

The next day, early in the morning, they went to the beach again.

And again later on, the packet of biscuits and fruits that his mother had brought in a bag disappeared.


Albert was furious. He accused his brothers of having eaten everything but his mother calmed him down:

- Albert, I was with your brothers the whole time, my son, and they did not come near our lunches!

- So who was it? - He shouted, nonconformist.

- I do not know, son. Maybe someone who passed through here! Anyway, it certainly is

someone who needs it more than us.  

Albert was sulking.

"Nobody will steal our lunches this way!" he thought.

The next day, he decided to keep an eye out for the culprit. He pretended to be playing in the water, but was very watchful, not losing sight of the parasol, where the bag with his lunch was.

After a while, he saw a boy approaching, coming out of the woods. The boy walked carefree, and when he was near the parasol, he bent down quickly, grabbed the lunch bag and disappeared again into the woods.

What a naughty boy! He was smaller and skinnier than Albert, but very agile.

Albert tried to run and catch him, but as he was in the sea, he had more difficulty. Coming out of the water, he was fast on the heels of the boy.

"If I catch that boy, I will give him a spanking!" he thought angrily.

Albert followed a path through the rocks and the woods until he saw a ramshackle hut.

He approached and as the door was open, he entered.

The house was the poorest he had ever seen. Amid the filth, he saw the boy he had chased. The boy was sharing the sandwiches his mother had made with three other young children, sitting on the floor of beaten dirt.

Seeing him arrive, the boy opened his eyes wide, full of fear. The children, very skinny, were filthy and displayed the same fear in their eyes.

Noting the misery of the shanty, Albert felt sorry for them.

- Are these your brothers? - he asked the boy.

The boy nodded.

- Yes. I am sorry for stealing your lunch. But they are very hungry and we had nothing to eat - he explained.

- And your parents, where are they?

- I have no father and my mother is very ill and cannot work. Look!

He lifted a big cloth that separated the bedroom from the kitchen and showed him a bed, where Albert saw a very skinny and weak woman.

- What is the problem with her? - he asked.

- I do not know. She is burning with fever and I think she will die if she does not receive medical care. I have prayed to God asking Him to help my mom ... but so far ... - said the boy, shaking his head sadly.

Albert, no longer angry but instead saddened by the plight of the family, encouraged him:

- Your mother will not die. My father is a doctor and will take care of her. Stay calm. I will be right back.

He ran down to the beach, and finding his father, he explained to him the situation. Immediately, the father went to the house where they were staying, grabbed his briefcase and accompanied his son to the hovel.

When he arrived, he carefully examined the woman, then asked the boy:

- What is your name?

- Tom, Doctor.

- Well, Tom, your mother has pneumonia and needs to be taken to the hospital. I will handle it. But who will take care of the small children?

- Thank you, Doctor. You can take her, do not worry, I will take care of the children – he
spoke with the firmness of an adult.

Albert and Tom became friends.

Laura, seeing the misery in which they lived, rushed to bring food, bread, milk, clothes and anything else they could need.

A few days later, the patient returned home recovered. Moved, she said:


- I cannot thank the support I received from you and the assistance you gave to my children. I am sorry for Tom's misdeeds. We've talked and I explained to him that he must never steal. If necessary, he might ask, but never take anything from anybody. And he promised that he will never do that again. Thank you, from my heart.

- Do not thank us. If it were not for Albert, we would not get to know you - Laura said, looking at his son with pride.

Tom said smiling:

- It's true. It was God who sent Albert, in response to my prayers. If he did not come after me because I stole his lunch, my mother would not have been helped.

Albert smiled satisfied and completed:

- Now Tom and I are good friends. My father always says that there is no chance. Everything has a reason for being. I think God works in ways we do not know...


              Aunt Celia


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