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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 166 – July 11, 2010
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - leonardorocha89@aol.com

Pedro Francisco dos Santos Neto:

“All of us have a contribution to give to the Doctrine of the Spirits”

Our companion talks about his work with Spiritism in the
Northeast of Brazil


Pedro Francisco dos Santos Neto (photo), born in the city of São Paulo, is a doctor specialised in ultra sonography and internal medicine. He lives in the city of Petrolina, in the state of Pernambuco, where he has helped open new spiritist centres, all of them focusing on important charity work. He became a spiritist in 1968, at the age of 17, and he´s deeply engaged in the work of several spiritist organisations in the city where he lives. In this interview, he tells us about his first days in Spiritism and his work to take the Doctrine to the borders of the states of Bahia and Pernambuco. 

O Consolador: How did you first get

involved with Spiritism? 

I was curious and began attending sessions of Afro-Brazilian cults. That was my first contact with spirituality. What I was looking for, I wasn´t quite sure… Later, I went to a spiritist centre in the city of São Bernardo do Campo (in the state of São Paulo), I received spiritual treatment and began studying The Gospel According to Spiritism and The Spirits´ Book. That helped me overcome the troubles I was experiencing as a result of my previous contact with less developed spirits. I can say I began to become a spiritist once I had the first contact with The Spirits´ Book. 

O Consolador: Why did you move from São Paulo to the Northeast of Brazil? 

I was tired. Working as a doctor in big cities is very stressful for a number of reasons, including the traffic and the deploring conditions you come across when you´re on call. Moreover, I always liked the Northeast of Brazil. 

O Consolador: When did the Fundação Lar Feliz (Foundation Happy Home) came into being? 

Thanks to the encouragement received by Maria Gertrudes, a medium from the state of Minas Gerais, the Foundation came into being 15 years ago. Our friend Maria da Ressurreição Barbosa wanted to carry out some social work in the region, as the charity arm of the spiritist centres which were opening their doors in nearby Petrolina and Juazeiro. We now help about 800 people, including 260 children in the nursery. Other have been attending courses and education activities, training them as hairdressers, on IT (computers) – activities that will improve their self-esteem and help them in the market place. We also offer services closer to spiritual matters, like evangelisation for children. All institutions work most of all on the improvement of human beings. 

O Consolador: Tell us about your work to propagate Spiritism through the radio. 

We broadcast ten hours a day of programmes with spiritist content, through Rádio Cidade in Juazeiro, in partnership with the Rádio Boa Nova network. 

O Consolador: How did you come about the idea of having a rebroadcaster in the Northeast of Brazil? 

Our goal was to take the spiritist message to a wider public. We made an attempt through a community radio, but we didn´t manage to secure the frequency. We then made a partnership with a group of businessmen and bought a radio station that was going bankrupt at the time. 

O Consolador: Tell us about the growth of spiritist institutions in the Northeast.

We attempt to follow the teachings of Allan Kardec and form small groups. If you rely on a single group, based in a big city, your work becomes vulnerable. If that group fails, the whole spiritist movement in the region suffers. That´s why we encouraged the formation of small groups in the neighbourhoods and periphery of the big cities. They became what we call Fraternities, made of 18 spiritist centres. 

O Consolador: Being in the border town of Petrolina, near the state of Bahia, you were able to integrate with the spiritist movement in the other major nearby city, Juazeiro. Tell us about that experience in integration on the border between the states of Bahia and Pernambuco. 

The integration came naturally. The spiritist groups in the region were being formed in an organised manner, without any disagreement between workers on both sides of the state line. Many spiritist workers in the region cooperate in several local institutions, not only in Juazeiro and Petrolina, but in several other towns in both states.

O Consolador: The Foundation and the radio station are both based in Juazeiro, in the state of Bahia. Do you face any bureaucratic problems as a result of working simultaneously in two different Brazilian states? 

The two cities are in different state, Bahia and Pernambuco, but they are united not only by a bridge over the São Francisco river, but also by the same ideal. I would say the most of the workers at the Foundation come from the other side of the river, from Petrolina. The authorities in Petrolina have never failed to help and assist us, when we needed their approval for example to organise any event. 

O Consolador: What are the basic procedures to become a rebroadcaster of the spiritist network, Rádio Boa Nova? 

You need to own a commercial radio station. Community radio is not allowed to rebroadcast their programmes. You need to inform Anatel (the Brazilian broadcasting regulators) and get in touch with senhor Jeter, from Boa Nova, who will certainly be delighted with the prospect of taking the Spiritist Doctrine to new homes and cities. 

O Consolador: What´s been the reaction to the work of the Foundation and that of the radio station? 

The Foundation does a more localised job, working with some of the poorest people in the city of Juazeiro. The Foundation has gained the respect of the local society and community, which give them financial support. As for the radio station, its message enters so many homes that the concepts of Spiritism ends up being absorbed and improving the lives even of those who are not spiritist. 

O Consolador: Would you like to add anything? 

I think all of us have a contribution to give to the Doctrine of the Spirits. All of those who are spiritist and have their own radio frequency across the country could help us spread the Doctrine. Many radio station owners go off air at night to save money. But with only 300 to 500 reais a month (less than US$ 150 to 250) and using the technology we have, they could rebroadcast the Boa Nova spiritist network at night. They would get a bigger audience and a good response, as more and more people seek for explanation for the problems they face, phoning in to share their views and experiences. Many people sleep with their radio on on Boa Nova so they can join in. 

O Consolador: Any other thoughts? 

I´d like to thank you and leave you my email to all of those who want more information on the subjects mentioned in this interview. Many thanks. My email is pedrofrancisco2000@oi.com.br.



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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism