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Year 3 - N° 136 – December 6, 2009

Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com

Love such Law

Lazarus (Spirit), in a message posted by Kardec, says the Law of Love replaces the character by the merger of human beings and destroys the social miseries, because love is the effective agent able to overcome obstacles

Love is the Law of Life. In him we move, it sustains us, we serve him. Created for the love of a father who intended us to happiness - to be built on the merit of their own efforts - and always supported by the love of brothers who have experienced and climbed the steps of wisdom and interior lighting, are situated in all as apprentices. 

Fortunately, however, always guided by luminous beings who, having reached maturity, tey turn to guide us in the difficult and slow walk. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that the pencil of God, saying that whoever wrote it was the Lord. Chico Xavier said he was a speck. Sister  Dulce  said  that poverty is lack of

love between men. 

In the same vein, Jesus - the benchmark that we have in terms of love, purity and greatness - also said he did not come to destroy the law, but comply with it. As stated Kardec, that give you with means to develop it, give it its true meaning and appropriate it to the degree of progress of men (1). No need to set an example, for life and moral acts and teachings of Jesus are very clear. 

However, what is unclear is what shapes the greatness of Mother Teresa, Chico Xavier or Sister Dulce follow the same path.   (2)   Spirits  are   mature,  aware,

experienced and essentially exemplified the Law of Love, which is none other than the charity. The same charity - which, incidentally, is far beyond charity and more on relationships - that inspired Vincent de Paul, Francis of Assisi and other expressive or anonymous names who lived and live their lives in order to ease, benefit, support and meet the needs of their brothers walk. 

The detachment of these figures, obedience to which they submit, humility - while firmly - and resignation that demonstrate and live, speak a thousand words of meaning and inner consciousness has acquired the goal of experiencing love. After all, when asked about the greatest commandment in the law, the response of the Master of Mankind was clear: " And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, trying him: Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the great and first commandment." as noted Matthew.

Jesus is the inspiration for that dignify the human condition

On the other hand, the synthesis of the Law of Love, expressed in "All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them: for this is the law and the prophets", the note of Matthew, and "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise", the record of Luke, also follow the same lines of love, attention and care for our neighbor, not to mention that the same procedure should apply to ourselves, which is not vanity, but expression also love, as we in the same way we respect and Love. 

Such considerations lead us back to the examples cited at the beginning of this chapter. That reasoning led Sister Teresa Dulce and to act as they did? What is this force that moved in favor of the poor and destitute, forgotten, sick and abandoned? Similarly, Chico Xavier - in Brazil of the inspiring initiatives for the poor - earned national respect. 

These examples, among many others that can be cited - including anonymous - follow the same goal, needs, find the one that suffers them to ease the difficulties, to extend the compassionate look of compassion, offer a helping hand, the stimulus word and affection and, essentially, to love, as recommended by the Divine Law and taught by the Master of Mankind. Indeed, that is, Jesus is the Supreme Inspirational these noble figures that dignify the human condition. 

The large queues of people seeking soup in different institutions - from various religious denominations in Brazil - which accumulate to receive a basket of Christmas, seeking the bazaars and donated clothes, who need medical care and free dental, which benefit from vocational courses also charged, or cutting of hair, among other volunteer activities, a number of initiatives have been telling us that strength in solidarity, inspired by love, that moves so many people everywhere. Here we speak of Brazil, but there is another force that moves the International Red Cross, among many other NGOs around the world.

Solidarity, inspired by love, moves... 

Love is indeed responsible for the Holy Houses of Mercy, Houses St Vincent de Paul, asylum, orphanages, kindergartens, APAEs, among many initiatives, in its origins, which are subject to the bureaucracy, demands and needs of our time. It is love, this effective agent able to overcome obstacles and inspire such actions. It is that solidarity, inspired by love, moves. 

Therefore, the Spirit Lazarus (3) emphasizes: “(...)The law of love substitutes the selfishness of man with the harmonizing of all beings in brotherly love, thereby extinguishing social miseries. (...)”.Such a crush of social misery (I invite you to expand the meaning of the term social misery, which, obviously, not just hunger or misery material) is exactly the initiative, or initiatives to ease the difficulties of others. And the figures cited in this chapter are masters at teaching us how to do it, illustrating, especially through the detachment and compassion, that meet the difficulties of others. 

In the chapter XI of The Gospel According Spiritism, item 9, Fénelon also states: “(...)Well then, so that you may practise the law of love as God intended, it is necessary that you learn step-by-step to love all your fellow beings without distinction (...)because God so desires. The law of love is the first and most important precept of the new doctrine, because one day it will destroy all selfishness under whatever form it may present itself (...)”.

In developing this approach we need a huge effort to resist the urge to do other transcripts, such is the monumental beauty of Chapter XI of that book titled Kardec Love Your Neighbour As Yourself.  

The considerations of the encoder and the selected messages and instructions included in the subtitle of the spirits of the chapter are a valuable document to understand this remarkable and Law of Love. Interesting because in the same chapter is also on approaches to charity for the criminals that are magnified in the next chapter, the number XII, titled Love Your Enemies, also with valuable thoughts and messages about revenge, hatred and also the disembodied enemies. 

It is that love does not end! 

So it is no accident that the chapter XIII, as a result, addresses the hidden woes, the widow's mite, Charity moral and material charity, The Charity and Pity, among other subtitles. Note that all goes towards charity, all to teach us that we must respect, understand and help others, despite their mistakes and difficulties, not least because we also need all of this.

Without Charity There Is No Salvation 

Kardec used this title for the third chapter XV of the work of the Codification of Spiritism, as mentioned in this chapter. Opening the chapter with the familiar parable of the Good Samaritan, the encoder states in its initial considerations in item 3, which “All the moral teaching of Christ resumes itself in the need for charity and humility, that is to say, in the two virtues which are contrary to selfishness and pride. (...)”.  

Similarly we used the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, chap. XIII, v. 1 to 7 and 13, Paul, just addressing the charity, which, according to the Apostle, “(...)Love suffereth long, [and] is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil; rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (...)”. 

Allan Kardec makes us then think seriously about the great virtue of charity, timely considerations that the reader finds in item 8 of that chapter XV and rewards the student with the message dictated by Paul himself in 1860, just under the title Out Charity is no salvation, authentic flag of Spiritualism. 

In that message, which closes the chapter, we constantly read, reread, disseminate and study, read the following: 

 “(...)Nothing can indicate with more exactitude nor summarize so well mankind's obligations, as this divine maxim. Spiritism could not better prove its origin than present it as its rule, because it is a reflection of the most pure Christianity. Humanity will never go astray if it takes this as its guide. So then, my dear friends, dedicate yourselves to the understanding of the deep meaning behind these words and the consequences of their application and then discover for yourselves all the many ways in which they may be applied. Submit all your activities to be administered by charity and your conscience will respond. Not only will it cause you to avoid practising evil, but it will also make you practise goodness, in as much as a negative virtue is not enough; it is necessary to possess an active virtue. Therefore in order to do good there is always the need for the action of willpower, whereas in order to not practise evil it is sufficient to be inert or unconcerned. (...)”.

The incomparable Sermon on the Mount 

I could not finish the chapter without referring me to their incomparable Sermon on the Mount. Such is their expression of guidance and comfort, it can not be forgotten. Rather, they should be studied and needs to be with us in the internal and external struggles of our evolutionary path. For that directly linked to charity, including ourselves, must be remembered here for emphasis, however briefly. 

Many works were written and inspired by your valuable content, author embodied and disembodied. We hope, however, suggest to readers the knowledge of some specific works, very valuable in itself in the understanding of comfort expressed in memorable Sermon on the Mount: 

• The Secret of the Beatitudes, José Lázaro Boberg, Editora EME. A remarkable work of almost 400 pages, divided into seven parts and provides substantial study to the reader. Do not miss;

• The Voice of the Hill, Richard Simonetti, Editor FEB. The popular and lucid author, with his usual didactic, offers valuable study, highlighting excerpts from the original text;

• Jerônimo Mendonça and Chico Xavier: The formula for happiness, Editora Mythos. Authored by Jamiro dos Santos Filho, the book compares the Sermon on the Mount as the only Formula of Happiness, revealed by the Chico Jerome;

• Several books devoted author Therezinha Oliveira, Campinas. The fruitful author has published several books on studies of the Gospel. We search by author name, because it is very studious and dedicated with great works published by Editora CEAK. 



(1) The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter I, item 3.

(2) Examples of Mother Teresa, Chico Xavier and Sister Dulce provide material for extensive studies and discussions on this extraordinary virtue, which is charity, the result no doubt of the Law of Love, established by the Creator and presented to mankind by Jesus of Nazareth the model and guide us all.

(3) The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter XI, item 8.


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