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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 129 – October 18, 2009

CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


The colourful ruler


Once upon a time a girl called Rita was attending the Year 2 at her local Primary school. 

Since her dad earned a lot of money, she would always take different things to school. The other students were admired but jealous at the same time. 

One day Rita searched for a ruler in her bag but couldn’t find it. Leandro was sitting next to her. He came from a poor family, and was watching it without saying anything. 

Rita felt angry and irritated, looked at Leandro and pointed the finger at him: 

— It was him, teacher! He stole my new ruler! 

The boy looked scared and surprised at the girl. The teacher stopped writing at the black board and said to the girl: 

— How can you say such a thing, Rita? 

The girl then insisted: 

— I am 100% sure, teacher. I caught him yesterday looking at it! 

The boy calmly said:  

— It’s true, teacher. I found the colourful ruler quite beautiful, but I never touched it.  

The teacher then looked at her student and advised: 

— We can never judge anyone, Rita, especially if we can’t prove what we are saying. You could have left your ruler at home. 

The girl continued with her accusation. 

— No. I am sure it was Leandro. He was the last one to leave at snack time. He stole it. I want my ruler back! I want my ruler back!    

That’s when the mess started. Some students were at her side; some others were at Leandro’s side. In order to re-establish the order in the room, the teacher decided to check the boy’s bag. Leandro felt humiliated but assured of himself. He let the teacher check his belongings. 

She couldn’t find anything. The girl continued to demand her ruler back, even though it wasn’t there. The teacher decided to send them to the school management. 

Peace came back to the classroom, after both students were gone from the room. On the following day, Leandro didn’t come to school. He came back two days later, looking quite pale. Even if the teacher couldn’t find anything within his belongings, the accusation hit him badly. He ended up in bed, with fever.

One week later, Rita came to school with her mother. She was extremely ashamed of her daughter’s behaviour when she heard what happened at school. Rita remained silent. Her mother looked at the entire classroom and said: 

— My daughter has something to say, right Rita? 

The girl was blushing. She was feeling really ashamed of herself and admitted:

— I want to tell you I found my ruler. 

Everyone murmured. Leandro smiled, feeling relieved.

The girl then said:   

— On the day I missed my ruler, I went to tide up my room. I didn’t realise it fall on the floor, close to my cupboard. Our cleaner found it today when she was in my room.... 

She then paused, looked at Leandro and said: 

— Would you be able to forgive me? I feel so ashamed! I promise this will never happen again. I learned I should not judge so we are not judged. 

The boy smiled, hugged his colleague and told her: 

— I have nothing to forgive you for, Rita. The important thing is that you found your ruler and everything is now clear. 

She smiled and thanked her colleague. She then took the ruler from her bag and said: 

— I know I will never be able to avoid what I have done to you. I would like you to keep this as a gift. I know you really appreciate it. 

Leandro hold the ruler and felt really happy. The entire class cheered. The case was solved. 

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism