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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 3 - N° 119 – August 9, 2009
Bauru, São Paulo (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Edgar Miguel:

“The Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine is not a solution, but a tool used to reach a solution, as long as it is well used”


Our week’s interviewee is Edgar Miguel (picture), who was born in Vera Cruz, countryside of São Paulo. He now lives in Bauru (SP), where he is an entrepreneur in the area of process management and media. 

He is very open, happy and receptive to his colleagues’ criticism and initiatives. Edgar was re-elected for another period of three years in front of Union of Spiritist Societies (USE) of the Bauru region, which coordinated the spiritist movement in the Bauru region.  

In this interview, he talks about his experience within this institution and his expectations for the three years to come.  

O Consolador: The new executive committee of Union of Spiritist Societies (USE) of the Bauru region started to work together May. You were elected as President again. What are your expectations for the next three years to come? 

We want to get closer to the spiritist centres in the Bauru region. We also want to increase discussions around everything that happens at a spiritist centre with the objective to reach more consciousness in what we do, stimulate sensibility but not sentimentalism in the existing relationships in the spiritist movement. 

O Consolador: Is there a new project you are working on for the new management period of USE?  

There are two big projects we are elaborating just now: the Project Spiritist Youth and the Project Continuous Learning. The first one has the goal to help and maintain youth at the spiritist centre. The second focuses on a new methodology of study and learning of the Spiritist Doctrine and Mediumship at the spiritist centre. 

O Consolador: You always said the Union of Spiritist Societies has a fundamental task to serve the spiritist centres. We presume you and the executive committee at USE aim to unify spiritists. Do you think the spiritist centres got closer to one other and to USE on the last three years? 

I think so. There are cases where spiritist centres have offered to support others, welcoming lecturers from other centres and are more open to the work USE is constantly offering such as ‘Spiritist Counselling Meeting’, ‘Meeting called Talking with Love’, ‘Healing Meeting’ and Mediumship Meeting’.  

O Consolador: What are biggest challenges the spiritist leader faces in regards to the unification of the movement? 

Unification is the process of integrating the spiritist centre to other centres and to the Union of Spiritist Societies, working towards its main objective. I believe the biggest challenge is to find the balance in the institution that will offer mental and material serenity to organise the integration with other centres and USE. 

O Consolador: Can you please tell us about the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine (ESDE)?  

The Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine (ESDE) is a methodology used to study the Spiritist Doctrine created by specialists from different areas such as pedagogy and psychology. It offers interesting solutions to challenges related to analysis, reflection and the study of the fundamental concepts of the Spiritist Doctrine. 

It should be adapted in accordance with the situation, so the methodology is not lost. Spiritist leaders should consider what is happening at their spiritist centre and with its public, planning the study of ESDE more effectively.   

ESDE is not a solution, but a tool available for all centres, to be used adequately.  

O Consolador: Your three years experience at Union of Spiritist Societies (USE) of the Bauru region brought you enriching experiences. Is there anyone you would like to share with the readers?  

Yes, in fact these three years were very enriching. I realise now the people who are involved in the Spiritist Movement such as the leaders and spiritist workers, are very special. It reminds me of Jesus’ saying about the talents. It is important we work towards our main goal, in a coordinated way, without any fears or guilt. 

O Consolador: A Brazilian magazine organised a research, which stated spiritist youth lack knowledge of certain aspects of the Doctrine. What do you think about this?  

I do not have information to back a statement on this topic. Therefore, I believe the results from this magazine are true since we, adults, are doing little to provide the opportunity for young people to learn about the Spiritist Doctrine.  

This research only reinforces the responsibility we have to help the younger generation even more. 

O Consolador: What are the ideas Union of Spiritist Societies (USE) of the Bauru region has for spiritist youth? Is there a project in place to get them closer to the centres? 

USE has a project in place to support the spiritist leaders to create and maintain Spiritist Youth Departments. The first step has been made when we reactivated the Youth Department at USE, which will be responsible for the project. This is being supported by the executive committee and other departments at USE, which will work together to reach this goal. 

O Consolador: Can you please give us your final words? 

There will be no changes in regards to the objectives of the management committee of USE from the previous to the actual administration. Some colleagues have left their roles at Use but continue working in other institutions. We see the number of people involved with USE has increased because our goals are similar. We can only reach something concrete when we understand the real objective of our lives, which enables us all to work together.  

We thank you all for your help and look forward to working together with all members of the Spiritist Movement to make sure our objectives, in accordance with the Spiritist Doctrine goals, are reached.



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism