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Year 3 - N° 109 – May 31, 2009
Londres, Inglaterra (Reino Unido)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Maria José  Barbosa: 

“Education for children is the base for a Humanity with more love and respect to one another”

Spiritist Education for children is an extremely important theme within the Spiritist Doctrine. Our movement needs to get stronger and increase our precious task of teaching our children. They will be tomorrow’s adults. This task is very hard but developed with care, love and dedication the volunteers who are working on it.

Our week’s interviewee brings awareness to this topic. Maria José Barbosa (picture), is known kindly as Zezé. She is a very experienced Spiritist Teacher who has been living in London for the last 27 years. Her greatest passion is to work with our children.


O Consolador: Zezé, where were you born?

In Vitória da Conquista, Bahia.

O Consolador: Where do you live nowadays?

I live in London since 1982.

O Consolador: What made you leave Brazil?

The reason why I left Brazil was the lost of my daughter. I decided to leave Brazil in 1978. i lived in Beirut for many years, and then moved to London

O Consolador: What is your education level?

I finished the Secondary School, but was not able to get to GCSE level.

O Consolador: What positions have you had within the Spiritist Movement?

I have been through different positions with a spiritist centre, since started at Fraternity 17 years ago.

O Consolador: What is your current activity?

I am the vice-President of the group SWCSS (1). Within this group, I coordinate the Parents’ Group meeting and a mediumship group. I am also responsible for Spiritist Education for Children and Youth in the United Kingdom.

O Consolador:  When did you have your first contact with Spiritism?

I started to sudy Spiritism 17 years ago in London. At that time, the group Fraternity Spiritist Group was starting. This occorred as a consequence of the lost of a very dear friend of mine.

O Consolador: Was there any special fact that made this contact available?

Yes, there was. Once I was very sick and developed second sight mediumship.

O Consolador: What was your family’s reaction?

Minha formação é evangélica, mas quando me tornei espírita minha família me deu e ainda me dá o maior apoio. 

O Consolador:  Which of the triple aspects of Spiritism (science, philosophy and religion) attracts you the most? 

Religion and Philosophy.

O Consolador: Which Spiritist Authors do you like the most?  

Valter Barcelos in terms of education material. Chico Xavier as well.

O Consolador:  Which spiritist books do you consider essential to those who are starting to learn about Spiritism?

The books from Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco, plus The Spiritist's Book and The Gospel According to Spiritism.

O Consolador: When did you start to get interested in Spiritist Education for Children? 

It probably comes from a previous encarnation, since the love for children is very strong within me.

O Consolador: What is the importance of Spiritist Education for Children for the movement and for the society ? 

Education for children is the base for a Humanity with more love and respect to one another. Jesus said: “This is my mandament: Love one another as I have loved you " (John 15:12).

O Consolador: Do you believe this activity is being well developed within the Movement? Or do you think there is a lack of incentive in order to develop this work?

There is a long way to go, and a lot of work to do. I believe it is a work that’s done from the hear. It is a difficult job to be understood and accepted by the spiritist centres. It needs to be valued as education for the spirit. This will pass since the work of the Christ does not belong to us; it belong to Him.

O Consolador: How is Spiritist Education for Children being developed in London? What is the participation from the parents in this process?

I see it much more active today. We are doing combined work among the Spiritist Teachers within other groups, integrating the centres and disclosing the work done with Children. The spiritist teachings are all done in English, and most of the children’s parents are Brazilians.

O Consolador: What would you like to tell the spiritist parents, as a spiritist teacher? 

We need to take into consideration the thoughts of the spirits. They said it is fundamental to form a new society, that is conscious of the importance of bringing your children to the centre. The society needs to reflect on the mission of the parents, who are educatiors and moral examples for the children. It is the parent’s duty to assume the role of orientator of the family.

O Consolador: How about the issue of abortion? What is your opinion about it?

We should have campaings at the spiritist centre. We, as spiritist, have the task to work effectively within this movement.

O Consolador: Have you had contact with the spiritist movement in Brazil?    

I have contact with the movement within different parts of Brazil. Thanks to our dear Elsa (2), who helps me a lot with this task. Our dear Joca (3) also supports us, as well as our dear spiritist teachers. Without them, it would not be possible to continue with this beautiful work.

O Consolador: How do you see the level of criminality and violence that seems to increase in Brazil and around the world? How can we, spiritists, help to change this situation?

We need to campaing spiritist teachings for children in our centres. We need to show  parents the importance of having an edducated child, spiritualy speaking. A spiritualised child learns to respect one another. We need to teach Christ’s teachings intensively. This will renew the work, bring man closer and develop charity and love at everyone’s hearts.

O Consolador: The preparation for the advent of a world of regeneration in our planet already gave its first steps, as we are aware of. How long will it take for Earth to stop being a world of tests and atonements, and become a world of regeneration?

This will happen when we become real spiritists. We have been in this ‘school’ for many, many years, and have a long path ahead of us. We need to learn with Chico Xavier: "Life is an advanced course of improvement, through daily effort and fight ".

O Consolador: What is Spiritism for you? What is the importance of it in your life? 

It showed me a new way; a new path with the transformation of my moral values. As I studied Spiritism, I could see the one next to me as my brother. I also learned to accept my defauls and that I can improve everyday, as a person. Spiritism means everything to me. That’s why I try to work in favor of life.


1. SWCSS is the acronym for the institution Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society, located in London. 

2. Elsa Rossi leaves in London, and is the 2nd Secretary for the International Spiritist Council.  

3. Joca or João Dalledone is the President of the British Union of Spiritist Societies – Buss 


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism