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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 3 - N° 108 – May 24, 2009
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Graça Carneiro Leão Maciel:

“The distortions we are finding in the doctrine come from
lack of in-depth study”

Graça’s experience with spiritist institution in Recife indicate
the most common cause of difficulties within Spiritist views
is the  lack of in-depth study of Spiritism

Graça Carneiro Leão Maciel (picture) is our week’s interviewee. She is part of the group Grupo Espírita Allan Kardec, from Recife (PE, Brazil). She has been spiritist since 1989, even though her knowledge in regards to spiritist started around her teenage years. She offers in this interview her view in terms of her experience within Spiritism. She makes us realise, once more, that kindness and good are born within us.  

O Consolador: Can you please tell us about what you have been observing

in the spiritist movement in your city? 

Unfortunately, I have seen some spiritist centres and spiritist leaders lacking consistency in regards to the spiritist doctrine. The doctrine is very clear and simple in its essence. Therefore, it is still not well understood by the spiritist themselves. We are not talking about colleagues who are ignorant, culturally speaking. We are talking about those who preach the doctrine but do not follow it. Spiritism is for everyone and not just for a minority who is actually looking after their own interest. Pride and vanity damage the spiritist movement. Therefore, the Doctrine continues to be what it is, and lead us to great opportunities of growth and development in different areas of our personal and social life in society.  Let’s live Spiritism, making it easier for the unification of its principles. Let’s work for a more just society, where we look at each other as brothers and sisters.  

O Consolador: What is the most significant spiritist event in your State? 

We have several important events, and one of them is Forespe (Forum of Spiritist Debates in Pernambuco) and Mostra Espírita.  

O Consolador: Which institution are you linked to? 

I am linked to Grupo Espírita Allan Kardec (GEAK), since we created it together with friends in 2005. Our objective was to disclose Spiritism through talks and the study of the Doctrine. We also aim to help those who are suffering, incarnated and disincarnated spirits. 

O Consolador: Can you please tell us about your role in terms of disclosing Spiritism? 

I do not write as a spiritist writer, but I create comment pieces. These are texts and articles divulged electronically. I started to become a speaker when the activities at GEAK started. It took a lot of effort from our side, since we have done talks in our centre and in other institutions. I believe when you embrace any activity, your way of seeing the world changes since you have more responsibility towards those around you. This increases our conscious awareness and makes us become more reflective individuals in regards to our choices and actions. This also leads us to a more balanced living, trying to be more patient, indulgent, loving and kind to other individuals.  

O Consolador: What are biggest challenges and achievements in the spiritist movement within your State? 

The biggest challenges are the lack of knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine. This is a result of lack of in-depth study of the Spiritism. The biggest objective of the Doctrine is for us to modify ourselves through knowledge, and this is the biggest obstacle to be faced, by each person. It is easy to estate being spiritist, but hard to be a conscious spiritist! There are lots of happy moments, my friend. The first one is to know we are not alone. Life goes on, and there is no eternal suffering since our Lord helps at all times throughout our life. Another happy moment is to be able to receive letters, advices, and consolations from our beloved friends from the spiritual world. Spiritism can transform people and the world around us. Another certainty is that love destroys all barriers, conquests all creatures. The good example is worth more than thousands of words, which is a tool to reach our own inner reformation. 

O Consolador: Is the spiritist public in Recife integrated and conscious about the need to study and disclose Spiritism? 

As I have mentioned, lack of study is a barrier to be transposed. The public meetings always have a bigger audience in comparison with the spiritist study groups in the centres. If we do not comprehend the doctrine, this will lead us to mistakes in interpreting the spiritist teachings.  If a centre does not have in-depth studies, it could lead to pride and vanity. As consequence we can have an unsteady centre, with teachings that are outside the Spiritist teachings. 

O Consolador: How have you seen controversial themes discussed by society? What about those involving the spiritist movement? 

The Spiritist Doctrine is the only philosophical and religion stream that unfolds doubts through instruction. It shows the individual he receives what he gets; we will collect good things if we act responsibly. If not, we will harvest pain and suffering. Controversial themes such as abortion, clones, drug use, death penalty and many others come through due to lack of knowledge or interest in spiritual means. We all have the right to talk as we wish. We have the duty to respect everyone’s freedom to speak, even if we don’t agree with it. 

When we talk in the name of the Spiritist Doctrine, we need to be loyal to its doctrine principles. In all areas of life, study, debate and researches always add something, but we need to be careful with vague information, without any reference. These types of discussion lead to plots, disagreements and disaffection. We, as sincere spiritists, need to avoid these conversations. We need to act in society as a whole, giving a good example.  

O Consolador: How did the idea of a web site for the institution come along?  

This idea came in 2005 with the goal to disclose Spiritism. It is very dynamic. We try to answer all questions received and always send messages of encouragement related to the Spiritist Doctrine. Please note the site address: www.luzdoespiritismo.com  

O Consolador: Are there any radio or TV station in Recife disclosing Spiritism? What about book clubs? Are there any in the city? 

Yes, there are. We have several institutions whose goal is disclosing Spiritist through book clubs. The Spiritist Federation of Pernambuco has a program called “What is Spiritism” as well. 

O Consolador: How do you see the spiritist idea progressing within the Brazilian society?  

I believe spiritist ideas have been disseminate in a constant and sustainable way throughout our country. This is mainly due to the robust and logic behind its teachings, the examples given by real spiritists, the incarnation of spirits who are aware of its principles and the help the Spiritist knowledge provides around life questionings. I have noticed a lot of people are spiritists without knowing the spiritist doctrine. We see spiritist ideas introduced in soap operas and movies, the publication of books and spiritist talks. This brings a lot of people to the Doctrine who is curious about it. in the future it will bring new spiritist who will live the teachings brought by the Spiritual world, and change the planet to better and just place. 

O Consolador: Can you please give us your final words? 

Jesus blesses us all. United by the feeling of friendship and brotherhood, let’s minimize the material frontiers that are separating us from one another. Let’s unite our spiritual links connecting through the technological tools available to us by God. Let’s remember the saying from The Spirit of Truth: “Spiritists! Love one another, that is the first precept; educate yourselves is the second. Within Christianity you will find all the truths. The errors in which Man has become enrooted are all of human origin.”


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism