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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Portuguese  Spanish
Program V: Scientific Aspect  

Year 3 - N° 105 – May 3, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Patrícia Baptista Onodera - ponodera@hotmail.com


Medium of intellectual

We present in this issue the topic #105 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. How should we conceptualize mediums of intellectual effects?

2. Mention five varieties of mediums of intellectual effects related by Kardec.

3. What are visionary mediums?

4. Is there a difference between mediums of premonitions and prophetic mediums?

5. What are scriber mediums or psychographer and how does Kardec classify them?


Medium of intellectual effects is the one who receives regular and frequent communications

1. As we have seen in previous lessons, mediums can be divided into two main categories: mediums of physical effects and mediums of intellectual effects. Mediums of intellectual effects are mediums especially suited to receive and transmit intelligent communications.

2. All other types of mediums are more or less directly linked to one or other of these main categories, sometimes they are linked to both.

3. Analysing the various mediumistic phenomena, it will be seen that in all of them there is a physical effect that unites sometimes to an intelligent effect. It is sometimes difficult to establish the boundary between the two, but this is not very important. We understand under the name of mediums of intellectual effects all those who can especially serve as intermediaries for regular and frequent communications. (The Book of Mediums, Chapter XVI, item 187.)

Kardec says that it is not recommended to believe in everything the psychic say

4. The codifier of the Spiritism considers special mediums for intellectual effects, as related in the Chapter XVI of the Book of Mediums, the following mediums: 

Auditive mediums - those who hear the Spirits, which is not rare to find. There are many people, however, who imagine to hear what it is nothing but their imagination.   

Speaking Mediums - those who speak under the influence of Spirits. They are also called psychophonic mediums and they are very common.

Visionary mediums - those who see the Spirits in a state of wakefulness. The accidental and fortuitous vision of a Spirit in particular circumstances is very frequent, but the habitual or facultative vision of Spirits is outstanding. Kardec teaches that it is advisable not to always believe in the word of those who say they can see Spirits.

Inspired mediums - who, almost always against their will, receive ideas from the Spirits for common acts of life or major work of intelligence.

Mediums of premonitions – who, in certain circumstances, have a vague intuition of common things of the future.

Prophetic mediums – those who with the permission of God, and with greater precision than the mediums of premonitions, receive the revelation of future things of general interest.

Sleepwalker mediums – those who in the state of somnambulism, are assisted by Spirits.

Ecstatic mediums – those who, in a state of bliss, receive revelations from the Spirits. Mediums of such nature who deserve the entire trust, teaches the Spiritism, are very rare.

Painters and Designers mediums - those who paint or draw under the influence of the Spirits.

Musician mediums - those who perform, compose or write music under the influence of the Spirits. There are mechanical musician mediums, semi- mechanical, intuitive and inspired, as in the case of literary communications.

Scribe or psychographer mediums – those who have the ability to write under the influence of the Spirits and they are divided into mechanical scriber medium, semi-mechanical, intuitive, polygrapher, multilingual and illiterate.  

Semi-mechanical scriber mediums are, among the psychographers, the most common

5. Mechanical scriber mediums are mediums whose hand gets an involuntary impulse and have no awareness of what they write.

6. Intuitive scriber mediums are those with whom the Spirits communicate by the thought and whose hand is guided by the will of the medium.

7. Semi-mechanical scriber mediums are mediums whose hand moves involuntarily, but have instant knowledge of the words and phrases as they write them. Of all scriber mediums, says Kardec, these are the most common.

8. Spiritism teaches that,  for a good communication, it is necessary that it comes from a good Spirit; and for this good Spirit to transmit, it is essential a good instrument; and to want to transmit it, it is necessary that the pursued objective suits him.

Answer Key

1. How should we conceptualize mediums of intellectual effects?

A.: Mediums of intellectual effects are mediums especially suited to receive and transmit intelligent communications.

2. Mention five varieties of mediums of intellectual effects related by Kardec.

A.: Speaking mediums, scribers, painters, auditive and mediums of premonitions.

3. What are visionary mediums?

A.: Visionary mediums are those who see the Spirits in a state of wakefulness. The accidental and fortuitous vision of a Spirit in particular circumstances is very frequent, but the habitual or facultative vision of Spirits is outstanding.

4. Is there a difference between mediums of premonitions and prophetic mediums?

A.: Yes. Mediums of premonitions have a vague intuition of common things of the future. Prophetic mediums, with a greater precision than the mediums of premonitions, receive the revelation of future things of general interest.

5. What are scriber mediums or psychographer and how does Kardec classify them?

A.: Scriber mediums or psychographers are those who have the ability to write under the influence of the Spirits and they are divided into mechanical scriber medium, semi-mechanical, intuitive, polygrapher, multilingual and illiterate.


The Book of Mediums; by Allan Kardec, items 65, 66, 74, 165, 166, 167, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190 to 194.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism