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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 3 - N° 104 - April 26, 2009
Londres, Inglaterra (Reino Unido)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


Odalis Carmenaty Franco:


“With the study of Spiritism I learned to be better with myself and others around me”


Our week’s interviewee is Odalis Carmenaty Franco (photo). She is from Holguín, Cuba, and lives in Barcelona, Spain for the last six years. She is an active member of Centro Barcelonês de Cultura Espirita. Odalis shares her experience with us, and also relates a bit about the Spiritist Movement in Spain.

Spiritism is a philosophy of life for her which provides us with the necessary tools to be able to live with wisdom. It also helps us deal with life’s challenges. According to Odalis “With the study of Spiritism  I learned  to get to know myself

better and to be able to leave aside resentments. I have been learning to forgive myself and others, to be aware of mistakes I have done and avoid doing them again.”

O Consolador: Why have you moved from Cuba to Spain?  

I came to live at Barcelona in October 2002. My husband came earlier than me to study, and decided to stay. We then made our minds to leave here.

O Consolador: What is your education level?   

I have a Bachelors degree.

O Consolador: What roles do you have within the Spiritist Movement?   

None. I never had a specific role within the movement.

O Consolador: In which activities do you have involved with, in the spiritist centre? 

I participate and collaborate with the Centro Barcelonês de Cultura Espírita

O Consolador: When did you first get to know Spiritism?  

I first get to know Spiritism in 1998, in Barcelona. It was through a trip I have done before I moved to this country. 

O Consolador: Was there any important fact or event that facilitated this contact?   

The trip was very special. For a Cuban to leave its country is always a transcendental experience. Soon later, my husband got to know a few of Kardec’s books. One day, we found the book called “No Invisível”, from Léon Denis. It had an introduction from the Centro Barcelonês de Cultura Espírita (C.B.C.E.), detailing its address. We contacted them and started to get to know Spiritism.

O Consolador: What was your family’s reaction?  

My husband and I study Spiritism together. We also go to the spiritist centre and share our knowledge with our son. By the way, Spiritism has been of great help to our family. They have reacted well regarding it. My relatives (parents, brothers and grandmother) do not understand it properly, but respect my belief and always ask about it.  

O Consolador: Which of the triple aspects of Spiritism (science, philosophy and religion) attracts you the most?   


O Consolador:  Which Spiritist Authors do you like the most?   

Allan Kardec and Léon Denis. 

O Consolador: Which spiritist books do you consider essential to those who are starting to learn about Spiritism?    

“What is Spiritism”, from Allan Kardec.  I would also consider “After Death”, from Léon Denis. 

O Consolador: Do you think Spiritism is a religion?     

Spiritism is not a religion for me. At C.B.C.E., we agree with Allan Kardec’s quote from the book “What is Spiritism”?: "Spiritism is at the same time a observational science and a philosophical doctrine. As a science, it consists in the relationships that can be stablished with the spirits; as a philosophy, it comprehends all the moral consequences that can be caused by those relationships".  

It also has a very clear definition of Spiritism which has been written by Kardec : "Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world." We have been reinforcing the concept ‘moral consequences’. We believe this is the concept which is closer to philosophical structure of Spiritism. We believe Kardec has defined clearly Spiritism to be science, not just a religion. The definition given on the book “What is Spiritism” is very important, since it’s the only one which was formulated by Kardec. There is another definition from Kardec in the “Mediun’s Book”, chapter XXXII, which is very similar to the one from “What is Spiritism”: “Doctrine based on the belief that there are Spirits and its manifestations”. 

O Consolador:  What is your opinion in regards to healing?  

In our centre Centro Barcelonês de Cultura Espírita we study the book “Mediumnidad”. In regards to healing, we follow Mr. Armond’s opinion which is explained through chapter 20 of the same book: “A simple imposing of hands is enough to achieve the result expected since the effect does not come from the gesture, but from the sincere wish of helping the person in need”.

O Consolador: How is the issue of abortion faced in Spain and what is your opinion about it?  

Abortion has been legalised in Spain over 20 years ago. The present Government is starting to review this law and wants to amplify the reasons and deadline for individuals to be able to interrupt pregnancy legally. We believe we should not be against a law which is already established legally. Especially it the law is only PERMITTED, not OBLIGED. Spiritism needs to respect the legislation of democratic governments, even if the law is not compatible with its core moral values. We need to make it clear though that abortion does not solve the problem. It actually complicates the relationship between the mother and the reincarnated spirit.

O Consolador: Euthanasia is not supported by the Spiritist Doctrine. Therefore, the idea of orthothanasia came up lately, which has been defended by some spiritist’s doctors. What is your opinion about it?   

We need to remember the words of Saint Louis from the “Gospel According to Spiritism”: “So mitigate the last sufferings as much as you can, but guard yourself against abbreviating life, be it even for a minute, as this minute can be the means of avoiding many tears in the future”. At C.B.C.E., we believe we must help relieve the pain of the person, but try to minimize it as much as possible. It is possible that this will help this individual to reflect on his situation much more than if he was immerse in continuous pains. 

O Consolador: Do you know the Brazilian Spiritist Movement?  

I don’t know the Brazilian Spiritist Movement very well. We are aware that are many mediumship books which appears to be on a novel format, rather than in an more analytical style.  

O Consolador: How is the Spiritist movement developed in Cuba and Spain? 

In my home-country, Cuba, there is a lot of confusion in regards of Spiritism. There are not many spiritist centres that promote the serious study of the doctrine. A very important centre, where the study of Kardec is constantly promoted, is the Spiritist Society Allan Kardec, from Holguín. I am a member of this centre, and I never lost touch with the colleagues who work there. We always collaborate together. When we go to Cuba, we visit and share experiences with them.  

In Spain, my second country, the spiritist movement is still very weak. That is probably the case due to the lack of moral principles seen through our society. The materialistic view of life is present everywhere. We believe this happens throughout Europe.

O Consolador: When and how did the Spiritist Movement start in Spain? 

It started by the end of the XIX century, when Mr. José María Fernández Colavida translated Kardec’s work into Spanish. In 1861, there was a movemenet against spiritist books. After that, the movement expanded in a balanced way through Spain. Many centres and spiritist journals were founded.  In 1934, we had the V International Spiritist Congress in Barcelona which was a great highlight for the movement. We need to bear in mind that Spiritism became a repressed idea after the terrible wars that happened in Spain (1936-1939), Europe (1939-1945) and the militar dictatorship.   

O Consolador: How do you see the level of criminality and violence that seems to increase in Brazil and around the world? How can we, spiritists, help to change this situation?    

We believe good will, sooner or later, beat evil. It is true to say that evil is more scandalous and generates much more disclosure from positive attitudes and actions. Kardec expressed his concern in “THE SPIRITS’ BOOK”, question 784: “Man's perversity is very great; does he not seem to be going back instead of advancing, at least, as regards morality? You are mistaken. Look at the human race as a whole, and you will see that it is advancing; for it has arrived at a clearer perception of what is evil, and every day witnesses the reform of some abuse. The excess of evil is required to show you the necessity of good and of reforms'."  

At C.B.C.E., we believe the best way to cooperate in beating eavil is by setting out a good example as being good citizens. We also need to have and educated, sensabe and noble behaviour, and disclose as much as possible the moral values promoted by the spiritist doctrine.  

O Consolador: Due to all problems our society is facing just now, what should be the maximum priority of those who are leading the spiritist movement in the world?  

First of all, we need to consider all problems the spiritist movement is facing just now. At C.B.C.E. we believe we need to get back to basis in terms of the doctrine codified by Kardec. This should include:

  • Respect among other spiritists.
  • Become conscious that we can not agree with everything, just because we are spiritists. André Luiz argues at the book Opinião Espirita (Spiritist Opinion), Chapter 9: We should at all times treat with benevolence and softness all those who do not think like us. Therefore, if we intend to be nice to them we should never accept their prejudices, mistakes or misleading. The Spiritist Doctrine is based on logical thinking. To be spiritists, we can not forget this concept.
  • We should not force anyone to follow our philosophy of life. “From my side – Kardec said in ‘What is Spiritism”, I do not force anyone to be convinced by these ideas. When I meet people who are sincerely hungry for information and give me the honour to offer my explanations, it is for me a pleasure and duty to answer them, in proportion to my knowledge.”
  • Prioritize the study of the doctrine and the accurate analysis of mediumship communications.

We, spiritists, should try to collaborate for the improvement of morality in our society as a whole. We need to bring our modest contribution trying to be sensate, educated citizens, who fight for moral values.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism