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Year 2 - N° 93 – February 8, 2009
Santo Ângelo, Rio G. do Sul (Brazil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


Luis Roberto Scholl:

“The Spiritist Doctrine is locally clear and able to reach all hearts and open minds” 


Luis Roberto Scholl is from Santo Ângelo (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), where he lives and works as a surgeon-dentist. He (picture) is 43 years old, married, father to two teenage daughters - Camille and Eduarda. Luis tells us his story of continuous engagement with the Spiritist Doctrine, where he found all answers to his doubts about life. He participates actively of the Spiritist Movement in Santo Ângelo with his wife, Cláudia Scholl.  Luis Roberto is also part of our team at O Consolador, for which he gave the following interview: 

O Consolador: How did you get to know Spiritism?

I needed to get a better understanding of

life. After my sister passed away, with only 21 years of age due to a car accident, many things lost sense to me. I decided to search for answers about life and death. At the time, I was Catholic and was not able to find a convincing explanation to my suffering. I read The Gospel According to Spiritism and The Spirits' Book and then found the answers I was looking for. Then, I decided to go to a Spiritist Centre and study Spiritism.  

O Consolador: Which activities are you involved with at the Spiritist Centre? 

Since I became spiritist in 1995, I joined the group Grupo Espírita Seara do Mestre (GESM), in Santo Ângelo. In our centre, I help coordinating the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine. I also work with healing, as a speaker and as a teacher for children and youth on Spiritism. 

O Consolador: What roles have you had on the spiritist movement?

I contributed as a Director of the Communication Department for Grupo Espírita Seara do Mestre and the Municipal Spiritist Union – UME - from Santo Ângelo. It congregates 23 societies from 9 cities within our region. I was the President from 2005 to 2008. 

O Consolador: Do you have articles published within other spiritist magazines, besides the ones you have in ours? 

Yes. I had the great opportunity to contribute to the magazine Seara Espírita, where I work as a writer and at the Editorial stall. I also had a chance to write other articles for O Consolador, o Acre Espírita, O Semeador, SEI, Macaé Espírita and Fraternidade (Portugal). 

O Consolador: What kind of feedback do you get from the readers of your articles? 

It’s been positive so far. The criticism we received once came with respect and with good intentions of adding value.  

O Consolador: How do you work in terms of making the Spiritist Doctrine public? Why is it important to the spiritist worker?  

Besides writing to Seara Espírita and speaking at spiritist centres in our region, I try to take our Doctrine wherever I can; for example, to schools and other associations. When we have the chance, we publish articles about Spiritism in other magazines rather than Spiritist magazines. It’s important to mention 1.500 copies of the periodical Seara Espírita are published every month in one of our city’s newspaper, with excellent repercussion.  

The Spiritist Doctrine, since it brings so much information and comfort, should not just be disclosed among Spiritist societies. We need to publish it among all possible ways throughout society. The spiritist worker must mention our Doctrine, but be cautions on the ways of doing it, when the time is right. 

In our region, we host several spiritist events every year with well-known speakers nationally. These events are usually held in gymnasiums or theaters, where everyone can come to a neutral place, rather than a spiritist centre, and listen to a spiritist message. The feedbacks we are getting from these events have been amazing.  

O Consolador: We know you give a big incentive to host spiritist activities outside the spiritist centres. How do you evaluate the response Spiritism receives from this audience? 

People are hungry for answers to their pains and doubts. The spiritist doctrine, being logically clear, reaches all hearts and open minds. The results of most of the events done outside the spiritist centres were beyond our expectations. It shows that work needs to be done as a team, with unity and quality. When we disclose Spiritism, with no sensationalism, the spiritual world bets on our event and transforms it in a successful activity.  

O Consolador: Can you please tell us some of the experiences or lessons taken from these activities? 

It’s very rewarding to see the result of what we do. We had the chance to read feedbacks received at GESM (www.searadomestre.com.br). Some of the articles have been read in different locations within Brazil and abroad. I remember one reader who, after reading a story about forgiveness, decided to surpass his pride and speak to his brother again. They had an argument many years ago and were not talking since then. This reader’s case itself has already paid off all work done.  

O Consolador: Your work within the Spiritist Movement is well-known as of a leader and a speaker. What is your motivation to perform these roles?  

The first and biggest motivation I have is to carry out my own inner reformation. Spiritism is so necessary for me, as a guide, I believe it will also be able to help other people around me. My motivation comes from helping as much as I can to make our Doctrine known.  

O Consolador: How do you see the Spiritist Movement nowadays?  

I am very positive about it. When I look at the past, I see how difficult it was for our spiritist brothers and sisters to achieve the cohesion we have within the Spiritist Movement. When I look at the present times, I see difficulties but above all a lot of work; enormous opportunities to serve. All of us, spiritists, need to let our pride aside and unite within our attitudes and examples to follow Jesus Christ.  

O Consolador: How do you see the present disclosure process of Spiritism?   

Spiritism is going through a prosperous time. It’s on TV, on soap operas, on national documentaries... We recently saw the film about Bezerra de Menezes’ life turn out to be a success in cinemas all around Brazil! There are several high quality websites making its content public. The International Spiritist Council (ISC) is enlarging the horizons of the movement in a very organized way. We are very optimistic about it! 

O Consolador: What is your opinion about the success of films and books with a spiritist theme, such as the movie about Bezerra de Menezes?  

We notice people are looking for films with spiritist and spiritualist themes to search for something they are trying to find. The existential emptiness is present more and more in each of us. Plus, materialism, physical comfort and all material things don’t satisfy us, individuals. We need to conquer for ourselves treasures that time can’t erode. The peace we search for will not be found through materialistic achievements. We need to behave with consciousness and serenity. This explains why so many people are searching for these types of films and books. We, spiritists and Spiritist centres, need to prepare ourselves for the arrival of this audience who looks for what Spiritism has to offer.  

O Consolador: How do you evaluate the importance for workers and leaders to study the Spiritist Doctrine?  

It’s not acceptable to think of Spiritism with no serious and continuous study. If we want to publish an idea, it’s fundamental we understand its proposition. We can only know it by studying and practicing all teachings learned from Kardec. That’s how we can transmit the doctrine with the quality it deserves.

O Consolador: Would you like to share some final thoughts with us?

We would like to salute the dynamism of all brothers and sisters who coordinate this great initiative, which is the weekly electronic magazine O Consolador. This journal uses the internet, a great source of communication, which can be better explored to make Spiritism public. I believe us, spiritists, should always contribute to existing journals and magazines, to support and strengthen the spread of the Spiritist Doctrine.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism