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Year 2 - N° 90 – January 18, 2009

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)  
Mani Fagundes dos Santos - manifagundes@yahoo.co.nz


Mars is more advanced

The famous astronomer Camille Flammarion has admitted it and Science proved in 2008 a revelation of Chico Xavier made in 1939 on the existence of water on Mars

In an article published in the Journal of International Spiritism of July of 2008, we present consistent arguments, based on revelations of mediunic character that the inhabitants of Mars would be physically and morally more advanced than the existing on Earth, as our proposed upgrade of the footnote of question 188 of the issue of The Book of Spirits. According to the text that remains in the note, the Martians would be lower than the inhabitants of Earth. 

Seeking further clarification on the matter, found in Spiritist Magazine, in its edition of March 1858, following the thinking of the encoder of Spiritism: "According to the spirits, the planet Mars would be even less advanced than Earth" (the emphasis is added by us). 

It is noteworthy that at the end of that comment, the translator of the 12 volumes of the journal edited by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, Evandro Noleto Bezerra, adds a note with the following account: “This is a mere assumption without which Kardec would not have employed the verb on the conditional tense”(the emphasis is added by us). 

Besides all those reasons, we present yet another argument in this regard to the proposal upgrade: the revelation of an animated character by respected French astronomer Camille Flammarion, in the chapter "The Other Worlds," of the novel Estela, published in France in 1897 and edited by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation in 1938, that: 

"Mars is older and more advanced than the Earth in its life cycle. We can also say that it is more evolved than our planet, considering the number of housing conditions and the length of time that measure the existence because the annual periods are two times higher there than here, providing better way of life than the fertility of our intellectual work ...” 

But how could this information has been provided by Camille Flammarion, if he was still incarnated with us? However, when we know that Flammarion was the reincarnation of the astronomer Galileo Galilei, one can logically conclude that there was an exciting phenomenon. This phenomenon is caused by the very soul of the medium, which, to enjoy some freedom in relation to their physical body, recovers its spiritual qualities and may well pass them in written or oral communications emanating from himself, like Spirit. Please note that this explanation for the fact is in agreement with the response of the spirits Allan Kardec in point 2nd item 223, in Chapter XIX - The Role of Communications in Spiritist Mediums - The Book of the Mediums. 

It is important to note that when Allan Kardec, published The Genesis in 1868, he issued the following footnote in Chapter VI - General uranography*: "This chapter is taken verbatim from a series of communications dictated the Spiritist Society of Paris in 1862 and 1863, under the title – Uranography Studies - and signed by Galileo. Medium: C.F.. " The Brazilian Spiritist Federation, to publish the work, added: "Translator's Note: these are the initials of the name of Camille Flammarion." 

Although the text of the chapter "Uranography Studies" has been signed by the Spirit of Galileo and received by Camille Flammarion medium, or has been of two distinct personalities, meeting, however, in the same individual, we can conclude that the authors of communications is a one Spirit, as well as the revelation that the planet Mars is more advanced than Earth, in the novel Estela, by Camille Flammarion, ie Galileo / Flammarion. 

Scientific Evidence

The objection of the existence of Martian mankind and the fact that it is superior to that of our planet is that the science does not officially accepts the possibility of the existence of intelligent beings on Mars, and must therefore await the final word on the subject. However, those who advocate this position are unaware that such disclosure was made by Camille Flammarion / Galileo’s work in Estela, and also by Maria João de Deus, Humberto de Campos and Abel Gomes, through the unquestionable mediumship of Chico Xavier. 

However, if you need science’s permission, the first step has been taken with the official scientific proof of the existence of water in the soil of Mars, confirming the revelation made in 1939 by the Spirit Humberto de Campos, through the medium Chico Xavier, published in the book New Messages (Novas Mensagens). 

Remember that NASA, only in 2004, 65 years after the publication of works, presented the first direct geological and chemical evidence of the existence of water in the past of Mars, taken by robot Opportunity. In 2007, NASA scientists have discovered the existence of huge deposits of ice at the south pole of the planet, detected by the spacecraft Mars Express. In case these deposits melt, they can become a considerable reserve of water for Mars. 

Recently, on July 31, 2008, the Phoenix probe, which operates the soil of Mars since last May, confirmed the existence of water on the planet. The discovery occurred after the Phoenix soil samples placed in an instrument that identifies the gases produced by substances. For the technicians, is the first time the existence of water is chemically proven. The scientist William Boynton of the University of Arizona, said they had evidence of ice on observations of Mars Express probe, but this is the first time that water on Mars is played and proved (the emphasis is added by us). 

So, before all this consistent argument, once again, our suggestion to update the note on the issue 188 of The Book of Spirits is validated.


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