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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 2 - N° 87 - December 21, 2008

FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

Christmas with Jesus


As December was coming, the teacher talked to her students: 

— Our classes are finishing and soon you’ll go on vacation. Christmas is approaching and we are going to talk about this as we are all Christians. We should try to remember Jesus and be with him every day! However, Christmas is a special moment because all Christianity celebrates on this Day Jesus’ coming to the world. So, I’d like to know: how

do you celebrate Christmas?   

The enthusiasm started. The subject was conducive to talking! Every kid talked about their expectancies for the party: Relatives that came from far away, the preparations for supper and, especially, the gifts. 

The teacher listened to the answer carefully, letting them talk. Then, she considered with a smile: 

— Great! I see you like it and know what you want already! But I Wonder if someone remembered it’s Jesus’ birthday, so that the party should be for him instead? 

Silence. The students looked surprised and embarrassed. No one had thought about it! 

A student spoke, then: 

— Well, if he’s on birthday, we should ask him

what he wanted to get, right? 

Everyone agreed. But, how to do that? How to ask Jesus? 

Another boy said: 

— Well, teacher, the only way to do that is by following Jesus’ teachings. My mom has always told me that he liked to be among those who suffer and need help. 

— Excellent, John. Anybody else? 

Daisy, a diligent student, said: 

— Teacher, the other day I opened the Bible at random and read a passage that Jesus said that, when throwing a party, we should only invite those who can’t pay us back. 

— Very good, Daisy. You really understood the Master’s lesson. 

Ishmael, the youngest in class, stood up and said: 

— Teacher, my dad says that Jesus loves everybody: people, animals, plants. Is it true? 

— Of course, Ishmael. Jesus’ love is all over Nature. 

— So, I guess he wouldn’t like to get to our homes and see animals dead on our table. I don’t like it! 

Upon that statement, which recalled respect to life, the other students were quiet. The teacher looked at the class, where the students remained silent, and said: 

— You guys have already mentioned things that need to be treated seriously. I’d like you gather in groups and decide what the best way to celebrate Jesus’ Christmas is. You have until the end of the class, OK? Then, we’ll see what you’ve got. 

The kids started working, everyone giving their suggestion. At last, after much talk, they decided. The decision was unanimous and everybody was excited. 

As she came back, the teacher asked: 

— And then? Any conclusions yet? 

The leader of the class stood up and said: 

— Yes, teacher. After all that has been talked, we decided that the best way to celebrate Christmas is by visiting hospitals. Jesus was always around the poor and sufferers, is there any better place to go? It must have been so sad to spend Christmas time far from your family, right?  We may come up with a play, put some games together and take some food. What do you think? 

The teacher was touched by the student’s suggestion, when everybody started clapping. With  tears  on  her

eyes, she said:   

— Congratulations! I’m sure our Christmas will be different! 

From that day on, with the cooperation of the students’ families, they gathered resources for the project, receiving candies and gifts. Every student contributed with their best. Thus, there were actors for the play; clowns, magicians, and of course, Christmas carols. 

The great day had arrived.  

It was Christmas Eve. They go to the first hospital in a convoy. It was unforgettable! Doctors, nurses, everybody approved the idea. Let alone the patients! They had a lot of fun with the presentations. They received gifts, colorful balloons and candies. Naturally, the students had been informed before what patients could eat, mainly those with diabetes. 

At the Hospital of Cancer, the emotion was stronger, upon the pale kids, many of them hairless, some of them hurt, but they were enjoying the moment. 

The environment full of light was poured in blessings of peace, love and joy for all. 

Certainly, both the sick kids and the students would never forget that Christmas, when they had the opportunity to feel Jesus’ presence, so strong among them!        

                                                        Aunt Celia


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