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Program IV: Philosophical Aspect

Year 2 - N° 64 - July 13, 2008


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

Plurality of Worlds

We present in this issue the topic #64 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. Are all the globes that revolve in space inhabited?

2. In which situations can the emigration and immigration of Spirits occur?

3. Where did the ancestors of the Caucasian race on Earth come from?

4. What is the meaning of the expression “The Adamic Race”?

5. In what time, according to Genesis and Spiritism, did Adam live?   


The emigrations and immigration of Spirits may occur among different worlds

1. One of the main points of Spiritism is the plurality of worlds inhabited. In the work of the Divine creation, among the worlds destined to the incarnation of Spirits in probation or expiation, we find the Earth, one of the countless homes of the Spirit. Evidently, there are many other worlds with humanities similar to ours, not being the earthly man the only corporeal being with intelligence, rationality and moral sense in the immense Universe. 

2. Created simple and ignorant, having freedom and free-will, inclined either for the good and evil, inconsistent, the Spirit is subjected to incarnating and reincarnating, experiencing countless corporeal existence on Earth or other planets, as many as necessary to prime for his development and progress. This amazing process is possible through the emigration and immigration of Spirits, it means, the successive alternation and countless human experiences on both plans of life: corporeal and spiritual. Every incarnated Spirit, while his body lives, remains in the world where he is incarnated. 

3. Disincarnated, he turns to the condition of an errant Spirit, which exactly is the individual who still needs to reincarnate to develop and progress. In the state of erraticity the Spirit keeps on belonging to the world where he has to incarnate, but, as he does not have a body any longer, he is free and can even visit other worlds, for the sake of study. 

4. The emigrations and immigration of Spirits may also occur among different worlds, it means, there are then collective emigrations and immigrations from one world to the other. Ones emigrate for the sake of their progress, which enables them to enter in a more advanced world, a reward for them; others, on the contrary, are banned from the world where they belong, as they have not followed the moral progress of the world. The exile imposed on them is a real punishment that the Law of justice inflicts on those who keep doing bad things, slaves to pride and egoism.

The Adamic Race

5. The teachings of the Spirits here abridged help us understand and better explain the diversities of human races and, on top of that, the existence on Earth of a race considered intellectually superior, if compared to others existent here, as some of them still lag behind. The Caucasian race existent on Earth, once called “the white race” (1), was formed, initially, of Spirits from a planet belonging to the system of Capela, a star millions of times bigger than Sun.  

6. As the aforementioned planet achieved a stage of progress considered as a regenerated and happier world, but remaining in it a group of Spirits that keep on doing bad things, they had to be banned and, because of that, many ended up on Earth, where they were welcome by Jesus. 

7. In our world, being much more advanced than the Indians, mainly when it comes to intelligence, they came to boost their progress, blending with them and expanding their culture everywhere on Earth. The men who resulted from the reincarnation of the exile from Capela in our world formed the so-called Adamic race, which originated the most developed people in our world: the Europeans, Egyptians, Israelis and Indians.  

8. The history of the exile from Capela allows us to understand better the Bible stories on Adam and Eve and their expulsion from Eden. The legend of the lost Eden, in fact, is the banning of that group of Spirits from Capela, which, if compared to Earth, was a paradise really. 

9. Emmanuel, in his book Light bound, gives us valuable information about the so-called Adamic race, topic which was equally treated by Kardec in Genesis. In this book, the Compiler, after talking about the emigration and immigration of Spirits, refers to this race on chap. XI, item 38: “The Adamic race, according to the teachings of the Spirits, is due to one of these great immigrations, where one of these great colonies of Spirits came from another sphere, which has given birth to the race symbolized in the person of Adam, and for this reason named Adamic. When they arrived, the Earth had been peopled from time immemorial, as America had been when the Europeans reached its shore”.

Adam and Eve lived about 4000 years before Christ

10. The Adamic race more advanced than those which had preceded it upon Earth, is indeed the most intelligent. It is the race which has pushed all the other races forward. Genesis shows us it from its debut to be industrious, apt in all the arts and sciences, without having passed through an intellectual infancy, which is not the experience of the primitive races. This accords with the opinions of spirits that it had already progressed upon other worlds, all proves that it did not originate, and is not ancient, upon the Earth.

11. Nothing opposes itself to the idea that it might have only been here since a thousand years, which would be in contradiction neither to geological facts nor to anthropological observations, but would tend to the contrary to confirm them. Cain and Abel had abilities unknown from the primitive men, as the use of land for planting. Cain also knew the art of building houses and cities, a conquest in the Neolithic period, because before it men on Earth lived in caves. 

12. The Neolithic or "New" Stone Age was a period in the development of human technology beginning about 10,000 B.C. in the Middle East that is traditionally the last part of the Stone Age. The Neolithic era follows the terminal Holocene Epipalaeolithic periods, beginning with the rise of farming, which produced the "Neolithic Revolution" and ending when metal tools became widespread in the Copper Age (chalcolithic) or Bronze Age or developing directly into the Iron Age, depending on geographical region.  

13. Spiritism teaches us that the human species did not start by one only man and that who we call Adam was neither the first nor the only one to people Earth. Kardec asked the Spirits of High Degree: “Is it possible to know at what period Adam lived?” They answered: “About the period which you assign to him; that is to say, about 4000 years before Christ.” (The Spirits’ Book, item 51). Definitely, the narration on chap. 4 of Genesis takes us to the same understanding, because only in the Neolithic period – between the years 5,000 B.C. and 2,500 B.C. – we had on Earth farming, followed by the cultivation of Earth, and the man turned from hunter into shepherd. Well, Cain cultivated the soil and his brother Abel was a shepherd, which proves that the date indicated by the Spirits about the epoch in which Adam lived is perfectly compatible with the historical registers. As the peopling of Earth started a long time ago, we definitely do not descend from Abel e Cain’s parents, but much older ancestors.   

(1) Many authors, following distinct criteria of classification, proposed different classifications of humanity in racial terms. The most basic one comprises of three races: White people, Black people and the Mongoloid race (“yellow” people). As an anthropological concept, this classification has suffered countless and severe critics, because the genetic diversity of mankind seems to grow continuously, and not isolated, and the explanations about race do not respond satisfactorily to the questions posed by cultural variations. So, only for the lack of a better term we use in the text above the word “race”, certain that there is only one race in the world we live: the human.  

Answer Key

1. Are all the globes that revolve in space inhabited? A.: Yes; and the people of the earth are far from being, as you suppose, the first in intelligence, goodness, and general development. There are many men having a high opinion of them who even imagine that your little globe alone, of all the countless myriads of globes around you, has the privilege of being inhabited by reasoning beings. They fancy that God has created the universe only for them. Insensate vanity! (The Spirits’ Book, item 55) 

2. In which situations can the emigration and immigration of Spirits occur? A.: Ones emigrate for the sake of their progress, which enables them to enter in a more advanced world, a reward for them; others, on the contrary, are banned from the world where they belong, as they have not followed the moral progress of the world. The exile imposed on them is a real punishment that the Law of justice inflicts on those who keep doing bad things, slaves to pride and egoism. 

3. Where did the ancestors of the Caucasian race on Earth come from? R.: The Caucasian race existent on Earth, once called “the white race” (1), was formed, initially, of Spirits from a planet belonging to the system of Capela, a star millions of times bigger than Sun.  

4. What is the meaning of the expression “The Adamic Race”? A.: The Adamic race, according to the teachings of the Spirits, is due to one of these great immigrations, where one of these great colonies of Spirits came from another sphere, which has given birth to the race symbolized in the person of Adam, and for this reason named Adamic. When they arrived, the Earth had been peopled from time immemorial, as America had been when the Europeans reached its shore. 

5. In what time, according to Genesis and Spiritism, did Adam live? A.: Spiritism teaches us that the human species did not start by one only man and that who we call Adam was neither the first nor the only one to people Earth. Kardec asked the Spirits of High Degree: “Is it possible to know at what period Adam lived?” They answered: “About the period which you assign to him; that is to say, about 4000 years before Christ.” (The Spirits’ Book, item 51). Definitely, the narration on chap. 4 of Genesis takes us to the same understanding, because only in the Neolithic period – between the years 5,000 B.C. and 2,500 B.C. – we had on Earth farming, followed by the cultivation of Earth, and the man turned from hunter into shepherd. Well, Cain cultivated the soil and his brother Abel was a shepherd, which proves that the date indicated by the Spirits about the epoch in which Adam lived is perfectly compatible with the historical registers.


The Spirits’ Book, by Allan Kardec, items 50 and 53.    

Genesis, by Allan Kardec, items 37, 38, 39 e 56. 

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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism