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Year 2 - N° 64 - July 13, 2008

Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)



FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com


Sérgio Luis da Silva Lopes: 

“From the medicine and spirituality depends the future of health on the planet” 

Author of the book “Moral Laws and Mental Health”, the psychiatrist Sérgio Luis da Silva Lopes (picture), from the city of Pelotas (RS), is a Spiritist worker and current director of the Human Solidarity Department of the Medical-Spiritist Association - AME-Brasil.

Born in Bagé (RS), and having the opportunity to grow in a Spiritist family, he trailed the ways of formation by being evangelized and active participation in the movement of Spiritist Youth, where he met his wife Jeannine and together they have 3 kids.

In his book, Sergio  Lopes  talks about the

Moral Laws, which are part of the third book of “The Spirits’ Book” and that aid our blossoming on the way to our spiritual development.   

O Consolador: As a writer, what have you already published?

I have several articles published in many journals and I’m the author of the book “Moral Laws and Mental Health”, published by Francisco Spinelli, from FERGS – www.livraria.fergs.org.br .

O Consolador: Sergio, what made you develop the topic Moral Laws and Mental Health?

After two years writing articles about this topic to the journal Spiritist Dialog, by FERGS, I came up with the idea of transforming them into a book, which also led in giving the copyright to the Federation that today has the right to make money from it. 

O Consolador: Have you felt any inspiration from Spirituality as you wrote it? 

There were many moments of evident inspiration in the book. Sometimes the ideas flowed so easily, like, for example, in the short intervals of the medical appointments, about 10 or 15 minutes. 

O Consolador: What has the response been so far? 

Mainly from people who tell me that my work has been really clarifying for their personal questions. It is always good when we get to help the others. That was what I meant when I wrote the book. 

O Consolador: What is your role in the Medical-Spiritist Association of Pelotas and at AME-Brasil?

At AME-Pelotas I work as a president and coordinator of two groups of study: Medicine and Spirituality and Psychology of Joanna de Angelis. At AME-Brasil I am a lecturer and director of the Human Solidarity Department.

O Consolador: Does AME - Brasil have a website? If so, what’s its address and content?

Yes. The website of AME-Brasil is www.amebrasil.org.br. And its main content is the matter of medicine and Spirituality. 

O Consolador: How does the Solidarity Department at AME-Brasil perform their activities?

Our department works to develop, all over Brazil, activities of partnership in the area of good will. Since its creation, in 2007, we have already developed free volunteer service in several Brazilian states.

O Consolador: What has the response to the work of AME-Brasil been so far? 

The Project of solidarity actions, by Dr. Marlene Nobre, president of AME-Brasil, shown in the meeting of Specialized Entities of November 2006, at FEB, needs to be singled out because it serves as a guideline to orient the actions from our department.

O Consolador: What is your Spiritist Center? What are the activities you perform there?

I attend the Spiritist Home Fabiano de Cristo, in Pelotas (RS), where I deliver lectures and prayers.

O Consolador: One of your highlights in Pelotas is the psychological studies on the work of Joanna de Angelis. Talk about it.

It is a very special study group, because it develops the topics of the modern psychology from the view of the Spirit Joanna de Angelis through her books. We have been having an in-depth study in our group for one year and a half and we currently have 130 people. I’d like to say that this study group on Joanna de Angelis has a different vibration, very special, the best I’ve ever felt in my whole life as a Spiritist.

O Consolador: How do you see the controversial topics in the Spiritist movement?

With consideration and caution, as it has to be with Spiritist people, according to Allan Kardec. However, with an active participation, mainly when it comes to topics about the defense of life.

O Consolador: Have the controversial topics of the society as a whole been subjected to scrutiny at AME?

The controversial topics that are focused on our study group and the main conclusions refer to the defense of life before the reality of the Spirit.

O Consolador: How do you rate the Spiritist movement in your city and in Rio Grande do Sul?

Pelotas, in the last census done by IBGE, has been singled out as one of the cities with the largest number of Spiritist people in Brazil. We have a strong movement that has been on increase every day. Rio Grande do Sul shows a strong doctrinal basis, mainly when it comes to the area of Spiritist studies and evangelization.

O Consolador: How is it to be doctor and Spiritist?

I couldn’t act in another way. I know I don’t work alone. My diploma is not mine, I just borrowed from Christ. From the medicine and spirituality depends the future of health on the planet. When I disincarnate, if I deserve, I’ll keep on being a doctor, always learning from the Spiritual friends. 

O Consolador: Your final words.

I consider it as an honor and blessing to be incarnated in this moment and work in this doctrine that, besides comfort, brings light to the most important questions of our life. Thank you.

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