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Program III: Moral laws 

Year 2 - N° 55 - May 11, 2008


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com


Obstacles to reproduction

We present in this issue the topic #55 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson.


1. In how many types can we divide the obstacle to human reproduction?

2. Can the couple set an offspring limit after being incarnated?

3. What happens to the mother who was supposed to have three kids, but never made it, due to the use of contraceptive methods?

4. How can be interpreted couples that systematically take contraceptive methods?

5. Who is to blame for the natural obstacles to human reproduction imposed on certain people?


Children are never an accident

1. There are basically two types of obstacles to human reproduction: the ones that can be called either natural or karmic, result of actions in previous lives, or the artificial, man-made action to halt the human reproduction. This latter can be read as contraceptive methods.

2. Kardec asked the following question to the Spirits (The Spirits’ Book, item 693): “Are human laws and customs that have been established for the purpose of placing obstacles in the way of reproduction contrary to the laws of nature?” The immortals answered: “Whatever hinders the operations of nature is contrary to the general law”.

3. The position of Joanna de Ângelis (Após a Tempestade, (After the storm) chapter 10, psycho graphed by Divaldo P. Franco) is to the point about the topic. Joanna says that the man could and should plan the family he would like to have: number of children and proper period for the parenthood, but never will he get rid of his probations, about his own past. Children are never an accident. They proceed from commitments taken before reincarnation by the future parents, in a way to build a family for their own evolution. It is valid to put off when these Spirits are coming, even making it impossible for them to incarnate. But the Divine Laws of Life has the means to make those rejected ones come through other process and knock on their doors, sometimes in painful situations, complicated by the irresponsibility of these couples that performed silly acts, in blatant disconsideration to the divine codes.

Family planning is a personal matter

4. Dr. Jorge Andréa understands (Encontro com a Cultura Espírita, (Meeting the Spiritist Culture) pages. 77, 105 and 106) that family planning is a personal matter for the couple. The contraceptive pills have their indications and many motives, valid or not, will be connected to their use. If a mother who was supposed to have three kids never made it, by taking contraceptive pills, she will have this commitment transferred to the future, making the replacement, for an equivalent work in another area. In the case of tubal ligation, the indication can be based on the category of necessary medical interventions, as well as on the category of disadjustments. All these actions generate reactions. No one will step up the stairs of life without living on the floor of the minor dimensions before.

5. Better a Spirit reincarnate in a poor home with the usual struggles of living, or become numb and attached to the mother who walked out on him, creating, in this symbiosis, neuroses and psychoses of various ways? Answering to this question, Dr. Jorge Andréa (Forças Sexuais da Alma, (Sexual Forces of the Soul) chapter. V, pages. 124-126) says that many times, the Spirits, when come to reincarnation, have been in touch with their future mother for a long time already. If the channels designated to motherhood are neutralized and closed down, of course there will be disturbs, mainly psychological ones, of spiritual order, where the energies emitted by these sources can’t correspond in their cycle.

6. Therefore, it would be better not to hinder the return of Spirits to Earth, because the Spiritist never neglects the process of reincarnation. It is our duty to think that, before coming here, we had agreed on receiving, as children, a certain number of Spirits. The offspring would be with its quota previously established while we were still in the spiritual plan.  

There are obstacles to reproduction that turn out to be probations

7. In the book Entrevistas, (Interviews) question 102, Emmanuel explains: “We don’t believe that human collectivity is, for the time being, spiritually able to control the rebirth on Earth without putting serious dents on their own development”.   

8. How to interpret, this way, the attitude of couples that avoid children and, even being honest and correct, systematize the usage of contraceptives? The instructor Silas, replying to a similar question, pondered (Ação e Reação, (Action and Reaction) page 210):  “If they do not try abortion at first, at the majority of times are careless workers that prefer to not sweat, in the hunger of immediate recomfort . Sadly for them, only put off sublime accomplishments, where they will be forced to return, because there are tasks and struggles in families that represent the unavoidable price of our regeneration. They enjoy the existence, desperately trying to fool themselves; however, time can wait giving them the chance to know that redemption requires our utmost. Rejecting new kids, usually programmed by them before reincarnation, tangling themselves up on the futilities and prejudices of below-par experiences, to wake up, after the tomb, feeling cold in the heart”. 

9.  As for the natural or karmic obstacles to human reproduction, Emmanuel explains in O Consolador (item 40) that, in the sense of interpretations on Earth, can indicate probations for the souls that find themselves in regenerating experiences; however, should we consider the question in its spiritual aspect, we are forced to acknowledge that sterility doesn’t exist for the Spirit who, on Earth or elsewhere, can be prolific in works of beauty, enhancement and redemption.

Answer key

1. In how many types can we divide the obstacle to human reproduction? A.: There are basically two types of obstacles to human reproduction: the ones that can be called either natural or karmic, result of actions in previous lives, or the artificial, man-made action to halt the human reproduction. This latter can be read as contraceptive methods.

2. Can the couple set an offspring limit after being incarnated? A.: Kardec asked the following question to the Spirits (The Spirits’ Book, item 693): “Are human laws and customs that have been established for the purpose of placing obstacles in the way of reproduction contrary to the laws of nature?” The immortals answered: “Whatever hinders the operations of nature is contrary to the general law”. The position of Joanna de Ângelis (Após a Tempestade, (chapter 10, psychographed by Divaldo P. Franco) is to the point about the topic. Joanna says that the man could and should plan the family he would like to have: number of children and proper period for the parenthood, but never will he get rid of his probations, about his own past. Children are never an accident

3. What happens to the mother who was supposed to have three kids, but never made it, due to the use of contraceptive methods? A.: Dr. Jorge Andréa understands (Encontro com a Cultura Espírita, pages. 77 105 and 106) that family planning is a personal matter for the couple. The contraceptive pills have their indications and many motives, valid or not, will be connected to their use. If a mother who was supposed to have three kids never made it, by taking contraceptive pills, she will have this commitment transferred to the future, making the replacement, for an equivalent work in another area. In the case of tubal ligation, the indication can be based on the category of necessary medical interventions, as well as on the category of disadjustments. All these actions generate reactions. No one will step up the stairs of life without living on the floor of the minor dimensions before.

4. How can be interpreted couples that systematically take contraceptive methods? A.: The instructor Silas, replying to a similar question, pondered (Ação e Reação, page 210):  “If they do not try abortion at first, at the majority of times are careless workers that prefer to not sweat, in the hunger of immediate recomfort . Sadly for them, only put off sublime accomplishments, where they will be forced to return, because there are tasks and struggles in families that represent the unavoidable price of our regeneration. They enjoy the existence, desperately trying to fool themselves; however, time can wait giving them the chance to know that redemption requires our utmost. Rejecting new kids, usually programmed by them before reincarnation, tangling themselves up on the futilities and prejudices of below-par experiences, to wake up, after the tomb, feeling cold in the heart”.

5. Who is to blame for the natural obstacles to human reproduction imposed on certain people? A.: As for the natural or karmic obstacles to human reproduction, Emmanuel explains in O Consolador (item 40) that, in the sense of interpretations on Earth, can indicate probations for the souls that find themselves in regenerating experiences.


O Livro dos Espíritos, de Allan Kardec, itens 693 e 694.   

O Consolador, de Emmanuel, psicografado por Francisco Cândido Xavier, 8a edição, pergunta 40.

Entrevistas, de Francisco Cândido Xavier, IDE, 3a. edição, pergunta 102.

Após a tempestade, de Joanna de Ângelis, psicografado por Divaldo P.Franco, pp. 58 e 59. 

Ação e Reação, de André Luiz, psicografado por Francisco Cândido Xavier, 8a. edição, p. 210.

Forças Sexuais da Alma, de Jorge Andréa, cap. V, págs. 124 a 126.

Encontro com a Cultura Espírita, de Jorge Andréa, págs. 77, 105 e 106. 

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism