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Year 2 - N° 101 - April 5, 2009

Londrina, Paraná (Brasil)
Mani Fagundes dos Santos - manifagundes@yahoo.co.nz


The magnetic pass and its

Four are the main causes that limit the action fluidic curator, which is why not always pass the magnetic achieves more in a given case
the fact that another has been achieved

In 1866 Allan Kardec explained that there is a radical difference between the healing mediums and prescribing mediums when he the talked of cures made by Mr Henri Jacob. While these latter only prescribe drugs, the former heal the sick through the fluidic action, in more or less time, without the use of any medicine. All the healing power is in the purified fluids that serve as a conductor. The ability to heal, says Kardec, is inherent in the medium, but the exercise of this faculty only occurs with the assistance of spirits, where it follows that if the spirits do not want, the medium is as an instrument without a musician and does not accomplish anything. The medium can therefore instantly lose the power, which excludes the possibility of making a profession out of it. (Spiritist Magazine for 1866, pp. 347 and 348.) 

The codifier lists, following the study, cases where the fluidic action is powerless to promote healing. The fluidic action, he says, can provide sensitivity to an organ, dissolve and remove a barrier to movement and perception, heal a wound, because in such cases the fluid becomes a real therapeutic agent, but obviously it cannot replace the absence or destruction of an organ, which would be a real miracle. Thus, the order blindness by ophthalmia or cataract can be restored but not to those who had no eyes. 

There are therefore essentially incurable disease and would be illusory to believe that mediumistic healing will rid humanity of all his ailments. (Spiritist Magazine for 1866, pp. 348 and 349.)

In summary, we can say then, based on the spiritual teachings, which are the four main causes that limit the fluidic healing action:

  •  Faith or lack of receptivity of the patient
  •  Behaviour of the patient
  • The nature of the problem or illness
  • The law of cause and effect.

The lack of faith or receptivity of the patient 

Martins Peralva says, in his extraordinary “Studying Mediumship”, cap. XXVII, there are creatures that offer extraordinary receptivity to magnetic fluids. They have "strong and sincere faith, meditation and respect the work that is done in their favour." 

In the person of faith, when receiving the pass (magnetic healing), their mind and heart work like a powerful magnet, "attracting and attaching the healing forces of and cake." "Now with the non-believer, the ironic and the

hardened heart - Peralva states - the phenomenon is of course the opposite." 

The explanation of this fact is given by the instructor AULUS in the following passage in the book “In the Domains of Mediumship”, cap. 17, by André Luiz:

"When Taking notes, we began to notice that some patients did not achieve the slightest improvement.
The magnetic irradiation did not penetrate their organic vehicle.
Registering the phenomenon, Hilário did not hesitate to question:
- Why?
- They lack the state of trust - the leader explained.
- Will it then be essential that they register the faith to receive the aid they need?
- Ah! Yes. In photography we need of photosensitive plate to hold the image, as in electricity we need a wire sensitive to the transmission of light. In the field of spiritual benefits, it is essential that the candidate present a certain favourable tension. This tension stems from faith. " 

This is why the patient's lack of faith is one of the factors limiting the fluidic healing action, a fact known from the time of Jesus, as seen in the Gospel of Mark (Chapter 6:3-6), which Jesus healed very few patients in Nazareth because of unbelief of his people. It was Jesus himself who, surprised with the disbelief of his people coined a phrase that became famous and known even in our day: "Nobody is a prophet in his land." 

The behaviour of the patient 

The behaviour of the patient ends up contributing to the recurrence of evil and often prevents the effectiveness of fluidic healing action, as has been shown repeatedly in the Spiritists’ works. Allan Kardec notes in Spiritist Magazine, 1865, pp. 205 and 206, the case of a blind youth that had been collected by a dedicated spiritist was to heal him through magnetism, because the spirits had said that his cure was possible. However the treatment had no positive result, because the patient, instead of recognizing the kindness of his friend, had only showed ingratitude and bad manners, giving evidence of the worst character. 

St. Louis, spiritual leader of the Spiritist Society of Paris, explained that, in fact, the boy's illness was curable. Magnetization practiced with a spiritual zeal, devotion and perseverance would certainly succeed, and his vision would improve significantly if the wicked fluid surrounding did not oppose an obstacle to the penetration of the good fluids. St. Louis added: "In the state in which he was, the magnetic action was powerless while he does not get rid of harmful fluids, by his willingness and his improvement, " A real change by the boy himself was the only thing that could make the care of his magnetic healer effective, otherwise, the little bit of light left would be lost and new trials would affect him. 

We can find Three examples of how the behaviour of the patient can be the cause of organic disorders, and even prevent a cure, in the book “Missionaries of light”, pp. 326 to 333, André Luiz: 

1) A woman inside the Spiritist Centre carrying a dark cloud around the heart, specifically in the area of mitral valve. The mind, as we know, can poison itself with the mental emissions by those who live around you. The woman had serious clashes with her husband that day. With the healing pass, the black portion of the field went up and came to the tissue surface; spread it under

the radiant hand along the epidermis. If the domestic friction continues, the morbid effect could reflect on the somatic body, producing a lesion of unforeseeable consequences. 

2) In the same Spiritist Centre, the group of healing passes mediums saw a frail man so sore and that his kidneys seemed involved in black crepe, as the density of the wounding mental matter that surrounded. 

3) An elderly gentleman, treated then, had the liver and spleen in huge imbalance, but despite his condition, the healing pass would temporarily give relief only for one night and not cure him. Here is the explanation of the spiritual mentor: "After ten times of complete relief, we must leave it to itself, until it adopts new resolution." That man was carrying a temper less considerate and extremely moody. He engaged in frequent rivalries, passionate discussions, and the empire of his points of view. Flare up easily and aroused anger and sorrow on those around him. He should therefore spend some time by himself. Who knows if the pain and suffering would achieve the success that the past treatments could not cure? 

The nature of the problem or illness 

As we saw initially, Kardec says, in the Spiritist Magazine, 1866, pp. 349, that there are essentially incurable diseases and would be an illusion to believe that mediumistic healing will get rid of all humanity’s diseases. Take into account the nature of the problem or illness of the patient is therefore necessary to propose to those who deal with people through the fluidic healing action. 

Besides the case mentioned in the preamble - absence or destruction of an organ - we should bear in mind that the fluidic action is incapable to resolve the disturbances caused by the guilty conscience and obsessive most serious cases, such as subjugation, by itself.
The case Mário Silva, reported by Andre Luiz in his book “Between Earth and heaven”, cap. 34, pp. 224 to 226, illustrate this.

Mario, impressed with the death of the boy Julius (who was his former companion of adventures at the War of Paraguay), retained a distressing guilt complex and had his thoughts on the deceased, like a fixed image set in his photographic plate. Having spent the day in bed, under extreme disturbance, he felt failed and ashamed. André Luiz asked Clarêncio if he could not help by magnetic passes, to which the Minister replied assertive: "The aid of this nature sustains his strength, but does not solve the problem. Silva should be reached in the mind for improvements. He requires renewed ideas and at the moment, Antonina is the only person capable of lifting him up more safely. " He added: "Everything in life has its reason for being. Another time, Silva, in the personality of Esteves, joined to Antonina, then living as Lola Ibarruri, to drowned in sinful pleasure, with oversight of the obligations of the best life. Today, they gathered in the just recovery. Those who join in the levity ahead of the law, just take on huge commitments to the necessary readjustment. Nobody cheats on the principles that rule existence. "

The same limitation of fluidic action, seen in situations such as Mario Silva, records in the cases of oppression, as reported in Spiritist Magazine, 1865, pp. 4 to 18, Mr Dombre, about the seizures experienced by Laurent Valentine, 13 years old. 

The crises, in addition to repeat several times a day, were of such violence that five men had difficulty in keeping the boy in bed. It was case of obsession of the most serious nature, produced by the Spirit of Germaine. Valentine was sensitive to the treatment received by Mr. Dombre through the imposition of hands, but as soon as he left, the crises returned. After treatment by magnetic passes and skilful instructions given to Germaine - the Spirit who troubled Valentine - the obsessive process was over and everything explained. 

On the fringes of the case, Kardec asks: "What would have served the magnetism if the cause remained? " It was necessary first to destroy the cause, before attacking the effects, or at least act on both simultaneously, teaches the codifier, showing that magnetism alone is unable to heal the severe obsessions, understanding that he repeated on the final edition d 'The Gospel according to Spiritism, cap. 28, item 81. 

The law of cause and effect 

The law of cause and effect is not, as many think, an innovation or an invention of Spiritism. Jesus reported it on several occasions. In on of them, the Master taught that each will be given according to their works. In another passage, as the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 26:52), the Lord, to ask Peter save his sword, said that all those who make use of the sword would die by the sword. 

Allan Kardec teaches in the Spiritist Magazine of 1868, pp. 85, that most diseases, like all human miseries, are atonements of the present or the past, or tests for the future. In the first case arising from debts, the consequences must be sustained until they were recovered. It’s obvious that there can be no cure for those who have not reached the end of his trial.

The same argument, which by the way is not any news to scholars of the Spiritism, had been held the previous year, in Revue de 1867, pp. 190 to 193, the Spirit of Quinemant, which weaves in an important communication, valuable considerations on the magnetism and Spiritism.

After recalling that the disease is a material effect and while there is still a cause, it will produce new morbid effects, which disable the cure, the communicant describes the intimate relationship that exists between the Spiritism, mediumship and the magnetism, which, developed by Spiritism, "is the key to the vault of moral and material health of future humanity."

This is one of the most common reasons for limitation of magnetic healing action, which should always be taken into consideration by people seeking help in Spiritist houses. In everything we need patience, and this is what makes the suffering person continue until the end, making the part that touches it, without dismay, certain that at the right time the goal will be reached.


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