Spiritism For Kids

By Marcela Prada


Theme: Attachment and renewal

The perfect dress

Rachael was a beautiful and vain girl. She loved when she had a party because she could dress up even more and wear pretty dresses.

She had a dress that was her favorite. It was yellow, almost gold, with bright embroidery. She worn it to her aunt's wedding and then to her birthday party.
And she also wore it from time to time at home because she felt like a princess with it.

But time passed and Rachael grew up. One day she noticed that the dress was no longer fitting. If she forced it, she could ruin the stitching.

She was very sad.

- Even if it doesn't fit me anymore, I won't give it to anyone. Neither sell nor lend! This is the best dress ever. It's the dress of my life! - she said.

Her mother sometimes tried to talk to the girl. She said that just as the dress had been good for her, it could now make another girl happy too. But Rachael was not convinced by any argument.

One day, going through her wardrobe, she saw the yellow dress, took it off the hanger and realized that it had a bad smell, from clothes that had been stored for a long time.

Rachael took the dress, sat on her bed and thought. She felt very sorry for not being able to wear it anymore. A dress as beautiful as that one had become useless and now it was just hidden, kept away all the time. One day it would get too old and have to be thrown away.

She knew it was a garment, a sewn piece of cloth, but it still was hard for her to let it go.

Rachael even cried when she realized that the right thing to do was let another girl wear it. She talked to her mother, and they decided to give it to Rachael's little cousin, Renata. She was still little and could get a lot out of it.

When Renata saw the dress, she jumped with joy. Aunt Juliana, her mother, thanked Rachael a lot, and said that she would help to take good care of it so that it would remain beautiful for a long time.

Rachael felt very happy with her cousin's happiness. Rachael's mother was also very happy with her daughter's attitude and praised her courage for having done what she knew was right, even though she didn't feel like doing it.

Time passed and Rachael became a teenager. When she turned fifteen, her mother had a dress made for her birthday. Rachael chose the design and the fabric, which was satin red. The seamstress made it exactly as she wanted and, when it was ready, she called her to try it on.

Rachael tried on the dress and felt beautiful. With a huge smile she went to show her mother.

- See, mom, how beautiful it turned out! I loved! It's perfect! - she said excitedly - This is the dress of my life!

Her mother, laughing, said to her:

- Oh no! Let's not start over! God willing, you will have many perfect dresses in your life! Each one will fulfill their role and that's all.

Rachael, who was super happy, hugged her mother and said:

- It's OK! It’s a deal! I will want to have many perfect dresses.

It is not easy to let go of the things we care about, but it is necessary as life is always on the move. Everything goes, but everything is renewed too, and time is responsible for always bringing us new and incredible opportunities.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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