
By Orson Peter Carrara

Union and unification in the digital world


No one is unaware of the benefits arising from the union of people, ideas and groups or institutions, for the expansion of ennobling ideals that dignify life and its many different consequences. Even in the Spiritist movement, obviously. Efforts in this direction are well known, with prodigies in favor of the cause, especially by the leadership of Bezerra de Menezes, still in his first term as president of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation and by the actions that followed his disincarnating. Including the well-known Unification message, a psychographics by Chico Xavier in 1963 and widely used and disseminated. By the way, it should be said, the well-known Benefactor never tires of recommending in this direction, considering, of course, its great importance.

By the way, it never hurts to recommend the reading, knowledge and dissemination of the aforementioned message. For newcomers – old or those who have arrived now – as well as veterans (so that we remember the precious guidelines and not lose sight of them), it will be easy for any reader to find it with the facilities of virtual searches. Just type in the search browser: Unificaçao – Bezerra de Menezes. In this line of reasoning, we also suggest that the reader also research the valuable document Orientation to the Unification Organs (Orientacao aos Orgaos de Unificacao), from the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, easily found by typing the title itself in full text, the result of elaboration, analysis and approval by the National Federative Council, in 2009.

The expression Union and Unification must be understood in the direction of conciliatory, solidary actions, without any imposition, constraint or disrespect to freedom. Rather, it represents willingness and goodwill towards the greater objective: the Spiritist cause, which values initiatives, respects freedom and independence and always acts towards aid, guidance, prevailing collective decision, in the exchange of experiences. It should be noted that when a collective decision is affirmed, consensus on common points is sought for the sake of the greater objective, taking into account the proposals presented in plenary sessions constituted and elected by the members themselves, who, in turn, represent other bodies and institutions, which leads to beneficial, practical and collective results.

In the said Unification message, we find the basic guideline: “(...) we maintain the purpose of fraternizing, approaching, socializing and understanding (...)”. The phrase used by the Benefactor translates how to do it... This keeping the purpose is the great secret, instead of closing ourselves in exclusivist purposes.

And in the digital world?

With the virtual explosion, how to understand the whole Union and Unification process? Are they possible?

A superficial analysis of the reality that we live intensely nowadays has already shown that yes. Approximation was facilitated, barriers and paradigms were knocked down, people, groups and institutions were leveled, the problem of distances, including international ones, was extinguished.

Several aspects for the two actions to take place can be mentioned and reflected by all of us, even for us to perfect them for better use:

 Strengthening of the ideal (in studies and various actions) in groups from the same institution or city, completely extinguishing geographic boundaries;

b) Flexibility of schedules (in studies, and dissemination and administrative actions), also as noted above, with great ease of scheduling;

c) Drastic cost reduction in travel, meals and accommodation, greatly facilitating the expansion and dissemination of the Spiritist


d) Natural approximation and multiplication of contacts – many exchanges were established between people, institutions, groups, cities, states and countries, bringing together and joining efforts, establishing extraordinary alignment;

e) Filling of empty spaces – the virtual world filled spaces of lonely, bedridden people, with restrictions on movement and various impediments;

f) Overturned the mistaken concept of “my house” – The supposedly limiting proposition of “my house” gave way to “our cause”, expanding the notion of collective work;

g) Discovered values – Notable Spiritist workers, hidden by their anonymity, have now emerged offering their contribution to the expansion of the Spiritist idea, with important legacies in the history of the movement, even if located in an institution or city;

h) Bureaucracy lost ground – Decisions that were slow and complex before became now more practical, facilitating varied actions.

i) And perhaps the most important: fraternity – Friends were made, they found each other again, establishing ties of legitimate fraternity that unfolded in concrete actions in favor of the expansion of the Spiritist idea, in their actions.

Perhaps the reader will ask about social isolation, lack of face-to-face coexistence or distancing in various aspects. It is true, but we must note that, despite all the limitations, we managed to live together and these steps are gradually being overcome.

Therefore, we can say without fear that the advantages were admirable and much greater than the real negative aspects that also existed, in terms of health and economy. Seen, however, with the eyes of acquired experience and our immortal condition, the benefits were and are being greater. Damages and limitations are fleeting, no matter how long they last, and the lessons remain forever.

On the other hand, we learned – albeit in many cases precariously – to use the platforms, which are also being gradually improved. They became very skillful and useful instruments of dissemination and Spiritist experience. The claim that there are lives or distorted recordings of doctrinal reality, in turn, disappear in the universe of good content available and produced daily.


In my opinion – and no one has to agree with this – I think that the greatest benefit was the opportunity offered for everyone to show up, grow and, of course, learn. Both studying, disseminating, reflecting, and approaching figures that were previously inaccessible for various reasons and who now dialogue as equals – what we really are, despite all our personal differences. With all this, we stop talking only to ourselves. Despite the increased responsibility, we left the institution to make knowledge available to the planet (we have no doubt that it is very close to having simultaneous translator platforms for different languages), which means taking Spiritist knowledge, with its greatness, to the immense planetary public, translating itself, therefore, as a blessing for Humanity.

Dare I ask the reader to reflect with me by rereading the items listed above, to expand, with your vision, the aspects therefore mentioned.



Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita