
By Orson Peter Carrara

The author of “Obsession in 100 Answers” speaks about the book 

Rogério Ramos Bastos Miguez (photo), lives in the city of São José dos Campos, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He has a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and is an active member of the local Spiritist Movement. He works as a volunteer at the Divino Mestre (Divine Master) Spiritist Centre and is the author of many articles about Spiritism. He has recently published the book Obsessão em 100 respostas (Obsession in 100 Answers), and tells us a bit more about it in the following interview:

Why did you choose obsession, or spiritual attachment, as the theme for your studies?

It’s an issue that is present in many Spiritist sources and that has always attracted my attention, mainly because of the impact it has on our lives. I began studying the issues, then prepared a list of sub themes and finally decided to develop further my studies. This project led to the creation of a 25-module course about obsession, or spiritual attachment. After presenting the course a few times, I began consolidating the material into a single text. 

This is a very comprehensive theme. Taking that into account, which particular issue draws your attention?

It’s the endless possibilities involved and a wide range of examples and situations. You have cases that are apparently simple, and yet complex, which have been going on for over a century. Hidden behind them you find a web of past incidents that show the importance of all relationships with those closer to us.

What surprised you during the research process for the book?

It was the description of cases, the characters involved and the facts that led into the current situation. You learn then that it’s not always that you can solve the problem. What has also impressed me was the power of love, especially motherly love, as there are cases in which only the presence of the mother of the Spirit persecuting others, the obsessor, creates a situation in which the tormentor is able to forgive the victim. In such situations, words and logical reasoning are not enough. 

How was the process of preparing the book?

As I mentioned before, the manuscript was taking shape gradually, as I concluded each one of the sub themes. As time went by, more ideas came up and new references materialised and they were all incorporated into the latest draft. At a certain point, I realised that I had to draw the line somewhere or else I would continue to add new elements to my work indefinitely. So I stopped. But I have already made note of many new ideas that will be incorporated into a new book: Obsession in 150 Answers!

What were the most difficult issues you had to deal with?

Perhaps it was the issue of homosexuality, as it required a great deal of care to prevent the book from being tainted by old prejudices. Another difficult issue was auto-obsession, which is not known or well-understood by many people. 

That is an issue that you address on question 30 of your book. Is there any practical rule for someone to detect it?

As the Romans used to say: virtue stands in the middle. Any obsessive habit, accentuated inclination, or systematic behaviour that comes without a plausible reason to support it is a good indication of a potential problem. But please forget the idea that doing good deeds “in excess” is a sign of self-obsession. That’s not true. 

Is there anything in particular that you would like to share about the preparation process of the book?

I’d like to mention the countless times that I had to read and re-read the manuscript until I was satisfied with it. Cristina, my wife, also read it a few times and made important observations, helping me correct a few things here and there. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I recommend that all of those who do research current issues in the light of Spiritism register their findings, experiences and insights, sharing their observations and conclusions with others. Your spiritual guides will help you write something that will be useful to the Spiritist Movement and humankind in the same way that they have helped me so much. 

What would you say to those who are trying to get a better understanding of this issue?

Bear in mind that more often than we acknowledge Spirits guide our thoughts and actions, as the Spirit of Truth stated in The Spirits’ Book. Considering that the possibility of interaction with the Spiritual World is a Law of God, the more we know about it the better it will be for us. 

Please leave us with your final thoughts.

Obsession, or spiritual attachment, has caused more damage than all wars and epidemics already faced by humankind put together. This is the true Unknown Pandemic. We must study it and unveil the secrets of the mechanism of spiritual obsession as much as we can, as this effort will create a personal shield that will protect us from this type of harassment. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita