
By Orson Peter Carrara

A project to disseminate Spiritism with new technologies

Ailton Santos Caetano (photo) is from the Brazilian city of Ribeira do Pombal, in the state of Bahia, where he works as a teacher. He has degrees in Physical Education, Sociology and Philosophy. He is a member and the current president of the Joanna de Ângelis Spiritist Society and the local Spiritist Union, as he explains in the following interview:

Tell us about your links with Spiritism and how that began.

My first contact with Spiritism came when I was 19 years old and was still dating my current wife, Jozilda Damião Caetano. She invited me to take part in a Gospel in the Home at the house of two dear friends, Osvaldo Morais and Suzi Santos. I came from a Catholic family and had been involved in many study groups and events with them. But now some of my family members have become Spiritists while others accept and have a connection with Spiritism. That makes me happy, as I credit it to the moral and philosophical power of the Spiritist Teachings.  

What is your assessment of the Spiritist Movement before and after the coronavirus pandemic, especially concerning the use of social media and online events?

As someone who’s always been deeply involved in the work of the Espiritize Web TV, online, I had the opportunity to invite many guests to join our programmes during the pandemic. I did that to make sure that we carried on uninterrupted. I was moved by a WILLINGNESS to act, and that is a word that carries significant philosophical weight for the Codificator of Spiritism, Allan Kardec. In the middle of so much pain and suffering, people opened their homes to us, allowing the light of Spiritism to reach them, via the internet. And consolation for their pain came at a very difficult time for everyone, when so many people left unexpectedly without even getting a chance for a final farewell. 

What is the main idea behind the Espiritize Web Portal?

This project began well before the pandemic, on a community FM radio station. The Espiritize Web TV is a portal hosted by YouTube. It has done a great job in the dissemination of Spiritism, thanks to the hard work of a generous, dedicated and committed team of people determined to spread to the world this “Brighter Light,” which is how the Spiritual Benefactor, Emmanuel, described Spiritism. The pioneer of this project is our brother Osvaldo Morais. And many people have spoken on our channel through the years, including very well known Spiritists. 

What would you like to highlight from all those years in the Spiritist Movement?

I’ve had many remarkable experiences and lessons throughout the years in Spiritism. But I would like to highlight the rational and logical manner in which Spiritism deals with issues for which we previously didn’t have an answer. The wisdom gained from that has given me more confidence to deal with the responsibility that we all carry as immortal beings. It showed me the paths to follow as well as the result of my choices. That’s an aspect of Spiritism that fascinates me and puts me in permanent contact with the Creator, as He carved His Law in my conscience, which makes me directly responsible for me and for those who come across me in life.     

And what has been the most difficult aspect of being a Spiritist?

Taking into account the answer to Question 909 of The Spirits’ Book, I can tell you that nothing is more difficult than effectively putting into practice the Teachings so that we are able to control our bad inclinations. I believe, however, that moral and intellectual progress will only be achieved if we make a concerted, rational effort, trying to move up in the direction of God, as our ultimate goal is to be able to meet Him. 

If you could recommend something to the Spiritist Movement, what would that be?

I wouldn’t recommend anything for Spiritism itself. After all it will continue to fulfill its goals as it follows the progress of humanity and the development of philosophical and religious concepts. But with the Spiritist Movement it’s different. It’s constructed by human minds, which are subject to flaws. So for the Spiritist Movement I would say that we must follow one of the recommendations of Jesus, “Pray and watch,” bearing in mind another advice given to us by the Spirit of Truth: “Spiritists! Love each other and educate yourselves.”     

Is there anything else you would like to add?

We are living in a critical period for humanity and we must build better channels of communication with all social groups. We ought to get involved in controversial issues, in the sense that Spiritists must be able to establish a conversation with “the different and the forgotten ones,” as Jesus did in his days. We must always welcome and embrace everyone, we must love without setting up barriers. After all, what is the act of loving if not forgetting about yourself? Didn’t Jesus say that we must be smaller on Earth in order to be bigger in the Kingdom of Heaven?  



Leonardo Rocha -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita