Letter to the reader

Year 16 - 772 - May 15, 2022

Why highlighting the bad and not the good is a common habit in the press in general?

Many will say that readers like it, and the press just listens to them. The fact is that this habit is old and already in the beginnings of the codification of Spiritism it was mentioned by Allan Kardec, who was a staunch critic of the predilection that the newspapers of the time had in highlighting the crimes and the baseness committed by people. The theme is examined by Wellington Balbo in the Special entitled “I wonder if Kardec is right”, one of the highlights of this edition.

Another highlight is the interview given to us by Maria Auxiliadora Guimarães Beranger Henriques, from Viçosa (MG). Better known as Dorinha, she, who is a lawyer and real estate broker, participates in the Irmã Scheilla Spiritist Center, where she works in study groups and as an enlightener in a mediumistic meeting, being also the current Doctrinal Director of the institution.

In May 1925, the 1st Portuguese Spiritist Congress was held in Lisbon, whose organizing committee was chaired by General Viriato Zeferino Passaláqua, who, in addition to presiding over the conclave, presented two theses: "Spiritualism and Spiritism" and "Spiritist Madness", as it is shown by Ana Moraes in a special report published in this issue.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita