Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Do unto others what we wish for ourselves

A good day to the newsman

Peter was a peaceful man who lived well with life, no matter what happened to him. Every day he used to buy his newspaper at a newsstand near his house.

One day, when he was on his usual way to the bank, Peter ran into his old friend Joe. They chatted happily for a few minutes, and Joe decided to walk with Peter to buy the newspaper.

Arriving there, Peter greeted the newsman:

- Good morning!

The seller did not respond. He barely looked at the customer. He just asked, showing a bad mood:

- The newspaper?

- Yes! Please - said Peter with a slight smile.

The newsman pointed out where it was, so Peter could take it himself. Peter took it and paid. Before leaving, he thanked and wished the newsman a good day, who again did not respond.

Joe, who watched the scene, was surprised by the salesman's posture. He found him rude and even indifferent.

As soon as they left the stand, Joe asked a little annoyed:

- Peter, do you always buy the newspaper here?

- Yes, I come almost every day - replied the friend.

- And the newsman is always this grumpy?

- Sometimes...

- So why do you keep coming to this man's stand who doesn't even know how to treat people? - asked Joe, outraged.

Peter stopped walking for a moment and calmly explained:

- Joe, I don't know what kind of problems this man has. Not that it justifies his behavior. What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong, but I don't want to judge him or get into his negative tune. Negative thoughts and feelings harm us first and then others who receive our heavy vibration.

- What I want is to buy the newspaper - Peter continued - And my conscience’s duty is to treat him politely. I can't let my behavior depend on his mood. In fact, on the contrary, I always truly wish him a “good day”. Who knows, this might help him in some way.

Upon hearing these words, Joe realized that his friend was right. He was irritated by the newsman's attitude, and it hasn't done him any good. But as soon as Joe noticed the situation differently, the irritation went away. He even managed to think of the newsman and mentally say to him: have a nice day.

The two friends, calm and carrying the newspaper they had bought, continued their walk and their friendly conversation, ready to have a good day too.


Adapted from the story “Be the Agent of the Story of Your Life” (Seja o agente da história de sua vida), from the book Let My Life Change.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita