Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: God

The best author in the world

Isaura closed her book, smiled, and said to her daughter Helen:

- I finished reading this book. And what a good book! I've read three books of this series and with all of them I laughed at some moments, got emotional at others, I was curious, surprised, and then happy at the end. This author is amazing. He's very smart, and sensitive too. Also, he is funny and writes well. From the way he narrates the story, I can perfectly imagine the scene.

Helen, seeing her mother speak so highly of that author, wanted to know more about him. How he looked like, if he was tall or short, fat or thin, how old was he, where did he live, if he had a daughter too...

But Isaura did not have this information and for all her daughter's questions she answered:

- I don’t know that!

- But, Mom, as you do know almost nothing about him, how can you know that he is intelligent, then? And that he's funny? And several other things?

- Honey, maybe someday I'll know more about him. For now, what I can know is through his works. If he wasn't smart, sensitive, funny, good writer, he wouldn't be able to write these wonderful books that I have read.

- Did you want to know more about him? - asked Helen.

- I think so, I would even like to be able to talk to him one day. But for now, I'm already pleased to know that it's worth buying and reading more of his books. Would you like to go to the bookstore with me? I'll buy you a good book too.

- Yeah! - shouted Helen, satisfied, because she loved to walk with her mother.

They got dressed and left. The bookstore wasn't far, and they went on foot.

It was late afternoon, the sun gave a special color to the landscape. As they walked along the sidewalk, they observed the gardens of the houses, the lawn of the square, trees, the flight of the birds...

Isaura waved to a neighbor, a longtime friend, who was at the window of her house, she smiled when she saw them and, affectionately, sent them a kiss with her hand.

It was a simple walk, but Helen, holding hands with her mother, seeing beauties around her, felt very happy and asked:

- Mom, you said that it was God who created everything that exists, didn't you?

- Yes, darling!

- Is God old, Mom? Does He live on a cloud? What clothes does He wear?

- Daughter, no one knows the details about God, for example since when He has existed. But we can know some things through the works of His creation, such as, for example, that He has the greatest love in the world for us, the love that He Himself created. And that He is very intelligent too, because He created things that no man can do, such as light, animals, plants, planets...

Helen looked at the beautiful sunset sky, remembered the conversation they had at home before leaving and said:

- Mom, if it was God who created us and all nature, is He the best author in the world?

Isaura noticed that Helen was making a comparison with the author of the book, which they had talked about before, and replied:

- Yes, He is, my dear! God is wonderful. And nothing, and no one, is equal to Him.

Isaura hugged Helen affectionately and smiled, pleased to see that her daughter had understood something very important.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita