
por Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

Remarks on lie cultivation and its Spiritual Impact

The Spirit Andre Luiz noted in the work Spiritist Ideal (Ideal Espírita) - a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier and Waldo Vieira - that, essentially, there is little change in the contemporary world compared to the times of Jesus. An obvious sign of this perception is the fact that the habit of lying remains deeply rooted in the human soul, and a serious sign of its imperfection. If we look more closely, we will see that lying has become, nowadays, a professional activity of many people who resort to it, in fact, to disseminate the so-called fake news (news or statements without basis or support in the facts). Going a little further, we will also see that, at election time, candidates for public office use this expedient to exhaustion to promise what they will never fulfill or to criticize/flog their opponents.

Therefore, systematic lying continues to dominate the list of moral failures of human beings, who usually do little or nothing to free themselves from them. As a result of this reprehensible behavior, considerable confusion and doubts are generated in the minds of the least informed people and, depending on the situation, chaos. In fact, we saw this very clearly in the most intense period of the pandemic, especially with regard to what we could and could not take.

Furthermore, a respected journalist recently considered, quite rightly, that we live in the “age of lies”. In his opinion, perhaps man has never lied so much in human history. He even thinks, with some sarcasm, that given the present reality regarding this matter: “the Middle Ages was a moment of light”. The most amazing thing is that there is a plethora of recent happenings and events that back up this assertion. It is not without reason, by the way, that the Spirit Andre Luiz stated, as mentioned in the book The Soul Dictionary (Dicionário da Alma) (a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier), that “The lie improvises dark rays”.

We see it, by the way, being maliciously used in important moments of the human trajectory in this orb. The Christian movement, it must be remembered, was the target of intense lies and falsehoods that culminated in the death of thousands of its followers. It is also worth remembering, in this sense, the Nazi propaganda that defended the supremacy of the Aryan race – preaching without any support in reason and which culminated in the humiliating defeat of Germany in the 2nd World War. The same abominable device was used by the Germans to justify the Jewish holocaust. Following this line of thought, all the rhetoric of the communist discourse of equality, social justice and equity has always hidden monstrosities practiced by the countries that follow such a regime.

Indeed, the annihilation of the opposition – real or fictional – promoted by the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) to maintain himself in power cost the lives of millions of people (although there is no consensus among historians, it is estimated that it may have reached 9 million, with 6 million deliberate). Following a similar pattern, Chinese leader Mao Zedong (1893-1976) with his cultural revolution – essentially a program of indoctrination riddled with lies – produced the death of between 50 to 80 million people.

Even from this angle of appreciation, it cannot be said that the capitalist system, in which we predominantly live under in the West, is a panacea. On the contrary. Today, as never before, poverty and misery can be seen everywhere. In other words, a myriad of perverse side effects can be clearly identified associated with a system that, paradoxically, has always preached freedom and prosperity for its citizens. It should be noted that Covid-19 has only exacerbated the maladjustments of this system, increasing the gap between rich and poor, as social statistics vehemently demonstrate.

In summary, it can be said that at the macro level we continue to be bombarded by systematic lies that falsely advertise a better life without any concrete basis. People earn less and less in relative terms and real wealth is channeled into the hands of a few. For these reasons, we continue to await the implementation of a world economic system based on a new social order, which effectively sees human beings as an end, not objects-means of exploitation. In other words, a system based on authentic respect, solidarity, compassion and empathy, and that treats individuals as true brothers.

Faced with such a scenario, the Messiah's recommendation remains unshakable for us to love our neighbor as ourselves – the pillar of any civilization that truly accepts God and His wise laws. The moral misery in which we currently wallow indicates that this is perhaps the main human challenge to be overcome. Such a proposition I believe it may sound corny to the selfish and indifferent who only aim for the best for themselves. In any case, while this transformation in the orb does not take place, we will continue to witness the shameful and infamous rhetoric they try to sell us:  that we live in a paradise...

On the other hand, the lie, as discussed above, prevails rooted in the human psyche, spreading, sneaky and poisonous, in the structures of institutions, in the values ​​worshiped by individuals and in the actions implemented. Such a disaster still occurs basically due to our spiritual backwardness, which reaches, in fact, alarming levels. In this way, the ideas and arguments invoked here are deeply contaminated by the virus of lies of their creators. Furthermore, it is necessary to emphasize that the lie has many facets and aspects. It is therefore not uncommon, for example, for people to attribute to themselves predicates and virtues that they are very far from possessing. Meanwhile, others appeal to it to escape responsibility for her unfortunate acts, often dragging innocent people into their evil plots. Whatever the appearance of the lie, let us never forget that the heavenly Father is all-seeing, and from His perfect justice no one escapes.

The greatest of spirituality produced serious considerations on the subject. The Spirit Emmanuel observes, for example, in question number 192 of the book The Consoler (O Consolador (a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier), that:

“The lie is the deceitful action that aims at the immediate benefit of oneself, to the detriment of the interests of others in their legitimate and sacred aspect; and this mental attitude of the creature is one of the most humiliating to the human personality, delaying, in every way, the divine evolution of the Spirit.”

In turn, the Spirit Joanna de Angelis highlights, in the work Light of Hope (Luz da Esperança), a psychographics by the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco, says that:

“The lie results from the moral immaturity of man and develops with the residues of inferior passions.

A pernicious miasma, it contaminates non-adverting creatures, sometimes managing to afflict more reserved temperaments, depending on the terms in which it is elaborated and the circumstances in which it presents itself.

It becomes a cloud that, momentarily, blurs the contours of the landscape, allowing countless evils to appear.

Sister of slander, it is the first step towards the degradation of human behavior (my emphasis).”

The venerable spiritual entity adds that the resort to lying is even more harmful to the author of the unfortunate act than to his victim. After all, sooner or later the protagonist of the ignominious act reaches the point of having his disjointed view of events and things and, thus, ends up getting entangled in the sick webs of his macabre creation. That is, the liar ends up falling into contradictions and slips that make his vision and explanation of the facts worthless. In addition, Joanna de Angelis alludes to the fact that “By getting used to a negative or exaggerated observation, the liar advances in the direction of alienation, since new mental gymnastics are always imposed on him in order to cover up the previous slips he allowed himself to be”.

According to the benefactress, “Memory is the organ that first denounces”. Advanced in its clarification, she observes that, at first, the engendered lie tends to be heard. It is also possible that the protagonist – and life teaches this – enjoys credibility. But the facts, in due course, come to light and his crime is identified. On other occasions, ponders the mentor, circumstances or unforeseen events arise that try to clarify the issue in an unmistakable way. In such cases the liar is exposed naturally - as if divine action directed the clarification.

Unfortunately, many people fail miserably in their (futile) attempt to hide their sickly deeds against others. The wheel of life may take a while to unmask them, but the truth catches up with them sooner or later. In fact, Jesus was extremely accurate in recommending that we cultivate the truth. In this way, having such a virtue is essential for souls who wish to ascend in the spiritual scale. Even more, speaking the truth in any circumstance must be a good individual's commitment. It is better to be momentarily hit by the meshes of lies and evil than to use the lie to hurt anyone. Furthermore, lying is a practice that does not conform to divine guidelines.

Joanna de Angelis recommends being open to the truth and acting with moral firmness. It is possible that moved by these ideals we will have to face rough problems along the redemptive path. After all, most incarnate souls do not want to hear the truth that they so despise. Therefore, for the mentor, it is better for us to be misunderstood in the use of the truth than to be seduced “by the artifices of lying”. She also advises us not to get used to the so-called “white lies”, that is, the less compromising ones, since we can get used to them, and thus “end up lying out of habit”. In her view, it is vital that we be honest “with the good and friend of the truth” at all times.

Finally, Joanna de Angelis suggests that we get used to being faithful to the truth (the best possible antidote to the lie), and she will be in front of us, opening the way for us to walk. It is not something that is impossible to accomplish, but, like everything that involves the things of the Immortal Spirit, it takes determination and persistence. As for the individual consciously adhering to the behavior of lying, painful educational experiences await him on the roads of the future until he assimilates the cultivation of truth as one of the existential imperatives.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita