
por Orson Peter Carrara

It’s great to be a Spiritist and it’s even better to put Spiritism into practice

The words above are by Joaquim Veloso Filho (photo), who is affectionately known as Quincas. He was born in the city of Unaí and lives in Monte Carmelo – both cities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. He is a retired accountant and a member of the Associação Espírita Humildade, Amor e Luz (Humility, Love and Light Spiritist Association), as he explains in the following interview.

 How did you become a Spiritist?

All my family members, who were practicing Catholics, became Spiritists in 1943. I wasn’t even three years old at the time, which means I was brought up as a Spiritist.  

Which aspect of Spiritism attracts you the most and why?

The coherence and rationality of its principles and explanations. The Spiritist Teachings never challenge the natural laws of the world. Even the so-called miracles are explained in a plausible manner. 

How did the idea of creating an online Spiritist Chat group, PAPO COM QUINCAS (Chat with Quincas) come about?

When doctors and scientists advised us about the importance of social distancing and lockdowns, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, many Spiritists began broadcasting live online and I became hooked. Talking to some friends, they suggested that I use Facebook to host a chat group, as I was retired and had the time to do it. A dear friend came up with the idea of calling it “PAPO COM QUINCAS” (Chat with Quincas). I host the programme from Monday to Friday at 10pm. The transmission goes on for 20 minutes maximum. I’m about to do the 365th edition of the online chat programme without any interruption since it began.  

How can our readers access the chat?

You can do it live by accessing my Facebook account: Quincas Veloso. Recordings of previous chats are also available on YouTube: CEPE, Centro Espírita Paulo e Estêvão, from Ibiá-MG. 

You are also part of other groups of friends who meet online. Tell us more about that.

I join my friends Daniel Nascimento and Wellington de Melo every Thursday at 8pm on several channels, including RAE-TV, to talk about Spiritism on “PROSA ESPÍRITA” (Spiritist Conversation). Once a month, I take part in “NAS ENTRELINHAS ESPÍRITAS” (Between the Spiritist Lines) on channel Coromandel Espírita, with Borginho and, again, Wellington de Melo. And every Sunday at 9pm on Tupaciguara Espírita channel I join Wellington the Melo once more, and a guest, on “E A FAMÍLIA COMO VAI” (How Is Your Family Doing?). These are very interesting experiences, where we have the opportunity to learn more about Spiritism. 

How is to live your life as a Spiritist?

I believe that the Spiritist Movement needs to reassess its teaching and learning methodology, in order to become less theoretical and prioritise integration and simplicity. To be wise is to be simple and direct. We need to put Christianity inside our hearts. Only if we get touched in our hearts by the examples of Christianity will we be able to understand what it means to be a true Spiritist, which is to live according to the Teachings of the promised consoler. 

What do you say about the new experiences of virtual meetings that became so prevalent during the pandemic?

The human touch is important indeed: to shake hands, to hug etc. We miss all that. But this new online experience has really benefited the dissemination of Spiritism. People who never went to a Spiritist Centre before now take active part in many events through the internet. I, personally, have made many friends across Brazil, which is a huge country. I think that even when the meetings are resumed in person, we will need to continue broadcasting online the talks and other events. 

What is your most memorable moment in Spiritism after all these years?

It was when I was 16 years old and we received the visit of the medium, Chico Xavier, and Dr Waldo Veira in Monte Carmelo. But I was really in awe when they arrived at my parents’ house to have lunch with us. It was a unique moment in my life. And, I tell you, I was very curious to find out whether Chico Xavier ate beef. [He did.] That was in 1956.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I tell you, my dear friends: “It’s great to be a Spiritist and it’s even better to put Spiritism into practice.”




Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita