Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 756 - January 23, 2022

Forgive seventy times seven times, this is what the law of God recommends to us

"Forgive seventy times seven times - until offenses don't bother us!" With this phrase Gebaldo José de Sousa closes the Special of this edition, entitled “Forgive unlimitedly!” In the article, he reminds us that true love is allied with compassion, but in fact we usually act like the old caravanner mentioned by Malba Tahan in one of his stories: we misuse our time on Earth when we could, in every moment, to rewrite our destiny with the constant practice of good.

“It is very good to be a spiritist, it is even better to practice it” – words of Joaquim Veloso Filho, our interviewee today. He was born in Unaí (MG), but currently residing in Monte Carmelo, in the same state, he participates in the activities of the Humility, Love and Light Spiritist Association (Associação Espírita Humildade, Amor e Luz), in his city, as he tells us in an interview, which he kindly granted to our collaborator Orson Peter Carrara.

On a day like today, January 23, Deolindo Amorim was born in 1906 in Baixa Grande (BA), who passed away at the age of 78 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Journalist, writer and lecturer admired throughout the country, Deolindo Amorim collaborated in practically the entire Brazilian spiritist press, and it is to him that the Spiritist Culture Institute of Brazil (Instituto de Cultura Espírita do Brasil – ICEB) was founded in December 1957.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita