Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Dedication to Good

The backyard plants

Benjamin's family had moved into a new house, with a large backyard, where Benjamin's parents had planted grass and many flower seedlings, carefully chosen. They expected to have beautiful flower beds and a green lawn when the plants grew.

Benjamin was in charge of watering the plants every day, in early evening. This care was important, because it was dry time of year and without water the seedlings would not survive.

At first the boy liked the task he was given to. It felt good to hold the hose and splash the water over the plants. But the enthusiasm was short-lived, Benjamin realized that the yard was large and took a long time to water everything.

First few days, Benjamin noticed that some seedlings were not very well. Some had leaves fallen, others were ugly, wilted or bent.

Then, he began to dedicate himself more to those who were beautiful. These he watered without fail, and he gave them a good amount of water.

- No use wasting water and time with those! They're almost dead already - he thought.

One day, his mother, watching her son from afar, noticed what was happening and called him to talk.

- Benjamin, have you been watering our plants? How are they doing?

The boy told what was going on, hoping his mother would agree with him. However, she explained:

- Son, we plant flowers of different species. Each reacts in a different way. Some are more sensitive to changing environments. Sometimes the plant weakens, until the roots adapt. It can happen that they lose their leaves or look weak, but that doesn't mean they won't get better. Keep taking good care of them and pay special attention to those that aren't doing very well. Let's see what happens.

Benjamin accepted his mother's guidance and continued to water all the seedlings.

To his surprise, he noticed that, little by little, they were improving. They started to get more beautiful colors, they started to release buds. In one of them even a beautiful little flower was born.

Benjamin was excited when he began to notice the plants' reaction to his care. Every day he was happier to see the seedlings developing.

In a short time, the roots were already adapted to the soil. They managed to capture water and nutrients, leaving the plants beautiful and healthy. The grass grew so much that it had to be mowed.

There was no longer the need to water the plants every day. Even so, Benjamin didn't stop going to the backyard to observe the beautiful beds that formed around the lawn. The backyard has become his favorite place in the house.

The beauty of the plants was pleasant to see. But besides that, Benjamin had a good feeling there.

One day, when Benjamin was in the backyard, his mother came to meet him.

- How beautiful it turned out, isn't it, son?

- Yes mom! I didn't think it would be this good.

- You know, son, not everything in life has an immediate result. In fact, the most important things take some time, more or less, to be built. If we don't get used to persisting in working for good, we won't be able to achieve what we want. You put a lot of effort into the plants in our backyard. See what a beautiful result! Congratulations! May you always continue like this, son, persisting in good intentions and have many joys in your life - said the mother smiling.

Benjamin smiled too and hugged his mother affectionately. He had learned an important lesson.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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