Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Kindness

Scented cake

Mauro and Joseph were brothers, but they were very different. Mauro was cheerful and kind; Joseph, however, was always dissatisfied and irritated. He thought he didn't have enough and that's why he didn't like to share anything with anyone.

At school, during break, Mauro sat with the other classmates and always offered his lunch. He called Joseph, but he replied:

– I won't. Everyone will want to eat from my sandwich and mom sent me very little, enough just to me.

And then there was Joseph, alone, almost hidden, eating his sandwich.

One day, when they got home, they saw a girl sitting on the sidewalk. Her father always collected cardboard
pieces nearby. She was probably the same age as them.

They entered. Mauro was thinking about the girl. She was there alone, with nothing to do, no toy, no friends. Mauro had an idea!

- Joseph! Shall we make a toy out of our ice cream sticks and give it to that girl the next time we see her?

– Oh no, Mauro! The sticks are from our collection!

- Then I'll use the ones that are mine - replied Mauro.

Very excited, Mauro made a table with chairs for the girl play with it.

Another day, the two came from their school and found the girl again. Suddenly they felt a delicious smell of cake coming from their house and spreading through the street. Joseph urged his brother:

– Let's go, Mauro! Mom made that yummy cake.

Mauro, following his brother, spoke:

- We can give that girl the table and chairs I made with the sticks. She will be happy! Mommy! Mommy!

– What is it, my son?

– There is a girl on the street who is alone and has nothing to play with. Can I give her a toy?

– Of course, Mauro! And you, Joseph, escort your brother and take a piece of this cake that I just baked.

Annoyed, Joseph obeyed his mother, always thinking that the cake would be too little for them, now that he would give a piece to the girl.

Mauro gave him the toy table and chairs. But when Joseph gave the piece of cake to the little girl, a magic happened. She broke into a smile and her eyes lit up in such a way that Joseph felt his heart pound with joy. Her happiness was his happiness. How good it was! Joseph has never felt that emotion, such a good feeling of being able to make someone happy.


(Text from the Children and Youth Evangelization booklet, Jardim C, by the publisher Aliança.)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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