
por Orson Peter Carrara

Ênio Wendling was a remarkable person, as a friend and as a medium

Marilda do Carmo Boareto Lima (photo), is a member of the Spiritist Movement in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais. She is a volunteer worker at the Fraternidade Espírita Irmão Glacus (FEIG) Spiritist Centre. During her journey within Spiritism, she worked with the great medium, Ênio Wendling, and shares here some of her fondest memories of him. 

When and how did you become a Spiritist?

My parents were already Spiritists when I was born. They attended the activities at the Spiritist Union of Minas Gerais 

How well did you know the medium, Ênio Wendling?

It was a great friendship, which went on for decades. Our families were friends and we were neighbours. When I first met him, I was 21 and had just had my first daughter. My children called him uncle as he saw them grow up and was frequently at our home. 

How did you meet him?

My mother introduced him to me in 1965. She had met him at the Centro Oriente Spiritist Centre and they soon became good friends. 

Which aspect of his mediumship struck you the most?

His clairvoyance, which was fantastic, and his exteriorizations -- the detachment of the spirit from the body while conscious.

What was the main character of his personality?


What is your fondest memory of all those years with him?

I found it truly remarkable how he dealt with his mediumship, working very hard and always humble. He never profited or benefited from his capacities as a medium. He helped those who needed whenever it was required and he was always in a positive mood. He exercised his mediumship according to the principles of Jesus. 

And what was the most moving memory of him during his life?

The love and dedication that he showed to his wife during her long illness. He looked after her for 8 years, without neglecting his duties at the FEIG Spiritist Centre. 

What is his main legacy?

His discipline and determination. The FEIG was built thanks to his persistence, determination and courage. He was fully committed to his duties and trusted the support from the Spiritual Benefactors. 

Could you share with us a particular event in his life, which would help us deal with the challenges of our times? 

Once Ênio was preparing for a public meeting at the FEIG when he saw a man coming in and seating at the last row of the hall. It was cold, but he noticed that the young man wasn’t wearing a coat. At the end of the meeting, we bumped into a friend of ours we hadn’t seen for a long time. She gave Ênio a hug and said: “I was living in London, but I’m  back now! I brought you a present!” He thanked her but didn’t take the package. She insisted and he finally took it. We said goodbye to her and as we got to the bottom of the stairs he spotted that young man from earlier. Ênio gave him the package, which he hadn’t even opened, and said: “That’s for you!” He then looked at me and said: “It’s a coat. It will be very useful for him!”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Ênio was a practicing medium for more than 60 years. He showed happiness and optimism all along his journey. But he was also a son, a brother, an uncle, a father and a grandfather. He was a remarkable person, as a medium and as a friend. I would like to express my gratitude for this opportunity of talking about this great friend and exceptional medium, who deserves to be remembered. 

Editor’s Note:

Ênio Wendling was born in São Bernardo do Campo, in the state of São Paulo, on May 24th, 1925. As a young child, he moved with his parents to the state of Minas Gerais. They first lived in Buenópolis and later moved to the state capital, Belo Horizonte, in 1928. Ênio passed away at 1.40pm on January 17th, 2016, in Belo Horizonte, at the age of 90. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita