
por Marinei F. Rezende

A good relationship among the volunteers makes all the difference

The thought above is by Cássia Marília Alves da Silva Antoszczyszyn (photo), who lives in the Brazilian city of União da Vitória, in the southern state of Paraná. She is an educator with post-graduation in Education for Special Needs. She is the current president of the Amor e Caridade (Love and Charity) Spiritist Centre and vice-president of the Spiritist federation in her region, dealing with the Communications Department. In this interview, she speaks about her early days in Spiritism and her work of many years in the Spiritist Movement. 

When and in which circumstances did you find Spiritism?

It was 18 years ago here in União da Vitória. I was a medium and was taken to a Spiritist Centre for the first time to try to understand what was going on. I was a bit scared initially. I now feel I’ve been completely embraced by these wonderful Teachings, which enlighten, comfort and guide us all. 

Which of the three aspects of Spiritism - science, philosophy and religion - means the most to you?

We all know the importance of each of the three aspects of Spiritism. Its philosophy analyses Divine creation, while its scientific aspect provides important information about nature and proof of the immortality of the Spirit. But what really attracts me the most is its religious aspect. It brings us back the Gospel of Christ, setting the rules for the true spiritual transformation of human beings, showing us what the moral consequences of our decisions in life will be. It’s a divine guide book available for everyone. 

Who are your favourite Spiritist authors?

Yvonne Pereira, Divaldo Pereira Franco, Chico Xavier and Hermínio de Miranda among others.

What can you tell us about the role women play in the Spiritist Movement?

From the early days of Spiritism, women have played a very important part in the Movement, showing courage and an innovative spirit in a time when prejudice against their participation in many roles in society was still very strong. And these days women make up the majority of the members of the Spiritist Movement, occupying posts of command in Spiritist Centres and federations. With their courage and dynamism they continue to strengthen and disseminate Spiritism. 

Tell us about the importance of studying and reading constantly both for newcomers and those who’ve been in Spiritism for longer.
As Allan Kardec explains in item VIII of the Introduction of “The Spirits’ Book,” it’s very important to systematically study the principles of Spiritism, so that individuals are able to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. 
He postulates that the process of intellectual learning among Spiritists be combined with co-existence, so that they are able to share experiences and work on their virtues, strengthening friendship ties. That’s why all Spiritist Centres run their own study groups.
How is the Spiritist Movement in your city?

The local Spiritist Movement is very active and well-respected for the hard work it carries out. I would like to highlight the work of our Assistance and Social Promotion Department, which has been active in the city for more than 50 years. It provides guidance and talks to families, advice to pregnant women, Gospel lessons for children and teenagers, arts and crafts activities and free meals. It’s also important to mention the work done at Vila Esperança, where 18 families in need live. The families are allowed to live rent-free in the houses, but they must pay the water and energy bills. Preference is given to families with children, as the main aim is to build up the moral and educational values of the future generations, taking them away from a potential life in crime, prostitution and drug addiction.  

What do you do in the Spiritist Group where you volunteer to encourage people to be united and to work well together
Teamwork is an essential part of the strategy we and many other Spiritist Groups adopt in order to obtain good results. Encouraging a good relationship among the workers makes all the difference. Harmony and unity will only be achieved through love, dedication and everyone’s determination to reach their goals. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to express my gratitude for this unique opportunity. May we carry on with full determination to welcome, embrace and guide all the troubled hearts that knock on our doors, sharing with them the Teachings of Jesus and Spiritism as it was gifted to us.



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita