Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 741 - October 3, 2021

"Allan Kardec and his reincarnations" is the new release from EVOC

The e-book Allan Kardec and its reincarnations, written by our collaborator Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho, better known as Paulo Neto, was published on Thursday, September 30, by EVOC – O Consolador Virtual Publisher. In this work, as usual, the author sought to rely on reliable sources, avoiding mere inferences without commitment to reality, something that has been frequent when alleged existences of certain figures are disclosed. The e-book, as with all EVOC publications, can be read or downloaded at no cost.

Cássia Marília Alves da Silva Antoszczyszyn, from Rio Grande do Sul, born in Alegrete, now resident in União da Vitória (PR), is our interviewee this Sunday. Pedagogue and post-graduated in Special Education, she is president of the Spiritist Center Amor e Caridade, in her city, and vice-president of the União Regional Espírita 15th Region. In the interview, she tells us about her initiation into Spiritism and the work she has been doing in the Spiritist movement in her city.

“Suicide: false solution” is the title of the Special that illustrates this issue. Written by our collaborator Martha Capelotto, the article focuses, in the light of spiritist teachings, the issue of suicide and its consequences. At the end of the article, the columnist reminds us that life never ends, that is, the spirit of those who commit suicide just changes its plan; therefore, seeking death as a measure to get rid of problems will only slow down spiritual evolution.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita