
por Orson Peter Carrara

Spiritism has provided
all the answers that
I needed

The thought above is by our guest this week, Rozana Silqueira Paixão (photo), who was born in the Brazilian city of Mirabela. She has pursued a career in Law and works as a judge in the city of Montes Claros, in the state of Minas Gerais. She is also an active member of the local Spiritist Movement, as a public speaker and a volunteer worker at the Paulo de Tarso Spiritist Association.  

How and when did you become a Spiritist?

I became a Spiritist many years ago. When I was a teenager, I began asking myself questions that my religion, Catholicism, wasn’t able to answer. I was trying to understand who I was, where I had come from, where I was going, what I was doing on Earth and why there was so much inequality between human beings. At some period of my life, I was overcome with anguish and unhappiness. I decided then to find out more about different spiritualist philosophies, in an attempt to understand the true meaning of life. And I found Spiritist Teachings, I fell completely in love with them. Spiritism has provided all the answers that I needed. 

Which aspect of Spiritism strikes you the most?

Because of its scientific nature, Spiritism is based on reasoned faith, on research and the understanding of its principles. It is different from the blind and dogmatic faith preached by the traditional religions. That is the main aspect that strikes out from the Spiritist Teachings. I’m also amazed by the power it has to console and comfort people, through the implementation of the moral lessons taught by Our Master Jesus. He urged us to embrace our inner reform and spiritual development by putting love into practice. The message of Jesus makes me feel great affection for Him. I feel so close to Him, to the point of considering Jesus a dear brother, who is always close to me when I need Him. 

From all the lessons of Our Master Jesus, which one touches your heart the most?

That’s a difficult question, as all of His lessons are so relevant for human beings of every era. I like, in particular, those that show the importance of controlling your emotions through love and understanding. That is something very difficult to achieve, but essential for all of us striving to conquer our inner balance and peace. The highest point of the project of Jesus Christ for humankind is the principle that we should love our neighbours. That has been embraced by Spiritism through its motto, “There is no salvation outside charity.”

Which of the parables, would you say, is your favourite? 

The one that touches my heart the most is that of the Prodigal Son. It not only encourages reflection on a number of issues, but symbolises our own return to the arms of Our Celestial Father, who is always ready to welcome us back in whichever situation we may be. 

How would you describe the importance of Spiritist talks and lectures?

They are important for several reasons: those who attend lectures and talks are encouraged to study further the Spiritist Teachings. And the lessons from the Gospel encourage all of us to understand the true meaning of our existence. 

What is the main lesson you have learned from your volunteer work in the Spiritist Movement?

The main spiritual lesson I have learned has been the possibility of knowing myself and working on a true inner spiritual reform. I have made a concerted effort to control and overcome my bad inclinations, trying to be a better person today than I was yesterday, as suggested by Allan Kardec. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to say that Spiritist Centres are an extension of our home and all of those who seek wisdom and spiritual development should join and contribute to one of them. By joining a Spiritist Centre, it gets easier for us to get involved in charity work and do good deeds, as well as to get to know the truth. After all, as Jesus said through John the Evangelist: “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita