
por Orson Peter Carrara

Geriatrics and Spiritism: putting together science, care and encouragement

A Spiritist since the age of 15, Luís Gustavo Langoni Mariotti (photo) was born in the Brazilian city of São Paulo and now lives in the neighbouring city of Botucatu. He is a doctor specialising in Geriatrics. He is also a member of the Brazilian Medical Spiritist Association (AME-Brasil) and is a volunteer worker at the Caminho da Luz Spiritist Centre. In the following interview, he speaks about the links between Geriatrics and Spiritism.

How did you become a Spiritist?

I come from a Catholic family and attended religious lessons, followed all the rituals and used to go to church every Sunday with my parents and siblings. Then in 1993-94 my mother had lung cancer and that prompted us to question many things and to seek to understand that experience with her illness. My mother did the conventional treatment for cancer but also agreed to undergo several spiritual surgeries. When I think about that period of my life, I have a feeling of gratitude and the certainty that it was an awakening. We all enjoyed at the time the support of people who were not that close to us. A circle of positive vibrations was formed around us, with people from different religions and beliefs. And that helped us a lot. From then on, I got closer and increasingly committed to Spiritism.

Where does your interest in Geriatrics come from?

Well… that’s a question I’m always asked. It was when I was studying for my Medical degree. I got involved in a group that worked on prevention and the promotion of health with the local community. I chose Geriatrics because it would allow me to continue working as a good general practitioner and, at the same time, enable me to specialise on the particular health issues that concern the elderly. I worked for many years in intensive care units and I still do overnight shifts in accident and emergency departments. I work with patients in public and private hospitals and also see patients at their homes. I believe that being always close to my grandparents and my grandmother’s sister also influenced my choice for Geriatrics.

Which aspect of Spiritism strikes you the most?

It is the comforting message it conveys, of love and divine justice, as well as how it explains, based on rational religious and scientific principles, where we come from and where we are going to. It also shows that our souls are immortal and that we are directly responsible for our process of spiritual progress. When I was young the idea of an eternal Heaven and an eternal Hell terrified me.

And what are the main challenges faced in the medical treatment of your patients?

In my medical practice, I can see clearly the lack of self care of elderly patients, their internal conflicts and family problems, social and economic problems, the need to take many medicines, the lack of social support, the loneliness, the prevalence of chronic illnesses and the loss of independence (people who are no longer able to go out to buy food, medicines and struggle to get dressed without help).

I believe that Spiritist doctors have a better understanding of that situation and try to care for and advise patients on the importance of looking after their bodies, but also to watch out for their emotions, feelings and thoughts. I tell them to exercise their patience and acceptance before the changes in their life conditions. It’s important to highlight that there’s plenty of scientific evidence now about the positive impact of religiosity and spirituality on people’s health.

Can you see in your patients the positive impact of Spiritism among older people in a frail condition?

It happens with most Spiritists who reach that age, but not with everyone. I know many elderly Spiritists who still fail to look after their health and struggle to deal with the limitations of age and losses. To consider yourself a Spiritist is not a passport towards accepting and dealing well with the many problems that come along during our physical life. There are many emotional issues, dysfunctional beliefs and ways of behaving and thinking that are very difficult to be overcome, even among Spiritists.
I believe, however, that those who put into practice, through determination and perseverance, the Teachings of Christ in the light of Spiritism will be able to reduce their level of suffering. Spiritism makes us understand the importance of our thoughts and emotions in dealing with difficulties and limitations in our lives.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I can see that my focus on spirituality and my commitment to helping others through Spiritism, inside the Spiritisc Centre and as a Spiritist doctor, help me achieve a better inner balance and to find a purpose in life. I am very grateful to God for having access to the Teachings of Jesus in the light of Spiritism.



Leonardo Rocha -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita