
por Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho

Superior Spirits and Free Will

"Free will develops as the Spirit acquires awareness of itself." (LE - The Book of Spirits - q. 122)

Do Higher Spirits always respect our free will? This issue deserves a deep reflection by all of us, followers of Spiritism, which should start with a study on what free will really means.

The definition of free will, according to the Houaiss Dictionary, is: “possibility to decide, to choose according to one's will, free from any conditioning, motive or determinant cause”.

The Superior Spirits affirmed to Allan Kardec that only in one condition does man enjoy absolute liberation is “In the case of a hermit in the desert, since as long as there are two men together there are reciprocal rights that they must respect, therefore, neither of them has more absolute freedom” (1). This although it concerns freedom, in a very evident way, it also serves to the question of free will with which it is very closely related.

Over time, we realized that, for some people, the Superior Spirits respect “all” our decisions, due to the postulate that “The Spirit always enjoys his free will”. (2) In fact, it is a statement by Kardec and not theirs.

In the Book of Spirits, the superior Spirits told Kardec that "free will develops as the Spirit acquires self-awareness." (3) (emphasis added) which made us question whether we really are fully aware of ourselves.

And Kardec himself, who does not differ from the one mentioned here, in Genesis, we have: "[...] the protecting Spirits leave their protégés to themselves, as they become able to be guided by their own intelligence." (4) (emphasis added), So, we would have that our free will becomes more and more comprehensive, as we evolve.

In The Problem of the Being, of Destiny and Pain, Leon Denis, addresses the issue of free will in chap. XXII, from which we copy the following excerpt: “The Spirit is truly prepared for freedom only on the day when the universal laws, which are external to him, become internal and conscious due to the fact of his evolution. […]. ” (5)

We understand that, in view of the various explanations we have seen, only pure Spirits have full free will.

Will we be able to carry out an action that harms someone, if that someone, in his reincarnation programming, does not have to go through what we want to do to him? We understand that no, and therefore, in this case, our free will would suffer some obstacle so that such death does not take place. We understand that this is exactly what we find in these two questions in The Book of Spirits:

528. In the event that a bad-intentioned person fires a projectile at another and it just passes him by without hitting him, could it have happened that a kind Spirit deflected the projectile?

“If the targeted individual does not have to perish in this way, the kindly Spirit will inspire him to deviate, or else he will be able to overshadow the one who wields the gun, in order to make him aim badly, because, once the weapon is fired, the projectile follows the line it has to travel.”

529 a) - Can the Spirits who direct earthly events have their action hindered by Spirits who want the opposite?

 “What God wants is done. If there is a delay in execution, or obstacles arise, it is because He wanted to do it.” (6) (emphasis added)

On the other hand, in natural catastrophes or even those caused by man himself, several people, due to trivial occurrences (probable action of the Spirits), are taken away or prevented from going to the scene of the event.

In the digital electronic magazine, The Comforter no. 122, the article “Chance does not exist; life is causal, not casual”, authored by Angelica Reis, we highlight the following text:

Kardec made, in the Spiritist Magazine of 1866, pp. 167 to 171, interesting observations regarding an assassination attempt that Tsar Alexander of Russia had been the victim of (photo). At the time of the attack, a young peasant named Joseph Kommissaroff intervened, preventing the crime from being consummated.

Here is what Kardec wrote on the subject:

1) Many will attribute to chance the appearance of the young peasant at the scene of the crime. Chance, however, does not exist. As the time for the tsar had not arrived, the boy was chosen to prevent the crime from taking place, as things that seem to be the result of chance were combined to lead to the expected result.

2) Men are the unconscious instruments of Providence's designs and it is through them that it performs them, without the need to resort to prodigies.

3) If the young Kommissaroff had resisted the impulse received from the Spirits, they would use other means to frustrate the crime and preserve the life of the tsar.

4) A fly could sting the killer's hand and deflect it from its target; a fluid stream directed over his eyes could overshadow him and so on. But if the fatal hour had arrived for the Russian emperor, nothing could have preserved it.

Taking the case to a séance held at the home of a Russian family residing in Paris, the Spirit of Moki, through Mr. Desliens, explained that even in the existence of the tiniest of beings nothing is left to chance. The main events in his life are determined by his ordeal; the details, influenced by his free will. But the whole situation was predicted and agreed upon in advance by him and by those whom God predisposed to his guard. (7).

It is quite clear that the free will of the individual who intended to kill Tsar Alexander of Russia was hampered, by the action of the Spirits, he was unable to accomplish what he had planned.

In The Book of Spirits, the Spirits said to the Encoder: “God […] can impose a certain existence on a Spirit, when the Spirit, due to his inferiority or ill will, is not able to understand what would be most useful to him, […].” (8) and “[…] when the Spirit is not yet able to make an informed choice. By expiation, the Spirit can be constrained to join the body of a certain child […].” (9) (emphasis added)

Now, if we are all subordinate to the will of God, it follows that our submission to what He desires is indisputable; therefore, it is one more point from which we conclude that our free will cannot be full.

Timely, we bring Léon Denis' considerations, since, in After Death, he also refers to the question of God's will, mentioned as a divine plan:

The freedom of the being is exercised, therefore, within a limited circle: on the one hand, due to the requirements of natural law, […] In no case can the exercise of human freedom hinder the execution of divine plans; otherwise the order of things would be disturbed at every moment. (10) (emphasis added)

The embarrassment can also occur in relation to the evil Spirits who, at times, are coerced by the superior Spirits to manifest themselves in mediumistic meetings, as evidenced in these two excerpts from the Spiritist Magazine 1859 and Spiritist Magazine 1864, respectively:

[…] You know that these Spirits do not come to our call except as constrained and forced, and that, in general, they find so little of their environment among us, that they are always in a hurry to go. […]. (11) (emphasis added)

[…] Only certain culprits come with disgust, and in that case, they are not constrained there by the one who summons, but by the Superior Spirits, in view of their advance. […]. (12) (emphasis added)

In Our Home, through Chico Xavier's psychographics, Andre Luiz' mother told him: “[…] Regarding unrestricted freedom, the soul can invoke this right only when it understands the duty and practices it. […].” (13)

In The Greater World, we find two situations in which we believe that the free will of those involved is not respected.

The first, in chapter 13, “Affective psychosis”, deals with the case of Antonina, who, due to love disillusionment, decides to end her life. She just can't do it thanks to the intervention of the assistant Calderaro, who, on the night she intended to commit suicide, subjected her to a magnetic pass, leading her to deep hypnosis, which caused her soul to emancipate; and, at that moment, two Spirits were brought to her encounter - that of her mother and that of a long-time friend -, who advised her to give up the idea. After waking up, already more willing and in a different mood, she no longer thought about the matter, and decided to carry her cross.

The second, in chapter 14, “Saving measure”, the one involved was Antidio, in which Calderaro imposed, as a drastic measure, a disease for which he would be confined to his bed for a few months, to prevent him from ending up in a madhouse, the alcoholism of which he was a victim made him “delirious” by freeing himself a little from his body and, with that, having contact with some entities that tormented him and used him as a “living bowl”. This action by Calderaro was performed considering the mediation of Antidio's wife and two children.

We believe that in both cases the free will of those involved has been curtailed for their own sake, we believe that, with the strongest reason, this will happen every time the collective interest is at stake.

In the work Between Two Worlds, dictated by the Spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, via a psychographics by Divaldo Pereira Franco), we have one more example. In order not to allow the physician to poison his wife, the action taken by the Spirits was that, by magnetic action, cause a brain attack (stroke) in him. Of course, there was, yes, intervention in free will. Let's see the following excerpt from the conversation between Miranda and his instructors:

- Within this reasoning, can spiritual benefactors lead rebellious patients to disincarnate earlier?

- No doubt! There are quite a lot of human existences, which, in order to prevent their nonsense sequences, have their course interruptedthus benefiting these rebellious, stubborn and insane Spirits. The same occurs in relation to some missionaries of Good, who, excited by the accomplishments carried out, deviate a little from the ministry, starting to direct the work towards the dominant imposts of the Earth. […]. (emphasis added)

It is interesting that we have always had this thought, that is, that the Spirits could, if necessary, anticipate the departure for the spiritual plane of an incarnate who, more and more, was committing himself before the divine justice. This explanation solves the question, realizing that it is possible, yes, that it happens, but it always aims at the spiritual evolution of the person involved.

In question 459 of The Book of Spirits, Kardec asks the Higher Spirits: "Do Spirits influence our thoughts and actions?". The answer was: “Much more than you think. They influence to such an extent that they are usually the ones who direct you.” (14) If, as stated here, “the Spirits usually direct us”, then it is not inappropriate to conclude that we really are not as free as we supposed to be; many of our actions are reflections of their interference in our thoughts and, therefore, our lives.

In The Book of Spirits, it is stated that the Spirits Influence our thoughts and our actions much more than we imagine: “Influence to such an extent, that, ordinarily, they are the ones who direct you.” (15) So it is not inappropriate to conclude that we are not really as free as we supposed to be; many of our actions are reflections of their interference in our thoughts and, therefore, our lives.

From The Book of Mediums, chapter. XXI, “Influence of the environment”, we highlight the following excerpt from item 231:

2. Can not the Higher Spirits overcome the ill will of the incarnate Spirit who serves them as an interpreter and those around him?

- Yes, when they find it useful, and according to the intention of the person who consults them. We have already said it: The Higher Spirits can sometimes communicate, for special assistance, in spite of the imperfection of the medium and the environment, but then they remain completely alien to him. (16) (emphasis added)

It seems to us, s.m.j. (save better judgement), that this just confirms what we think, i.e., that a superior Spirit overcomes the medium's ill will, when he deems his manifestation useful.

Therefore, our free will is very relative and refers only to some achievements from our experience as eternal Spirits. Only the pure Spirits have a full free will, since they already have moral and intellectual knowledge to decide what is best for them and also for those who follow in their footsteps, since in this condition they are the faithful executors of the fulfillment of the will of God.



DENIS, L. After Death. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1987.

DENIS, L. The Problem of the Being, of Destiny and PainRio de Janeiro: FEB, 1989.

FRANCO, D. P. Between two worlds. Salvador: LEAL, 2005.

KARDEC, A. Genesis. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007e.

KARDEC, A. The Book of Spirits. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007.

KARDEC, A. The Book of Mediums. Sao Paulo: Lake, 2006.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1859. Araras, SP: IDE, 1993.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1864, Araras, SP: Idem, 1993.

REIS, A. Chance does not exist; life is casual, not casual. Londrina, PR: O Consolador (The Comforter), August 30, 2009, available at: click here

XAVIER, F. C. In the Greater WorldRio de Janeiro: FEB, 1984.

XAVIER, F. C. Our HomeRio de Janeiro: FEB, 1995.


1 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, question 826, p. 430.

2 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, comment on question 399, p. 247

3 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, question 122, p. 117.

4 KARDEC, Genesis, p. 92.

KARDEC, The Book of Mediums. p. 207.

6 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, p. 303-304.

7 REIS, A. Chance does not exist; life is casual, not casual. Available at: click here

8 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, p. 198, q. q. 262a.

9 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, p. 223, q. 337.

10 DENIS, After Death, p. 244.

11 KARDEC, Spiritist Magazine 1859, p. 179.

12 KARDEC, Spiritist Magazine 1864, p. 387.

13 XAVIER, Our Home, p. 256.

14 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, p. 277.

15 KARDEC, The Book of Spirits, p. 277.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita