Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: kindness, regret

The sheikh, the horse and charity

There was a long time ago a sheikh named Samir, who owned the most famous horse in the region, which a certain Arab from another tribe, named Daher, desired it deeply.

Daher offered, in exchange for the beautiful horse, all his camels, but Samir did not accept the proposal.

One day, the Arab Daher, disguising himself, covered his face with ashes and dressed in rags and stood by the path where the sheikh should go by on his magnificent animal.

When he saw Samir approaching, he implored Daher, in a disguised, sad and broken voice:

- Help this unfortunate pilgrim! I've been sick for three days and I don't have the strength to leave here in search for food! Help me, Oh generous sheikh, and God who is in heaven will benefit you by your alms!

Samir kindly offered to take him on the back of his horse. The envious one, however, said:

- I can't get up, sir! I have no more strength!

Moved by such deplorable misery, Samir lowered from his horse and, with great difficulty, placed the false beggar on the saddle of his animal.

As soon as he was on the horse, the imposter spurred him on and walked away, saying:

- I'm Daher! Now, I have this horse in my power! I will take it to my tent whether you like it or not!

Samir then asked him to stop for a moment, as he wanted to ask him for just one favor.

The thief, certain that he could not be chased or grabbed, stopped to hear what the other had to say.

- You took possession of my horse and I wish that it serves you well. However, I beg you not to tell anyone the unworthy way in which you obtained it.

- Why not? - Daher said.

- The reason is simple - explained the sheikh - It may happen that another man, finding himself truly ill, is forced to ask for help one day and the traveler will come to distrust the unfortunate one and deny him assistance and alms. You will then be the cause of many refraining from practicing charity for fear of betrayal.

Touched to the heart, Daher was ashamed to hear these words and, inspired by repentance, he dismounted and returned it to its rightful master. Samir, who was a kind and wise man, invited him to go to his tent, where he hosted him for several days and from what happened a friendship was born that lasted for a lifetime.

(Story taken from the book “Legends of Heaven and Earth”, by Malba Tahan.)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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