Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 722 - May 23, 2021

Evidence that denote the historical veracity of the work Paulo and Estêvão

It is published today the second part of the article that professor André Ricardo de Souza, doctor of sociology at the University of São Paulo and professor at the Federal University of São Carlos, wrote about Emmanuel's work Paulo e Estêvão, psychographed by the medium Chico Xavier. In this edition, among other considerations, the writer points out in his study several indications that suggest the historical veracity of the well-known work. The article is one of the highlights of this edition.

Another highlight is the interview that Suzana Amyuni, a journalist based in São Carlos (SP), gave us. She is connected to the activities carried out by the Spiritist Association Obreiros do Bem, in which she is responsible for the informative Correio do Bem and conductor of Coral Affetto, she speaks to us in the interview, among other subjects, about her beautiful experience with music and the difficult art of declamation, to which she also dedicates herself.

Journalist Carlos Barros, from the Spiritist Information Center, in João Pessoa (PB), shows us in a special report how the Sorriso de Esperança project emerged and works, which since December 2006 has brought music and joy to the ambulatory environment of hospitals in the capital of Paraíba, contributing to the humanization of the treatment provided to sick people. The report is one of the highlights of this edition.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita