Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Good habits

Educating the will

- Reading time, son – it calls the mother.

As usual, Bento complains before laying his head on his mother's lap to start reading. In silence, the mother touches her son's thick hair while listening to the narrative.

- Why do I need to read, mother? You know I don't like it!

- Son, nobody in the world can do only what they like. We must do what is useful and necessary for us. With reading you increase your vocabulary, acquire more knowledge, learn to write better and on top of that you can have fun and travel the world through reading.

- But it's boring to do what we don't like! Says Bento.

- At first it can be a little boring. The secret is to think about the positive side of things. There are some household tasks that I don't like to do, but then I think about you, Dad, how much I love you two and everything is easier. Your father, for example, does not like to play cards, but as your aunts do, he plays to give them that joy.

The mother continued:

- Remember that day, son, when the teacher asked for phrases to put on the school wall? You were reading “The Little Prince” and took the phrase “The essential is invisible to the eye”. What a beautiful contribution you were able to make! And the happiness you felt! That's what I'm talking about, son, about preparing for life, expanding your horizons with mixed activities. Sometimes they cost us some sacrifice or effort. It’ll pass, but the knowledge acquired remains forever, and can still help other people.

The boy listened to it carefully.

- In a few years, Bento, you will understand all that I am talking about and will be happy to have left the bad mood and plunged into reading. All the tasks that dad and I give you are for your good: you learn to be a good person and to know the true values​​to have a better life.

Bento said nothing, and the mother concluded.

- No need to answer son, just think about everything you´ve heard.

Bento continued to read, and the mother realized that, somehow, her words touched her son's heart. She was sure that she was seeding love, and time would be in charge of flourishing it.


(Text by Lúcia Noll)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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