
por Americo Domingos Nunes Filho

Abortion: nullification
of the phenomenon
of life

In the absence of chance, since life is a sacred gift, there is a reason why, in a pile of cells, life can already swarm, as there is the transcendental presence of a construction plant, a sublime mold, an extra-physical being, that is there, driven by a just reason.

It is important to emphasize that, struck by abortion, babies in the womb experience moments of terror, extreme agony and panic, all of which have already been proven, in ultrasound images verified in the act of expelling the conceptus. The spirit, experiencing feelings of disappointment for the betrayal, for the breach of trust in the expected maternal reception, depending on its evolutionary state, can rebel and yearn for revenge, becoming pathologically magnetized with the one who disowned him, which can contribute to the many cases of psychological and psychiatric disorders observed in pregnant women: fear, sadness, helplessness, anxiety, anguish, depression, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Likewise, some scientific studies point to the association that may occur between post-traumatic stress and legal or illegal abortion. Trauma, when relived, triggers several physical and psychological symptoms, such as tremors, changes in heart rate, sweating, drop in blood pressure, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, negative and catastrophic thoughts, paranoia and others. Then, the patient in the gynecological sphere is referred for psychiatric and psychological monitoring.

Some arguments are formulated, attempting a justification that contributes to the practice of voluntary termination of pregnancy, listed below:

1 - Some say that an unwanted child may be a hindrance to someone. However, the fact that an individual is a burden on a person's life does not justify their death. If there is no moral claim that validates the murder of any unwanted creature, is it logical to commit, then, the abortion of a harmless being, just unplanned? Instead of killing him, why not refer him for adoption?

2 - Others declare that the pregnant woman's body belongs to her, who, through the use of her free will and her wish, can abruptly extract the conceptus from her warm nest, a sublime refuge from her development and growth. However, the woman cannot have this power of decision, since the fetus is a separate being, perfectly different from her mother. Furthermore, his spiritual identity pre-exists in the current conflict situation. In reality, the miniature person who is housed in the womb has its own individuality, since what constitutes it is the property of life, transiently prevailing in the intimacy of the blessed maternal temple, which must provide shelter, protection, nutrition and much love. There is no doubt about a woman's rights over her body. However, there is an exception in relation to motherhood, since those who really have perks, being endowed with important prerogatives, are, par excellence, the baby who has intrinsic life and will never be confused with the body of his mother;

3 - Another unreasonable argument for the legalization of abortion concerns the protection and human rights of poor women who practice this murder illegally. As the baby is a being endowed with life and with its own body, it is also granted with the recommended human rights, reinforcing for itself the guarantee of ethical practices, and in no way can they be indicative of legal permission for embryonic or fetal infanticide. Thus, a person's right cannot be the trigger that leads to the death of another creature and no one can have the power to do so. Does an individual who is sheltered, in the sublime maternal crucible, during the first trimester of pregnancy, have no moral value for society? Is it not considered a human life? Does the fact of being very small, in miniature, disqualify him as a human being, being allowed to be exterminated?

Very shocking that, instead of focusing on the implementation of culture, mainly on sex education for young people, with instructions for contraception methods, many institutions flaunt destruction, violence in the sacred uterine cloister, with disastrous guidelines, claiming abortion as a fundamental “human right” and guaranteed free access for all women;

4 - Some pregnant women receive information from those who are adept at abortion that the being in their uterine cloister is made up of only a handful of cells and is not a human being. If women had access to the study of human embryology, they would see the significance and grandeur of gametogenesis, that is, fertilization (union of sex cells) and embryo development. It is such a fantastic process that the researchers are ecstatic, since there are not only isolated cell divisions, without guidance and control, what can be seen is a solemn organization of a phenomenal physical framework.

The abortion process is already carried out, even after twelve weeks of gestation. Around the ninth week after fertilization, the embryo measures about 2.5 centimeters, has the human appearance and is now called a fetus;

5 - For some individuals, human life only begins with the presence of the heartbeat and consequent blood flow, occurring after 4 weeks, in the developing being. Recent research shows that the baby's heart can beat for the first time at 16 days of pregnancy. The first organ to be formed in the being in formation is the cardiac, since there is a need for blood circulation, involving the baby and the placenta.

Many adult people, with wear and tear on the electrical system of the heart, have very slow beats (less than 40 per minute) or even pauses, and the organ may not work for a few seconds. They then need a device, called a pacemaker, surgically implanted in their bodies, sending an electrical stimulus to the heart and regulating their beats. Therefore, with the claim that before the formation and functioning of the heart, in the embryo, there was still no life and abortion could be performed, certainly, those who think so establish a false judgment, ignoring the value provided by medicine to the lives of beings who have impaired cardiac function. The same criterion, in relation to cardiac patients, must be used for babies in the uterine cloister. Respect for the person must always be in force, whether he is an embryo or a fetus. Life always has intrinsic value, regardless of the functioning of any organ;

6 - For some individuals, human life only begins with the realization of full brain activity and, according to this concept, as long as it does not occur, the voluntary termination of pregnancy can be carried out, killing the baby. The execution of abortion, based on the argument that there is no value in life, in the baby in formation, because he does not feel sensations and feelings consciously, does not justify, since the baby is a potential sentient. If we base ourselves on such an attitude, should we also be in favor of sacrificing all human beings, children and adults, who are hospitalized in a coma?

The famous French researcher and humanist Jerome Lejeune was the first to establish a link between a chromosomal distortion and a human disability. The television dialogue between him and the abortionist Monod became famous. Prof. Lejeune asked: “Knowing that a syphilitic father and a tuberculous mother had four children: the first, blind from birth; the second, died shortly after delivery; the third, deaf and dumb; the fourth, tuberculous, and that the mother became pregnant with a fifth child, what would you do?” Monod replied, "I would terminate this pregnancy." The scientist emphatically said: "Then you would have killed Beethoven".

Prof. Jerome, in his biography, left us with several thoughts, transcribed below: “Rape is a crime, but not committed by the child. Whoever should be punished is the one who committed the rape”. "If there is no death penalty for the guilty, I see no reason to institute a death penalty for the innocent". "If a fertilized egg is not in itself a human being, it could not become one, as nothing is added to it".

It is incredible that many people believe it is better to prevent, murdering the being, than to have to remedy later, in support and adoptions. Some pro-abortion comments really surprise us, due to their certainly pathological and inhuman content.

In fact, we should not be surprised, since the Earth is a planet called “World of Trials and Atonements”, presenting itself as a place where disgrace and misfortune predominate, sheltering many creatures without compassion and discernment.

In truth, man is not disinherited on Earth. There is a purpose, a goal, for his presence on the stage of life.

May Master Jesus bless us all, illuminating the steps we have taken towards the Infinite! So be it!


Americo Domingos Nunes Filho is a physician and President of the Rio de Janeiro State Medical-Spiritist Association


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita