
por Leda Maria Flaborea

Mental renewal for better living

In the book “In the Domains of Mediumship” (Nos Dominios da Mediunidade), chapter 4, by Andre Luiz, a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier, the spiritual author presents some important issues for all those who are committed to the effort of self-renewal with Jesus. Among them, we can highlight, in the first place, that we must not forget that the obsessor is not always the disincarnate, because we know that the influence of the Spirits on the embodied is exercised by the attunement.

The other problem is related to the obsessive process that begins at the very moment we allow the infiltration of strange thoughts in our mental field, and then go through the phase of disconnecting this interference, reaching like this the maintenance of the new mental attitude. For example: when we get too attached to people we love, or to situations that give us pleasure or even to things that stimulate our senses, we create, for ourselves, true mental prisons. These states undoubtedly become an excellent attraction for the approach of entities with which we have affinity.

Once we determine this, we need help to disconnect from this sick state, and this will only be possible as a result of enlightenment and renewing ideas that we try to incorporate in our new mental attitudes. Thus, there is a disconnection from “mental outlets”, by using liberating principles that enlighteners and exhibitors distribute in the area of thought. If one really wants to change the mental center that is “vampirated”, it is infallible.

It is interesting to note that as a result of this new attitude two situations arise in relation to the vampirizing entities: first, they flee from the place because they hate the healthy environment that is formed - but this is temporary - and they are preparing for new attacks against their “victims” who often desire to meet them again; and second, many entities remain at the site desiring to receive further clarification. From this point of view, the role of other beliefs is very important.

A very interesting example can be found in Martins Peralva's study - Studying mediumship - in which the author compares this process to an electric iron. He tells us that when we need to heat an iron, we plug it in and it heats up. To cool it down, just turn it off. The same happens with us regarding the unbalanced entities: we are the iron, the electric current is the mental projections of the entity and the electrical wire represents the magnetization, the connection of the two vibrating fields, ours and that of the Spirit. So, to disconnect from it, just unplug the power cord.

To just work on enlightenment is not enough. We need to consolidate these new ideas with our daily attitudes. Thus, it is necessary: ​​Study + Meditation = Renewal + Work = Release of the annoyance of the yoke of the less enlightened entities. The absence of affinities for the change of mental centers promotes a true "eviction from the mental house" that happens:

1. By the enlightenment of the incarnate who will evict the invisible guest from his mental house;

2. Through the enlightenment of the disincarnate who will be freed from the prison that the incarnate had been imposing on him;

3. Through the improvement of both.

The spoken word takes on a fundamental importance in this process, since every word inspired by the Endless Good brings, in its core, goals of moral elevation. For this reason, the enlightening word of those who talk to the Spirits or to one who is working as a spiritual guide through spiritual assistance projects liberating principles in the minds of the needy in both plans of Life.

All sanctuaries in their public acts receive these needy souls, which alerts us to the responsibility of the word spoken with knowledge and charity. Because of this, many obsession cures happen by simply attending to study meetings. Everyone who is truly willing to renew is benefited. However, we know that there are obsessions with very deep roots that are lost so often in the centuries of time, that require direct and specific assistance.

An interesting aspect to be highlighted in the chapter is the observation, with comments, that the instructor Aulus makes, drawing the attention of Andre Luiz and Hilario on two cases: the first concerns the perispiritual situation of the disincarnated with the presence of diseases that survived in the perispirit, configuring themselves as stigmas of deliberate errors; and the second, the possibility of changes in the picture of suffering in the perispirit, when the assimilation of new ideas.

The spiritual instructor reminds us that “mental renewal is the renewal of life” and that “the tomb reveals the images that we hide from the world under the garments of the flesh”. He goes on to warn us that “conscience is a nucleus of forces, around which the goods and ills generated by it gravitate”. These warnings inevitably refer us to the teaching that we will receive the divine benefits according to the good or the evil that we have done, supported that we will always be in the circumstances that led us to deceit.

Another highlight that deserves to be made concerns the study of two cases. The first deals with the state of amnesia presented by a disembodied companion, the victim of a vigorous post-hypnotic suggestion. He maintained, although disembodied, the same disturbances brought from Earth – while he still was embodied such as: magnetizing to physical sensations, submission, to strange and less worthy wills that he would have associated with – and this demonstrated the power that other minds held over the resources of memory. Aulus safely guides us on the case when he states: “death is the continuation of life and as life is eternal, we have what we seek”; this reminded us of Jesus who invites us to reflect on “seek and find”.

The other case is about monoideism or fixed idea: drunk, a young man slaps his father for having been warned by him and, in return, the father curses his gesture, wishing that his arm would be transformed into a dry branch. Suggested by the vibrating force of the words, he got more intoxicated, suffered an accident and lost his arm. In his mind, the father's words had the force of a vindictive order and the mental fixation was established. Disincarnated, he recovered his dry and inert arm in the perispiritual body.

In such a case, readjustment is difficult, requiring time and tolerance. The mind subdued by remorse fed the curse, the work of mediums, in any similar situation, will be of great importance, because in order to be successful in healing, they must become instruments of love in the service of the Father. Once again, we will find in Jesus, the understanding for this case: “Blessed are the meek, because they will possess the Earth”; "Blessed are the peacemakers because they will be called children of God"; “You heard what was said to the ancients: you will not kill, and whoever kills will be a defendant in the judgment. But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother without reason will be a defendant in the judgment; and whatever he says to his brother: raca, he will be a defendant in the council; and whatever you say: you are crazy, you will deserve the damnation of hell”. (Matthew, V: 21-22)

With this teaching, the Master establishes sweetness, moderation, affability and patience as a law, because we need not be careful only with the content of our words, but with the way we emit them. We are doubly responsible for what comes out of our mouths, because it comes impregnated with what we have in our hearts and we cannot predict how those who hear us will receive our words. For this reason, Jesus condemns aggressive words for having destructive magnetic vibration.



KARDEC, Allan - The Gospel according to Spiritism - 37th edition – Publisher LAKE - Sao Paulo / SP - Chap. IX and XXV.

XAVIER, F. C. In the Domains of Mediumship, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz - 20th edition – Publisher FEB - Brasilia / DF - Chap. 4.

PERALVA, Martins. Studying Mediumship - 20th edition – Publisher FEB - Rio de Janeiro / RJ – Chap. 8.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita