
por Rogério Miguez

As abbreviation of suffering, suicide will never be a solution

"The suicidal does not escape suffering except to find torture." Léon Denis1  

The Spiritist Doctrine – a teaching wisely based on the generous Laws of God – guides us by stating that it is very difficult to judge acts and the conduct. There are so many variants involved in the motive for the execution of any act, that it is practically impossible to accurately assess the reasons and motivations of our attitudes, whether for good or for bad, as examples:


1. It is the past manifesting itself through the dreaded shadow, constantly suggesting the transgression of moral and ethical principles.

2. These are the conquests of previous reincarnations, presenting themselves through the light that exists in all of us, pointing out noble and safe paths.

3. The old disliked people - now on the ethereal plane - also play a significant role in our decisions by inducing us to this and not to that deliberation unvaryingly on the path of evil.

4. Protecting Spirits always intuit us towards good.

5. These are the influences of the environment in which you live dictating norms and behaviors.

6. Advice from friends come up, not always sound.

7. It is our limited understanding creating innumerable and erroneous conceptions about the goals of life.

8. We also have the education received from the family.


In other words, the motivating forces are varied, urging us to act in this or that way.

As a result of this reality, considering so many existing stimuli, we can say that it is rare who has full awareness of intimate motivations leading him to sail the seas of life in this and not that other plumb.

Therefore, we should never judge ourselves with extreme severity to the point of applying the death penalty, destroying our “selfless” body, a valuable divine loan, shortening our precious existence for whatever reason.

Some self-punish themselves by applying capital punishment on themselves; they believe that their unintended conduct represented irresistible sins, partly due to their lack of self-knowledge, not admitting any mitigation to what they did. And, they believe, because of this mistaken reasoning, that they are now the last of the last, forgetting that for God’s goodness and mercy, there are no privileged, nor renegade.

We are all children of the same Creator. He does not desert us, and does not punish us forever, by the way, He also does not punish for any reason, because His Laws are always aimed at the good of all of us, being always educational. The misfortunes that affect us are no more than bitter responses to what we did and continue to do. Everything takes place within the immutable principles of the Law of Cause and Effect, a very fair and egalitarian Law, with no subterfuge, much less shortcuts. It is a principle to be thoroughly studied by everyone in order to better understand their own journeys and some reasons for the particularities of existence, guiding us on the roads that we must take in order to avoid unnecessary suffering.

Due to our still shy perceptions of reality, we assume that there is too much suffering, undue hardship, unjust pain, too many problems: Not at all!

The divine order invariably goes in the direction of enabling us to acquire a moral and ethical strength, through tests, strengthening ourselves and preparing ourselves to better serve within the countless tasks existing in the mechanics of the Universe, all under the Magnanimous supervision of Eternal Goodness.

When we do not pay attention to the property of the tests that we must experience and deviate from their educational lessons, we are naturally taken to unpleasant experiences, not foreseen in our particular journeys and generating future atonements. Thus, disobeying the natural course of the necessary tests, we started a journey through rough, uncertain and even unknown seas, subject, since then, to the pains and concerns that could have been avoided, but were not.

In the face of these new adversities, we can never think that we will not be able to cross them, they will all come to an end, in this existence or the next, without exception, whatever they may be, they will be extinguished, as quickly as our new positioning in the face of life, no longer transgressing divine principles, seeking only and exclusively the good, in whatever situation.

And to help us in this purpose, the most adequate guideline that we must incorporate into our existences is the knowledge of ourselves, as taught by the wise Socrates, great initiate, sent even before Jesus came.

The Doctrine, several centuries later, suggested an expression-action to acquire this knowledge, being synthesized in the well-known Intimate Reformation. As a result of this proposal, several authors and thinkers were willing to write about the topic, in an attempt to motivate us, as well as guide how to carry out this important and non-transferable enterprise applied to ourselves.

Among others, we have a literature dedicated to the Intimate Reform, guided by Cairbar Schutel, representing a good script to help in the construction of this important achievement, which should be conducted not only in this stage of learning, but also in other existences.

According to the definition of this expression-action, in the mentioned work2The Intimate Reform is the renewal of inner hopes, with the goal of strengthening faith, solidifying love, the incessant search for forgiveness, the cultivation of positive feelings and the completion in perfecting of being. Or on the other hand, it can also be understood as self-education, a topic routinely discussed, it is in significant evidence nowadays, however, achievement in fact rarely achieved.

As we have had many existences, there is an immensity of consolidated experiences, covered by the forgetfulness of the past, combined with the many stimuli of the present, directing ourselves, without even realizing it. We need to carefully observe our instinctual tendencies in order to glimpse what we were, with this understanding, and with the new proposals of the present, we prepare our future, which is so much more peaceful and happy as we are now willing to control the so-called “old man”, giving space in our current existence to the flourishing of the “new man” that we want to be.

The waters that flowed into our existences can no longer be recovered, they are gone, as the popular saying goes: “past waters do not move mills”. In the meantime, we can and must use the lessons learned when these proven waters pass, to take advantage of the new waters presented in this eternal present.

If we are not willing to start this construction of ourselves, the process of self-improvement, acting little by little, within the right divine principles, it is to be expected that, when we are face to face with the many tribulations of existence, we will consider leaving, if so we can express ourselves, through the back door of life, represented by suicide, repenting and surprisingly bitterly ahead.

The testimonies of the suicides, as presented by their own reports, are of disappointment, bitterness and deep sadness. How would you like to go back to the exact moment of the desperate act to reassess and, who knows, give life another chance? Repentant, they now attest to the continuity of life, which they tried desperately to escape. They imagined death as the ultimate solution and were amazed at the reality of life.

In addition, some realized that the scenario that was outlined in the old path - when they were hallucinated and discouraged and tried against their own life - did not end as they had imagined. Finally, they understood that there were solutions never considered, recognizing now that God has many ways to help us.

In addition, some realized that the scenario that was outlined in the old walk, when hallucinated and discouraged tried against their own life, did not end as they had imagined. Finally, they understood that there were solutions never considered, recognizing now that God has many ways to support us.

In times of extreme loneliness, when we feel helpless, forgotten, disillusioned, sad, let us wait patiently for the natural ending of the lessons that life offers us, let us learn to accept these precious lessons with resignation, not always desired by us, however, absolutely necessary for our spiritual growth.

Thus, dear reader, we emphasize: Suicide solves nothing, on the contrary, it complicates everything.

Let us trust unconditionally in God, today and always!



1 DENIS, Léon. After death. Translated by Joao Lourenco de Souza. 11th edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB Publisher, 1978. Parte Quarta - Beyond the grave. XXXVI - The Lower Spirits.

2 GLASER, Abel. Intimate Reform. By the Spirit Cairbar Schutel. 12th edition. Matao / SP; Publisher “O Clarim”, 2012. Introduction, item 1.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita