Letter to the reader

Year 14 - 677 – July 5, 2020

Spiritual therapies and their importance in the search for comprehensive health

Aiming at the integration between complementary therapies and care for physical and emotional well-being, health professionals gathered their knowledge to gather texts that culminated in the work Spiritual therapies - towards integration with conventional treatment, the next launch of AME-Brasil Publishing company. The book was organized by physiatrist Marcelo Saad, a member of the São Paulo Medical-Spirit Association, who spoke to the journalist Giovana Campos on the subject. The article is one of the highlights of this edition.

Another highlight is the interview that professor André Ricardo de Souza gave to our collaborator Almir Del Prette. Graduated in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo, master and doctor in Sociology also from USP, our interviewee is an adjunct professor in the Department of Sociology at the Federal University of São Carlos, where he coordinates the Centre for Studies in Religion, Economics and Politics.

“The noble mission of the Spirit-Christian medium”, by Rogério Coelho, is the title of this edition's Special, which was divided into two parts; the conclusion will be published in the next edition. In the article, stating that mediumship “is the mother of the Spirit Doctrine”, the writer understands that nowadays “the daughter (Spirit Doctrine), already emancipated, must take great care of her mother (mediumship)”.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita