Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Help others

Ricardo and Ronaldo

Ricardo's favorite toy was a cart, which he won for his birthday. The doors could be opened, and the lights turn on.

Ricardo had fun with the cart all day. But once, in an oversight, the toy escaped from his hand and fell.

Ricardo took the cart and realized that, in addition to have the bumper broken, one of the doors did not close anymore and the lights did not turn on. The boy was devastated. Ricardo, almost crying, ran to show his mother what had happened.

The mother was very sorry, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn't buy another one now. She hugged her son trying to comfort him and suddenly had an idea:

- Ricardo, I think there is a way to fix your cart! I met your colleague Ronaldo's mother a few days ago when I went to the market. She was buying him a special glue. Ronaldo makes his own toys, fixes those that break, does a thousand things! You can ask for his help! Said the mother, with a smile.

But Ricardo was not very excited about this idea. He had no good impression of Ronaldo.

- Can he fix it, Mom? I don’t know! His grades are bad and he is quite absent-minded. He never knows how to answer what the teacher asks. He even needs to get a good grade in the next exam to pass.

- Well, we'll only know if he can, if he tries to fix it. Come on, go to his house and ask for help - encouraged the mother.

Ricardo had no other option, so he went. Fortunately, Ronaldo didn’t live far away. Soon he arrived at his colleague's house and knocked on the door.

Ronaldo answered and greeted Ricardo, who was a little embarrassed, showed his broken cart and asked for his help. With a smile, Ronaldo invited Ricardo to enter.

- I will see what I can do!

Ronaldo then took a tool and untwisted the hinge that left the door out of place. With that, it started to open and close as before. Then the boy fixed the bumper, which was perfect. To complete the repair, Ronaldo opened the cart with a screwdriver and discovered that a wire was loose. Just plugged it in again and the lights on the cart went back to work.

Ricardo was very happy and even surprised by the result of the service. Smiling, he thanked his friend:

- It looks new! You were great! Thank you!

- Cool, Ricardo. I like to do these things. I thought it was much better to fix your cart than to study, which was what I was doing before you arrived.

- If you want, I can help you to study! - said Ricardo, who was one of the best students in the class.

- Wow, Ricardo, thanks... But I don't want to give you any trouble. I take a long time to understand the topics - said Ronaldo, a little embarrassed.

Ricardo realized how much the other needed help. And he was happy to be able to return Ronaldo's goodwill in repairing his favorite toy.

- No problem! Studying together will be easier, you will see!

The boys studied for the rest of the afternoon. Ricardo made summaries and questions for Ronaldo to answer. After they finished, they still played just before Ricardo left.

Ronaldo, thanks to his friend, learned a lot and got a good grade in the test. He also learned a more important lesson: when we help someone, we open the way for us to be helped too.

Ricardo also learned a lesson that day: we always need each other. And help can come from those we don´t expect.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita