
por Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho

Could Chico Xavier have been the medium Miss. Japhet? - Part 1

"We have a tendency to mental inertia, to stick to dogmas, to traditional principles and to remain, so to speak, entangled in these principles without being able to advance in the real understanding of things". (HERCULANO PIRES) 


Our intention is not exactly to prove that Chico Xavier (1910-2002) was the medium Ruth Celine Japhet (1822-1884), whose work in the Codification was used by Allan Kardec (1804-1869) in the review and extension of The Book of Spirits; this because it has no relevance for us since we continue to see him as an authentic servant of Master Jesus.

After watching the movie Kardec: the story behind the name, produced by Wagner de Assis (1), in which the actress Julia Konrad plays the part of Ms. Japhet (2), new ideas came to my mind in relation to this subject, and it may make some sense; however, who will decide this is you, dear reader, in the role of our judge.

Researcher Carlos Seth Bastos informs us that the medium's real name is Coelina or Celina Eugenie Bequet, and says he found these variations: Celina Japhet; Celina Bequet; Celina Beqet; Celina Bequet Japhet; Ruth Celine Japhet. (3) In this article, we will use the latter name, as it is known in the Spiritist environment.

Some people believe that Chico Xavier is Kardec's reincarnation. Others do not believe this and try to prove that this statement is not supported by common sense. The first are of the opinion that this is said only to denigrate the person of Chico Xavier (“The 20th century citizen born in the State of Minas Gerais”), as if they are taking him down the pedestal on which he was placed. Now, our intention has always been to find the truth, whatever it may be, because the truth is the truth, period.

For the development of this article, we will bring forward new issues, and, by necessity, we will also use several things that we mentioned in Kardec & Chico: 2 missionaries, because, some of you, who accompany us in our work, will have the clear impression – when reading some passages - that “I have already read this, I do not know where?". There is no way to reinvent the wheel.

The psychism that emerged in him

This point is important, since it will consider the possibility that Chico Xavier may have had reincarnations in a female body, and this is why we are mentioning this issue in the beginning of this article. The different experiences in the two biological genders is, as stated by the mentors, something necessary for the evolution of the Spirit.

R. A. Ranieri (19201989), who considered Chico Xavier a Feminine soul, undeniably a delicate Spirit, purity without limits (4), in Chico Xavier - the Saint of Our Days, records the following dialogue with the medium:

- Well, Chico, I'm going to tell you something: the first time I heard and saw Clovis speaking in Belo Horizonte, I remember saying: - This man is the Spirit of a reincarnated priest! What's more, Chico, I don't think that the Spirit who has always reincarnated as a woman easily becomes reincarnated as a man. I believe that there will be a need for a gradual crossing or passage as well as the Spirit of a man being reincarnated as a woman. Don’t you agree?

- I think it's an adventure. I, for example, am the first reincarnation as a man. The Higher Spirituality, when I was to reincarnate, was concerned about this, thinking that I could fail... There is a line of reincarnation, I believe, from which it is very difficult to escape. The Spirit needs to prepare for this.

The teaching was left hanging in the air. Chico smiled and had a cup of coffee, after serving the others. Then he laughed.

- Uai, Ranieri! The Law is the Law, and no one can escape it! []. (5) (emphasis added)

Ranieri's quote is due to the fact that he had been Chico's friend for decades, he had known him for over fifty years. They were inseparable friends” (6), therefore, what he narrates deserves to be taken into account, unless it is proved that he was lying.

Another friend of Chico Xavier that we must mention is the medium and writer Jorge Rizzini (1924-2008). From an interview with Ana Carolina Couttinho, published in the magazine Universo Espirita, entitled In defense of doctrinal principles, we highlight this excerpt in which Chico Xavier speaks of being a female soul:

 []. Chico is a female soul. He told me about his past incarnations, always as a woman. And he was reincarnated as a man in order to develop this fantastic work and this loyalty to Jesus. But his soul is feminine, he always showed it. []. (7) (emphasis added)

Rizzini said I followed him for more than half a century, so his testimony is from someone who knew him deeply, which is why we cannot discard him. Note, dear reader, that the excerpt He told me about his past incarnations, always as a woman”, will be further confirmed by two other sources.

On November 14, 1962, Chico Xavier sent a letter to Joaquim Alves (1911-1985), named Jo. He calls it Letter from the heart to the heart and he considers its content as Extremely Confidential”. (Our emphasis).

Moreover, forgive me if I refer to the real work… it is just to let you know that I, who feel like as if I am your mother by heart, a spiritual mother who is the age of someone who saw you reborn, I have not changed… […] God knows, my son, how many difficulties she was forced to go through, since childhood, so that Nuel's work (8) would not stop or even die. [] As much as I worked, and I have really done nothing about myself, I would not be on my part, but fulfilling a duty... Remember that your mother by heart is also on the journey of the world, carrying imperfections, impediments, inhibitions… […]. Chico. (9) (emphasis added)

Certainly, when Chico Xavier said his mother by the heart, he referred to some past reincarnation in which he was Jo's biological mother, that is, they were members of the same family as mother and child.

In Chico, Dialogues and Memories ..., we have the information that after ending the psychographics of Ave, Cristo! Chico Xavier says this prayer:


You have entrusted me with the glory of receiving us ....


You opened my own (heart?) and entrusted me with the children of your love!

Don't leave me alone on the road to travel.

In the hours of joy, give me temperance.

In the days of suffering, be my saving force.

Help me to govern my heart so that my affection does not mutilate the wings of the tender angels you gave me, and sweeten my feeling so that my affective devotion does not become an embarrassing sensitivity.

Defend me against the selfishness that nestles in my soul so that my tenderness does not become a prison for those who have taken refuge in my arms.

Teach me to lovingly correct, without the fatigue of (unreadable) selflessness that you have deposited in my Spirit.

In difficult moments, make me lean towards the resignation with which I must light the path of those around me.

Lord, help me to give everything, receiving nothing. Show me the eternal horizons of your grace so that the desires of the flesh do not imprison me in the shadows!

Father, I am also your daughter!

Guide me on the dark paths so that I do not lose your generous hand under the fog of darkness, and know how to lead the promising sprouts of Your Glory to infinity.

Lord, do not forsake me!

When your wisdom requires the deposit of blessings that you have entrusted to me, on a sublime loan, give me the necessary detachment so that I can restore the living jewels of my heart to you with serenity and joy. And when life imposes detachment and loneliness on your behalf, reheat my soul to the warmth of your heavenly affection so that I will venerate your will forever. So be it. (10) (emphasis added)

From this prayer, two phrases stand out: Don't leave me alone on the road to travel. and "Father, I am also your daughter!" who undoubtedly corroborate the fact that Chico Xavier had a feminine psyche.

Three testimonials

The journalist Luciano dos Anjos (1933-2014), will be our first witness. In his article Chico Xavier was Ruth-Celine Japhet, published in the digital electronic magazine O Consolador, number 204, of April 10 (Part 1) and number 205 of April 17, 2011 (Part 2 and final), he lists 14 previous reincarnations of the medium, including in the middle, his antepenultimate, as Miss. Japhet, medium of the rising Codification. Take the following paragraphs:

Chico's reincarnation as being Ruth-Celine Japhet had been passed on to me since 4.8.1967, when Abelardo Idalgo Magalhaes was with the medium in Uberaba and, side by side, he was writing down Chico's previous lives personified in Emmanuel's novels.

Arnaldo Rocha is admittedly a serious, honest Spiritist, of unassailable probity.

I still have this painting with me today with Abelardo's signature. Ruth-Celine does not appear because she was not a character in any of the novels, but Abelardo also spoke of her, at my request, and received confirmation. I knew it since that decade, in a mere speculative exercise. That same confirmation Divaldo Pereira Franco heard directly from Chico, who had just arrived from Paris, where he had visited the Encoder’s tomb. Further. Many years before, it was the same Chico who had made the same revelation to one of his greatest friends and confidants, Arnaldo Rocha, Meimei's husband, that wonderful Spirit who dictated messages of high evangelical content.

I highlight as important that, of all those who walk around bragging about having heard Chico's statements, or drawing conclusions on their own that he was Allan Kardec, none of them lived the familiarity experienced by Arnaldo Rocha. And, even this year, when he was here again in my home, Arnaldo said again that Chico was Ruth-Celine Japhet. Also a little less than a month ago, in the Globo News in a program in honor of Chico's centenary, he returned to the subject and, answering the question that was asked, he said, even with a certain boredom, that this idea that Chico Xavier was Allan Kardec was nonsense.

Note that Arnaldo Rocha is recognized as a serious, honest Spiritist, with unassailable probity. Nobody, absolutely nobody, at the moment, has more authority than he to put an end to this fiction that common sense and the knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine should have long ago buried. (11) (emphasis added)

Arnaldo Rocha (1922-2012), in a deposition given to the confrere Guaraci Lima Silveira, published in the electronic digital magazine O Consolador, number 204, of April 10, 2011, answers several questions of which we highlight:


There is also information that Chico Xavier was the incarnation of Allan Kardec. However, you have said that he was the reincarnation of Miss. Japhet, a Kardec's contemporary medium. Can you comment on this controversy?

The fantasy field swoops sadly in the Spiritist milieu. From Hatshepsut, an Egyptian princess, around 3,256 BC, until 1890 when he disincarnated in Spain, in Barcelona,​​all of Chico Xavier's reincarnations were in female bodies, as he is a female Spirit. Only now, in this last existence, due to his responsibilities, did he reincarnate as a man.

Talking to Chico, I told him about a doubt that was constant in my mind. It is said that once a month, either at Mr. Roustan's or Mr. Japhet's, Kardec took the material that would be The Book of Spirits, and the Spirit Truth made corrections, advising its publication on April 18, 1857. At Mr. Roustan's house, Kardec talked about the medium (C), at Mr. Japhet's he gave the medium's full name, Ruth-Celine Japhet. Chico corrected the expression Japhet, saying that the pronunciation is Japet! The family was Jewish. I asked him who was Ruth Japet.

What did Chico tell you?

He replied smiling, "You are talking to her..."

Thus, Chico Xavier was a contemporary of Kardec and was Miss. Japhet?

He himself told me this.

Can you tell us what was the real relationship between Kardec and Miss. Japhet?

Miss. Japhet was a medium and she always collaborated with him, from the beginning, when they met at Mrs. Plainemaison's. Kardec consulted the Spirits through her. (12) (in bold from the original, the bold underline is ours)

Therefore, it confirms what we saw in Luciano dos Anjos before and also reinforces that it was his first incarnation as a man, something that we consider important.

In the work Chico, Dialogues and Memories..., Arnaldo Rocha lists 12 more reincarnations of Chico Xavier in a female body. There is some difference in characters between the list of Luciano dos Anjos and that of Arnaldo Rocha, however, both trace all the previous reincarnations of Chico Xavier as a woman, which certainly comes to justify his female psyche, as we have seen in research. To interested readers, we suggest our e-book Chico Xavier, truly a female soul. (13)

Around 1927, the Spirit Allan Kardec manifested itself to Chico Xavier. This information can be seen in the video of an interview by Arnaldo Rocha to the coordinator of the site EBH - Spiritism BH, held on April 24, 2009, which was entitled Minha vida com Meimei e Chico” (14) (“My life with Meimei and Chico”). The interviewer, Marcelo Orsini, at one point asks him: Mr. Arnaldo and the relationship between Chico and Kardec?” We summarize the answer in the following paragraphs.

Arnaldo says that, once, when Maria Xavier, Chico's sister, became obsessed, even though the family was a Roman Apostolic Catholic, they went to look for Perucio, who was a Spiritist, in Matozinhos / MG. The girl, in a very painful obsessive process, calmed down. Nevertheless, Perucio started to worry about Chico, who was around 15 to 17 years old at the time.

At that time, he said that Chico was given a copy of The Book of Spirits to read, even though he had only primary education. There were words in that book that he didn't understand. Then he started to see a man beside him, but he was ashamed to ask him who he was. This Gentleman also did not introduce himself. And the doubts he had were clarified by this Gentleman, with whom he built a very beautiful friendship.

Arnaldo informs that someone gave Chico a gift, a book, the name of which he does not remember, and it had the portrait of Mr. Kardec.  So, Chico was there studying The Book of Spirits, when this man (Spirit) appeared to him. Chico looked at him, got down on his knees, with all respect. This Spirit told Chico that in the same way he had collaborated with him (Kardec), once a month, at Mr. Roustan, when the Spirit of Truth made the corrections in The Book of Spirits, now he came to collaborate as well. It was then that Chico realized that this man was Allan Kardec. (15)

We know that this medium, which Kardec used to correct the mentioned work, was precisely Miss. Japhet.

Divaldo Pereira Franco, in the lecture Orientation to the US Spiritists, in the city of New Jersey (USA), on November 26, 2017, at a certain point, says:

The first thing Kardec did, after launching The Book of Spirits, on the night of April 18, 1857, in Rua dos Martires, was to gather the mediums on a rainy night, and celebrate the launching of the book with Aline Carlotti. The medium who revealed the mission to him, who was Hahnemann's instrument, and who was the instrument of the Spirit of Truth, Miss Japhet who will be reincarnated as Chico Xavier, the medium of The Book of Spirits; the Baudin girls and thirteen guests. And a mediumistic meeting was held and through Miss Japhet, the Spirit of Truth said: Nature in celebration sweeps the skies over Paris, destroying negative psychic constructions so that the great light spreads the light over all Humanity. (The source: Dr. Abreu, who was in Paris when Allan Kardec's files were going to be burned by the Germans. And he bought all of Allan Kardec's files and took them to Brazil. []. (16) (emphasis added).


This article will be completed in the next edition


[1]   Uma adaptação do livro Kardec: a Biografia, autoria do jornalista Marcel Souto Maior.

[2]   Julia Konrad é Ruth-Celine Japhet, disponível em: link-1

[3]   BASTOS, Srta. Japhet e Sr. Roustan, disponível em: link-2

[4]   RANIERI, Chico Xavier – o Santo de Nossos Dias, p. 56.

[5]   RANIERI, Recordações de Chico Xavier, p. 199.

[6]   COSTA E SILVA, Chico Xavier, o Mineiro do Século, p. 27.

[7]   COUTTINHO, Em defesa dos princípios doutrinários. in. Universo Espírita, nº 24, p. 9.

[8]   Forma carinhosa com a qual Chico Xavier tratava Emmanuel, seu mentor.

[9]   GALVES, Amor e Renúncia – Traços de Joaquim Alves, p. 85.

[10] COSTA, Chico, Diálogos e Recordações…, p. 367.

[11] ANJOS, Chico Xavier foi Ruth-Céline Japhet, disponível em link-3 (parte 1) e link-4

 (parte 2 e final)

[12] SILVEIRA, Entrevista Arnaldo Rocha, disponível em link-5

[13] NETO SOBRINHO, Chico Xavier, verdadeiramente uma alma feminina, disponível em: link-6

[14] ESPIRITISMO BH, Minha vida com Meimei e Chico, disponível em: link-7, a partir de 43'54'' a 52'02’’.

[15] NETO SOBRINHO, Kardec & Chico: 2 Missionários, p. 54-55.

[16] RAETV, Divaldo Franco, orientação aos espíritas dos EUA, disponível em: link-8

Atualmente não está mais disponível o vídeo, mas a informação de que Chico Xavier foi Srta.Japhet, pode ser confirmada no texto explicativo do vídeo “Mediunidade e investigação científica”. No link: link-9 , Fátima Paz Parente Soares, em 12 jan. 2018, conforma isso, dizendo: “Boa noite. Acabo de ouvir nesse vídeo link-10 Divaldo Franco – Orientação aos Espíritas dos USA - Parte 2, onde Divaldo Franco falando aos 1h:33;10 segundos, falando exatamente que, Ruth Japhet, a médium que reencarnaria como Chico Xavier. E aí?”

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita