Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Solidarity

The little Magali flower

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little flower that was called Magali. She was all delicate and yellowish and was very happy when someone inhaled her perfume.

Every morning, as soon as the sun rose, she woke up, stretched her petals and exhaled a delicious perfume. Everyone who passed by Magali and smelled her, it was happy and realized how nature is a wonderful gift from God.

Even hummingbirds and bees were enchanted by Magali's beauty and came to visit her to feed themselves from her pollen and covered her with kisses in thanks for the food.

One beautiful day, Magali, who was very kind, observed that near the tree where she lived there was a family of squirrels with beautiful hungry puppies that needed food to grow strong.

Magali overheard Mother Squirrel saying that it was difficult to find fruit to feed the young because there were few fruit trees planted in that region. Unfortunately, men uprooted trees to use wood and left many animals unprotected, homeless and without food.

Then Magali remembered that Jesus taught us to help those in need and had an idea: she gathered all the flowers that lived on that same tree and decided it was time to become delicious fruit. By the next morning, all the flowers had become green berries that grew and became very ripe to serve as food for those squirrels, who could grow up healthy.

To thank God for the food, the squirrels kept the seeds of the fruits they ate and planted them, so more trees of fragrant flowers and delicious fruit would grow, in order that no forest animal would feel hungry again.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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