
por Orson Peter Carrara

Spiritism constantly encourages us to widen our perspective on the world

The thought above is by Adriana Dias Pereira (photo), from the Brazilian city of Orlândia, in the state of São Paulo. She has a degree on Literature, is trained as a translator and interpreter and works as a tax accountant. She became a Spiritist in 1998 and is the current president of the Seara do Mestre (Our Master’s Harvest) Spiritist Centre in Orlândia. In this interview, she tells us how she found Spiritism and talks about her work as a volunteer in the Spiritist Movement.

How did you become a Spiritist?

I found Spiritism through a relative who was linked then to the Spiritist Centre where I now work as a volunteer.

How have these Teachings influenced your life?

The arrival of Spiritism has changed my life completely. Along these years, Spiritism has helped awaken my conscience towards the Divine truths, which has allowed me the peace of mind to deal with the challenges I’ve faced in my life. It has brought me consolation, hope, confidence, wisdom, love, balance, serenity, tolerance and understanding… Wow! So many positive things, truly! Spiritism has led me to embrace my responsibilities, as a human being, towards God, towards other people and myself.

How did you begin your involvement with the Seara do Mestre Spiritist Centre?

My first contact with the Seara do Mestre Spiritist Centre was as a “patient.” When I first went there I was in a deplorable state. I was suffering from deep depression, I was on sick leave form work and was taking antidepressant and antianxiety drugs, without any perspective of improvement. I received good guidance and help there and started to attend the open meeting to hear the lessons from the Gospel and receive healing. I then began doing the Gospel in the Home and, a few months later, I already felt a lot better. I then began helping as a volunteer and I’ve never stopped. I’m still there, working as a volunteer.

Which aspect of the Spiritist Teachings has a special meaning to you?

What really strikes me is how much enlightenment and consolation Spiritism can bring about. Spiritism constantly encourages us to widen our perspective of the world, our existential conscience. We begin looking at other people in a different way. We develop more understanding, mercy, humility, charity and solidarity towards our fellow human beings. And that leads to a gradual, positive transformation inside us. And we eventually feel more in peace and more balanced.

Would you like to share with us a particular memory from all these years in the Spiritist Movement?

From all these years in Spiritism, there are many experiences that I could highlight. I would like to mention two one them. Once I was giving counselling to people who were waiting to be treated for Spiritual attachment, or Spiritual obsession. And all of a sudden one of them asked me if the Spirit of a person who donated their organs after passing away would become an amoeba… In another occasion, a child arrived at the Spiritist Centre in trance, shouting, furious, completely subjugated by another Spirit. With the support of other workers, I was able to talk to the Spirit who was controlling the child and managed to deal with the crisis.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would simply say that I can no longer see my life without Spiritism. The arrival of these Teachings was a watershed in my life. I feel a lot stronger and more spiritually mature now. Spiritism helps me persevere when facing the challenges of life. I obviously feel tired sometimes and that threatens to interrupt my journey forward, but with the knowledge of the Gospel and Spiritism I have amassed, I’m now able to react and bounce back quickly.

If you had the opportunity, what would you like to say to all Spiritists?

If I was given that opportunity, I would tell them: Study the Spiritist Teachings! Make that a practice, a routine for the rest of your lives! And put in practice as much as you can, and with good will, everything that you learn! Cultivate a daily and close relationship with God and the Greater World. Pray a lot and love a lot!

What are your final thoughts?

In my view, Spiritism is the synonym of Christianity. It is Jesus Christ, pure and clear. It is the right pathway towards Spiritual, moral, emotional and intellectual progress. After all, Spiritism is not only a religion, but also philosophy and science. These Teachings are wonderful. They are accessible to everyone, regardless of their social class, level of education, nationality and even religious affiliation. It all depends on the personal determination of each one of us to find, understand, assimilate and put into practice these Teachings, which are so precise and comprehensive. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita