Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Joy, friendship

The joy of Ladybug

The big day finally came. The party day at Gecko's house.

Mrs. Ladybug was happy. She wanted to be very beautiful.

So, she put a ribbon on her head, a band around her waist, lots of bracelets on her arms and took a fan to fan herself.

On the way, she met Mrs. Ant. She couldn't go to the party because she just moved to a new house and wasn´t even able to get ready.

Well, this is not a problem, said Mrs. Ladybug.

She took the ribbon from her head and offered it to Mrs. Ant, who happily decided to go to the party.

Further on, they met Mrs. Spider. She had many expenses in the month and was unable to prepare herself for the party.

But Mrs. Ladybug soon found a way. She lent her bracelets, which looked beautiful in Mrs. Spider.

The three of them, beaming with happiness, were headed to the party.

A little ahead, they found Caterpillar. Dying of heat. She felt so hot that she wasn´t on the mood to go to the Gecko´s party.

Mrs. Ladybug offered her, her fan. And Caterpillar went there too, very cheerful, fanning herself with the fan, to the party.

Soon after, they ran into Worm. She confessed that she didn’t have a good outfit to wear and therefore wouldn’t go to the party.

There is a way, said Mrs. Ladybug. And she lent her band which Worm became elegant.

Finally, they arrived at the party. Mrs. Ladybug was so happy of joy of the others, that she didn’t even notice that she had given everything she had put on to make herself more beautiful.

And at the party, she let this joy to flow through her eyes, her smile, in everything she said. And that made her the most beautiful of the party.

Nobody had fun, nor danced more than she did.

It was then that Ladybug discovered that for us to look beautiful and have fun, we don't need to dress up.

It is enough to have a very happy heart, that its joy inside makes people beautiful from outside.

Text published in the “Mundo Espírita” newspaper, June 2007.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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