
por Orson Peter Carrara

We always follow the example of Jesus, our guide and model

Ranieri Lima Dias (photo) sums up with this sentence the work carried out by the Fraternidade Sem Fronteiras (FSF) – or Fraternity Without Borders – humanitarian organisation. Ranieri was born in the Brazilian city of São José do Rio Preto and lives in Campinas, both cities in the state of São Paulo. He is a civil engineer and a businessman working on construction projects. He became a Spiritist in the early 1990s and is a volunteer of the FSF team. He also works at two Spiritist Centres in Campinas: Bezerra de Menezes and Nosso Lar.

When and how was Fraternity Without Borders created?

It was founded by Wagner Moura Gomes on November 15th, 2009. It came straight from his heart. He’s the current president of FSF. On that date, the humanitarian organisation opened its first shelter in Mozambique, Africa, based on the experience gathered after many years working with homeless people in the Brazilian city of Campo Grande. Wagner felt the need to expand the work, which began with orphans and vulnerable children in Mozambique. Children of all ages now benefit from the programme.  

In which countries is Fraternity Without Borders present now?

It operates in six countries, four of them in Africa: Mozambique, Senegal, Madagascar and Malawi. It is also in Haiti and Brazil. The first priority is to provide basic daily nourishment and access to clean water for all the people in the project. The next step is to work on empowering those involved and restoring their human dignity, through counselling, education and professional training.

What is the main aim of the project?

The main goal is to tackle selfishness, by encouraging the practice of universal fraternity.

What is, in your opinion, the main problem faced by those groups?

In my opinion, the main problem they have faced is a general lack of universal fraternity. We, the human population of the planet, are all part of that problem. Those groups in need have given us the opportunity to return to our essence. I imagine that in the near future that will become very clear and very easy to understand.

What are the projects supported by FSF in Brazil at the moment?

We have six projects: support for the victims of the Zika virus and research at the IPESQ instate in Campina Grande, Paraíba; support for children who suffer from a rare disease, Epidermolysis Bullosa, in the Northeast of the country; help for Venezuelan refugees in Boa Vista, Roraima; homeless project in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul; support for an NGO dealing with drug addicts; and support for an NGO helping people in extreme poverty in remote areas of Bahia and Pernambuco states.

What are the main lessons learned from those projects, which involve now so many people?

One of the most gratifying experiences has been to observe children overcoming their previous state of malnutrition to finally see, before them, a range of possibilities in life. Some of the young people are now at university, which shows that it is possible indeed to change the lives of people and countries even with very limited resources.

How do you campaign for new volunteers? What is your strategy?

We are always following the exmple of Jesus, our guide and model. We are honest and try to lead by example, explaining the purpose of the work and showing the sacrifices we are willing to do. We end up reaching people one by one. It has been hard work, but reinvigorating and nourishing work too.

How can those who wish contact the organisation to contribute or make donations?

Our website provides the opportunity for everyone to donate or participate in many ways, even by simply spreading the word. Our address is Fraternity

What is your strongest feeling from all your memories in the organisation?

Without a doubt, it is the realisation that so many people have changed the way they live their lives, focusing now on helping other people before anything else. Our Spiritist Movement needs, urgently, to offer volunteers the ways of doing more, to join charitable actions, actions of LOVE. That is, according to Spiritism, our main priority: Love each other and educate yourselves!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity of sharing my life in the last few years with so many good people, who are eager to help improve the general wellbeing of the world. The Brazilian people knows what is the right direction that we need to take. But we need true leaders who can lead the way and help everyone find themselves. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita